Dialkyldithiocarbamate Complexes of Molybdenum(V) - American

solution of Mo02[(n-C4H9)2NCS2] 2 or an aqueous solution of sodium molybdate and sodium di-n-butyldithiocarbamatc. The Mo(V) complexes of dimethyl- an...
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Inorganic Chemistry amino-2-methylpropane (11.9) > 2,2'-dipyridyl (2.4) > o-phen (1.0) > 4,7-diphenyl-o-phen (0.5). This is also the expected order of increasing electrostatic and steric hindrance to a nucleophilic attack. The basicity of the attacking ligand also plays an important role in the magnitude of k p as can be assessed from the data in Table VI. The exact effect of the ligand basicity on kz however is difficult to ascertain becase all too often steric hindrance caused by the geometry of the ligand greatly complicates the interpretation. I n general, 82 decreases with L in the order: P(nC ~ H Q>) P~O ~ C B H>Q P(OCHz)3CCHa > P(OC&)3 > P(CsH5)3 > P(OCsHs)3. This is the same trend in second-order rate constants as was found by Basolo, et a1.,13s14 in the reaction of some R h and Co carbonyl cor-plexes Tr-ith a number of different nucleophilic reagents. The size of the central metal atom is of considerable (13) H. G. Schuster-Woldan and F. Basolo, J . Am. Cizem. SOC.,88, 1667 (1966). (14) E. 14.Thorsteinson and F. Basolo, ibid., 88, 8929 (1966).

importance in determining the value of kz. For the group VI metals, the smallest atom, Cr, shows no kz term in its rate law for complexes of the type Cr(C0)4(N-N). Although Cr(C0)s does follow a tn-0-term rate law, dependence on [L] is very small. The relative importance of k2 over kl for the group VI hexacarbonyls increases in going from Cr to M o t o W . I o This is readily apparent if the ratios of k2/kl for their reaction v i t h P(n-C4H9)3at 112' arc compared. Values of k2/kl for the Cr(CO)6,Mo(CO)fi, and \V(C0)6 reactions are 0.7, 9.6, and 34.8, respectively. h similar trend in k2/kl is obtained for the Cr-, A b , and W(CO)4(o-phen) reactions with P(OCH2)3CCH3 a t 47.9'. For these reactions values of k*/k1 are: Cr, 0.0;MO, 1.0; and w,9.5. Acknowledgment.-Acknowledgment is made to the donors of the Petroleum Research Fund, administered by the American Chemical Society, for support of this research. We are also grateful to Professor H. Diehl for gifts of the substituted o-phenanthrolines.





A N N XRBOR. h k C H I G A K

Dialkyldithiocarbamate Complexes of Molybdenum(V) and Molybdenum(V1) BY FRED W. MOORE



Received Norenaber 18, 1966 Improved methods were developed for preparing dialkyldithiocarbamate complexes of Mo(V1) of the type M O O ~ [ R ~ ~ \ ' C S ~ ] ~ (where R = methyl, ethyl, n-propyl, n-butyl) and of Mo(V) of the type [(R2NCS2)2Mo=Oj2O (wbere R = methyl, ethyl). A new compound whose analysis approximated ( G H S ) ~ N C S ~ M Owas O S isolated by hydrogen sulfide treatment of a benzene solution of Mo02[(n-C4H9)2NCS2]2 or an aqueous solution of sodium molybdate and sodium di-n-butyldithiocarbamatc. The Mo(V) complexes of dimethyl- and diethyldithiocarbamate and ethylxanthate were isolated in good yield by treating an aqueous solution of an alkali metal salt of the ligand with ammonium oxopentachloromolybdate(T:). Infrared bands assignable to >Io-S absorption were found in the 460-515-cm-' region, and the dimeric Mo(V) complexes showed a band at about 435 cm-I due t o a Mo-0-Mo stretching mode. It was concluded that the Mo(V1) complexes contain a cis O=Mo=O group since their infrared spectra contain two Mo=O bands a t about 900 cm-I. The Mo(T') dithiocarbamates contain a ligand field band at about 19,500 cm-I

Introduction The dithiocarbamate group, R2NCS2- (R = H or alkyl), is a common univalent, bidentate ligand, and the preparation of some dialkyldithiocarbamate complexes of Mo(V) and Mo(V1) was briefly described by Malatesta.' The molybdenum(V1) dioxobis(dialky1dithiocarbamato) complexes, Mo02(RZNCS& (where R = methyl, ethyl, and n-butyl), were prepared by dilute HC1 acidification of solutions containing molybdate ions and the appropriate sodium dialkyldithiocarbamate. The diamagnetic hlo(V) complex, which we formulate as p-oxo-dioxotetrakis(diethy1dithiocarbamato)molybdenum(V), { [(CzH6)2NCS~]211110=01 2 0 , was prepared by the sulfur dioxide or sodium dithionite reduction of a solution containing molybdate and di(1) L. Malatesta, Gnaz. C h i m . Ital., 69, 732 (1939).

ethyldithiocarbamate ions. The related diamagnetic Mo(V) alkylxanthate complexes, [(ROCS~)&IO=O]ZO (R = alkyl), have also been prepared,?b3 and recent determination of the molecular structure of the ethyl derivative4 confirmed the dinuclear formulation with a bridging Mo-0-Mo group. The only other dithiocarbamate complex of molybdenum that appears to have been isolated is rr-cyclopentadienyldicarbonyl(dimethyldithiocarbamato)molybdenum( 11), n-CaHaMo(CO)2S2CN(CH3)2, prepared by the reaction of tetramethylthiuram disulfide and vqdopentadienylmolybdenum tricarbonyl dimer.j ( 2 ) R. Montequi and R4. Gallego, Aizales Real SOC.E s p a n . F i s . @uiiiz. (Madrid), 31, 434 (1933). (3) L. Malatesta, Gam. Chim. Ital., 69, 408 (1939). (4) A. B.Blake, F. A. Cotton, and J. S. W o o d , J . A m . C h e m . SOL.,86, 3024 (1964). (ti) F. A. Cotton and J. A. McCleverty, I V O Y Chcin., ~. 3, I398 (100,2).

Vol. 6 , No. 5, Mny 1.967 This paper describes improved methods for the preparation of dialkyldithiocarbainate complexes of Mo(V) and Mo(V1) and for the isolation of some new complexes. The infrared and visible spectra of these compounds were examined to elucidate further the structure of the molybdenyl groups and to determine the nature of the molybdenum to sulfur bonding.

Experimental Section The sodium dithionite was 907c practical grade and the t-butyl hydroperoxide was a 70yc solution (12.4% active oxygen) from the Lucidol Division of Wallace and Tiernan, Inc. Ammonium oxopentachloromolybdate(V), (NH4)zMoOCla, was prepared from MoC16 and isolated by drying over NaOH in V U C U O . ~ Sodium di-n-propyldithiocarbamate and sodium di-n-butyldithiocarbamate were prepared from the amines' and isolated as hygroscopic solids for determination of their infrared spectra. The remaining materials were reagent grade chemicals used without further purification. All melting points were obtained in sealed capillaries and were corrected. The elemental analyses of all organic molybdenum complexes and the molecular weight determinations were performed by Huffman Laboratories, Inc., Whestridge, Colo. The molybdenum contents of ammonium tetrathiomolybdate, ammonium dithiomolybdate, and Mo(V) xanthates were determined by ignition to Moo3 a t 525'. The infrared spectra (4000400 cm-1) were determined using a Perkin-Elmer Corp. Model 21 instrument, and the visible-ultraviolet spectra were obtained using Beckman Instruments, Inc., Model DU and Model DB spectrophotometers. (NH4)2MoS4.-As described by Kruss,8 treatment of a solution of ammonium paramolybdate in 11.5 N h"40H with HzS resulted in the formation of the product in 90% yield. Anal. Calcd for (NH&MoS4: Mo, 36.9. Found: Mo, 37.2. (NH4)2MoO&.-A procedure given by Kruss* was also used to treat a solution of ammonium paramolybdate (10.0 g) in 60 ml The product was isolated in of 3.3 N NHdOH with HzSa t 4-5'. 54% yield. Anal. Calcd for (NH~)zMoOZSZ:Mo, 42.1. Found: 41.7. Molybdenum(VX) Dithiocarbamates.-The dimethyl and diethyl derivatives were prepared by the method of Malatesta,' and the di-n-propyl and di-n-butyl complexes were prepared by improved methods. M o o z[(CHB)ZNCSZ] 2.-A solution of NazMo04.2HzO (24.2 g, 0.10 mole) and (CHa)zNCSzNa.2H20 (35.8 g, 0.20 mole) in 300 ml of water on slow acidification with 1.2 A' hydrochloric acid formed a copious precipitate that was filtered off, washed, and vacuum dried to yield 36.4 g (99% yield) of yellow powder. Anal. Calcd for MOOZ[(CH~)~NCSZ]Z: C, 19.56; H, 3.28; N, 7.60; S,34.82; Mo, 26.04. Found: C, 18.78; H, 3.28; N, 6.56; S, 36.67; Mo, 26.24. This material decomposed without melting over a broad range above 300". It has very limited solubility in CHCla (0.78 g/l. a t 60'), CHzClz, C&, and acetone; it is insoluble in CCL, methanol, and aliphatic hydrocarbons. MoOZ[(CZH~)ZNCSZ]Z.-T~~ slow addition of 315 ml of 0.6 N hydrochloric acid to a solution of hTa2Mo04.2H20(14.5 g, 0.060 mole) and (CzH5)zNCS2Na.3H20(16.0 g, 0.071 mole) in 300 ml of water resulted in the formation of the crude product (14.6 g, 97% yield) as an orange-brown precipitate. Double recrystallization from benzene-petroleum ether (bp 30-60') yielded yellow crystals, mp 133.0-133.5°, that were slightly soluble in CHCla, CHzClz, acetone, and warm benzene (2.9% a t 60') and insoluble in CCL and aliphatic hydrocarbons. Anal. Calcd for M O O ~ [ ( C Z H S ) ~ N CC, S ~28.30; I ~ : H, 4.75; N, 6.60; S, 30.22; Mo,22.63. Found: C,28.90; H,4.86; N, 5.37; S,31.02; Mo, 22.85. (6) E. A. Allen, B. J. Brisdon, D. A. Edwards, G. W. A. Fowles, and R. G . Williams, J . Chem. SOL, 4649 (1963). (7) H. L. Klopping and G. J. van der Kerk, Rec. Trao. Chim., 70, 936 (1951). (8) G. Kruss, Ann. Chem., 226, 29 (1884).

DIALKYLDITHIOCARBAMATE COMPLEXES999 MOOS[ ( ~ - C B H ~ ) ~ N C S ~ Jsolution ~ . - - A of (n-CaH7)2NC&Na was prepared by adding carbon disulfide (4 ml, 0.07 mole) to a stirred suspension of di-n-propylamine (6.07 g, 0.060 mole) and NaOH (2.40 g, 0.060 mole) in 250 nil of water and stirring for 1.5 hr. Sodium molybdate dihydrate (10.0 g, 0.041 mole) was dissolved in the filtered solution, and, on slow acidification with 210 ml of 0.43 N nitric acid a t 5', a brown tar separated. The product, 9.8 g (69% yield), was isolated as orange crystals, mp 108-log", by precipitation from benzene solution with petroleum ether. The complex was further purified by crystallization from tolueneligroin (bp 86-75') to give crystals, mp 110.0-110.5° dec. Anal. Calcd for M O O Z [ ( C ~ H , ) ~ " S ~C, ] ~34.99; : H, 5.87; N, 5.83; S, 26.69; Mo, 19.99; mol wt, 481. Found: C, 35.16; H, 5.89; K, 6.88; S, 28.62; Mo, 20.34; mol wt in C&, 491 (cryoscopic), 467 (ebullioscopic). This material was soluble in most common organic solvents, but insoluble in aliphatic hydrocarbons. MOO?[ (n-C4H8)2NCS21~.-The cursorily described procedure of Mala.testa' resulted in the formation of purple tar, believed to be the crude Mo(V) complex. A solution of sodium di-n-butyldithiocarbamate was prepared by adding carbon disulfide (27 ml, 0.45 mole) to a suspension of NaOH (17.0 g, 0.43 mole) and di-n-butylamine (51.7 g, 0.40 mole) in 1700 ml of water and stirring for 1.5 hr. A solution of Na2Mo0482H20 (70.0 g, 0.29 mole) in 1 1. of water was added to the filtered dithiocarbamate solution, and, on slow acidification a t 3-5" with 860 ml of 1.0 N nitric acid, a purple tar separated. This tar was washed by decantation and dissolved in 400 ml of toluene. The purple toluene solution was oxidized to dark orange by adding 6 ml of 70% t-butyl hydroperoxide (0.065 g-atom of oxygen) and stirring for 15 min. The product was isolated as yellow-orange crystals, 77.0 g (72% yield), mp 89.0-70.5' dec, by addition of 1200 ml of petroleum ether to the dried (Drierite) solution and cooling to 5". Recrystallization from toluene-petroleum ether yielded crystals, mp 70.0-71.5' dec. Anal. Calcd for MOO~[(CIHR)ZNCSzlz: C, 40.27; H , 6.76; N, 5.22; S, 23.90; Mo, 17.88. Found: C, 40.36; H, 6.90; N, 5.18; S, 23.66; Mo, 17.81. This compound is readily soluble in aromatic and chlorinated solvents and insoluble in petroleum ether. An attempt was made to prepare molybdenum(V1) dialkyldithiocarbamates, with isopropyl, amyl, and 2-ethylhexyl as the alkyl groups, by using the method for preparing the di-n-butyl derivative. This method resulted in the formation of orangebrown tars that could not he purified and that did not have the correct stoichiometry on analysis. Reaction of MOO,[ (n-CdHg)zNCSz]2 with H2S.-In an attempt to replace the molybdenyl oxygens of the Mo(VI) complexes with sulfur by treatment with HzS, the diethyl and di-n-propyl derivatives yielded only indefinite brown tars, but the di-nbutyl derivative yielded a crystalline solid. Hydrogen sulfide was bubbled for 1 hr into a stirred solution of MoO~[(n-C4H9)2NCS~IZ (10.00 g) in 100 ml of benzene, and a solid settled after the solution had stood a t 5" for 2 hr. Fine, bright orange crystals, 3.30 g (57.7% yield), were isolated by filtration, washing with benzene, and vacuum drying. Crystallization from benzene-petroleum ether yielded crystals, mp 248-250' dec. Anal. Calcd for [ ( C ~ H ~ ) Z N C S Z ~ M OC,O31.08; S: H , 5.21; N, 4.01; S, 27.61; Mo, 27.54; 0, 4.59; mol wt, 348.4. Found: C, 31.19; :H, 5.32; N, 3.80; S, 29.60; Mo, 27.53; 0, 4.27 (Kapron and Brandt); mol wt, ebullioscopic in 783 (7.05 mg/ml) and 797 (12.35 mg/ml). Determination of the electron spin resonance spectrum of a benzene solution indicated that the material is diamagnetic.O This compound was also isolated as orange crystals, mp 238-240' dec, in 7.1y0 yield by introducing H2S into an aqueous solution of (C4H9)2NCS2Na(0.036 mole) and Na2M004.2H20 (0.037 mole). This complex is soluble in warm aromatic hydrorarbons, slightly soluble in CH2C12 and CHC13, and insoluble in CCl,, ethanol, and aliphatic hydrocarbons. MoIybdenum(V) Dialkyldithiocarbamates. { [(CHI)~NCSZ]Z(9) We are indebted to Professor J. T. Spence of Utah State University for determining the esr spectrum.


Inorganic Chemistry

Mo=O)2O.-The pure complex could not be isolated using the [(C~H~OCS2)2Mo=O: 20.-Sulfur dioxide was passed for 1.5 SO2 or sodium dithioxiite reduction methods.' The compound hr at 5' into a solution of C2HjOCS2K (9.60 g, 0.060 mole) aud was prepared by adding a freshly prepared solution of (XH&Na&IoO4.2H20 (6.10 g, 0.025 mole) in 30 g of water and 30 g of MoOClj (15.0 g, 0.046 mole) in 100 ml of water to a stirrcd ice. After the solution stood overnight a t 0-5", dark green solution of (CH3)zSCS?Na,ZH20 (16.5 g, 0.092 mole) in 100 ml of needlelike crystals, 7.65 g (8555 yield), were obtained on filtration water. X violet precipitate formed immediately. After the and vacuum drying. Double recrystallization from benzenesolution was stirred for 1 hr, the product was filtered, washed petroleum et.her yielded crystals, rnp 108-109' dec (lit.3 118.5'). with water, and vacum dried to yield 13.3 g (79yGyield) of purple After 4 months of storage, the complex decomposed to an orange, solid. 4naZ. Calcd for M O Z O ~ [ ( C H ~ ) ~ K C C,S 20.00; ~ ] ~ : H, amorphous, organic-insoluble powder. 3.38; S,7.77; S, 35.59; M o , 26.62. Found: C, 18.88; H , This complex was also prepared by adding a fresh solution of 3.30; r\;,6.77; S, 33.EO; Mo,28.72. (XH4)2MoOCle (8.98 g, 0.0276 mole) in 50 ml of water to a solution of C2H50CS2K (10.00 g, 0.062 mole) in 50 ml of water at The preparation was repeated by adding a solution of (CH3)2SCS.Sa.2HsO (9.50 g, 0.053 mole) in 50 ml of water to a fresh 0-5". The product formed immediately, and, after the solusolution of (NHa),MoCls (8.00 g, 0.025 mole) in 100 ml of water; tion was stirred for 30 min, 9.18 g (92% yield) of dark green solid on filtration 7.61 g (86.2% yield) of purple solid was obtained. was isolated by filtration, washing with water, and vacuum dryFound: Anal. Calcd for M O L O ~ [ ( C H S ) ~ S C SMo, ~ ] ~ 26.62. : ing. Dark green crystals, mp 114-115' dec (lit.3 118.5"), mere Mo, 28.12. This material is not as pure as desired and appears formed on crystallization from benzene-petroleum ether. Anal. to contain an inorganic molybdenum impurity; however, since Calcd for MOZOS(C~H;,OCS~)~: Mo, 26.48. Found: M o , 26.00. This product also decomposed on storage. Attempts were unit could not be purified, it was cousidered pure enough for detersuccessful to oxidize the Mo(V) xanthates to hlo(Y1) complexes mination of its infrared and visible spectra. The compound dewith 10yo H202 or t-butyl hydroperoxide. composed without melting above 200" and was insoluble in most common organic solvents. Discussion { [ ( C ~ H ~ ) ~ N C S ~ ] ~ 1M2 0O.-The =O SO, reduction method' was nonreproducible and yielded amorphous, purple solids that The preparation of the Mo(V1) complexes, MoOawere impure. (R2?JCS2)2,by the acidification technique is similar Addition of a fresh solution of sodium dithionite (4.0 g, 0.023 to the method of Jones'O for the preparation of molybmole) in 50 nil of water to a stirred solution of (C2H;,)2NCS2Na. deny1 bisacetylacetonate, Mo02(CjH702)2. Since ex3H20 (20.0 g, 0.089 mole) arid SazMo04.2H20 (9.70 g, 0.040 tensive studies1',l2 of the species formed on acidificamole) in 200 ml of water resulted in the formation of a violet precipitate. On filtration, washing, and vacuum drying, the tion of molybdate ion indicate that the concentration of purple complex was isolated in 16% yield (2.71 g ) . It decomcationic species is very low at p H greater than 1, the posed without melting at 188-190". A n d . Calcd for hfo203formation of M 0 0 2 ~ + complexes must result from shift[(C2H&)&CS2]4: C, 28.84; H , 4.84; S , 6.73; S, 30.79; Mo, ing of the equilibrium by removal of the MOO^^+ cation 23.03. Found: C, 29.50; H, 4.82; N, 5.11; S, 30.98; Mo, as an insoluble complex. Dilute hydrochloric acid 22.35. This material was initially soluble in C ~ H and S CHC13, but after standing 1 week it was insoluble in CsHs and only paracidification gave good results with the dimethyl and tially soluble in CHC13. These observations confirm those of diethyl derivatives, but poor results were obtained with Malatesta,' who reported that the initially soluble complex bedithiocarbamates containing higher alkyl groups. The comes insoluble on standing because of an intermolecular polymdi-n-propyl derivative 17-as prepared by using dilute erization. nitric acid, and the di-n-butyl derivative was prepared The complex was also prepared by adding a freshly prepared solution of (KH4)~MoGClj(1.00 g, 0.0031 mole) in 25 ml of water by oxidizing the intermediate product with t-butyl H ? Og, 0.0062 mole) in to a solution of ( C Z H ~ ) ~ S C S & ~ . ~(1.35 hydroperoxide. The tendency to form a purple tar, 25 ml of water, which caused formation of a purple precipitate, believed to be the crude Mo(V) complex, increased with On filtration and vacuum drying, 1.04 g (817c yield) of purple the size of the alkyl group, and pure Mo(V1) complexes solid was isolated. Anal. Calcd for Mon03[ ( C ~ H S ) ~ X C 4: S ~ ] with alkyl groups larger than n-butyl could not be isoC, 28.84; H , 4.84; N, 6.73; S,30.79; Mo, 23.03. Found: C, 28.86; H, 4.98; K, 6.59; S, 30.73; Mo, 23.29. This product lated. This instability is probably related to the dedecomposed without melting above 160". It was initially soluble creased electron-releasing ability of the higher alkyl in CHC13 and only slightly soluble in C6H6. The differences begroups that is necessary for formation of the stable tween the solubility and thermal properties of this product and + the dithionite-derived material are probably due t o differences [S2C=XR2]- group. l 3 The higher dialkyldithiocarin crystallinity and degree of polymerization. Treatment of a bamates, like the monoalkyldithiocarbamatesl and CHCI3 solution of the complex with 10% HzOz resulted in isoia2 ~ 3 are probably incapable of forming tion of the yellow Mo(V1) complex, M O O ~ [ ( C ? H ~ ) ~ N C S alkylxanthates, ~]~, stable Xo(V1) complexes because of oxidation of the which was identified by its infrared spectrum and mixture melting point with the pure complex. ligand by M o (VI). Attempts to prepare Mo(V) complexes with di-n-propyl- and The preparation of M o (17) dialkyldithiocarbamates, di-n-butyldithiocarbamates resulted in the formation of impure [ (R2SCS2)2Mo=0]20,using sulfur dioxide was nonpurple tars. reproducible, and the use of sodium dithionite gave a low Molybdenum(V) Alkylxanthates. [ iCHaOCS2)zMo=O]*O.--I yield of the diethyl compound. Similar to the use solution of KS~COCHS was prepared by adding CS2 (16.0 ml, 0.26 mole) to a solution of KOH (13.1 g, 0.20 mole of 85.6YG of (NH4)2;\/IoOClj to prepare the dimeric Mo(V) KOH) in methanol 150 ml, 1.23 mole). X slow stream of SOz acetylacetonate, l 4 [ (CsH;02)2520=0]20, the Mo(V) was introduced for 1.5 hr at 0-5" into the combined solution of complexes of (CHa)2NCS2-, (C2H&NCS2-, and C2Hj0the KSpCOCH3 and NazMoOj.2H20 (24.2 g, 0.100 mole) in 300 ml of water. After standing overnight a t 0-5", the crude prod(10) >I. M , Jones, J . A m . Chein. SOL.,81,3188 (1959). uct (16.3 g, 48.2yG yield) was isolated by filtration and vacuum (11) 0. Glemser, UT.Holznagel, and S. dli, 2.S e l z ~ ~ ~ ~ o i s2Ob, c h . ,192 (1965). (12) C. Heitner-Wirguin and R. Cohen, J . Inova. N z d . Ckern., 27, 1H8!) drying. Dark green crystals were obtained on crystallization (1965). from benzene-petroleum ether. Anal. Calcd for Mo203(13) J. Chatt, L. A . Duncanson, and L. M. Venanzi, Szmmriz Kumislilrkii, ( S ~ C O C H S ) ~Mo, : 28.70. Found: Mo, 28.07. This solid deB29, 75 (1958). composed without melting at 112-11'7' (lit.3 100-120" dec). (14) M . L.Larson a n d F, W. Moore, I n o i g . Cham., 2, 881 (1963).

DIALKYLDITHIOCARBAMATE COMPLEXES1001 CS2- could be prepared in high yield using (NH& MoOClS as the source of Mo(V). A diamagnetic, crystalline solid was isolated from the reaction of H2S with M o O ~ [ ( ~ - C ~ H & N C orSan ~]~ aqueous solution of Na2MoOe and (n-C4H&NCSzNa. The analysis of this compound approximated [(nC4H&NCSz]MoOS and i t appears to be dimeric in benzene solution. This material probably has a structure similar to that proposed15 for [n-C5H&loOS]2 with a double sulfur bridge joining the molybdenum atoms. Infrared Spectra.-The infrared spectra of metal dialkyldithiocarbamates contain a strong band in the 1480-1550-~m-~region assigned13 to the partial C=N -


bond of the canonical form [S2C=NR2]-, which makes an important contribution to the over-all structure. 16,l7 By using the data of Jensen18 and Nakamoto and coworkers,'$ i t is possible to make assignments for the C-S stretching modes. Table I summarizes the C=N and C-S stretching modes of the dithiocarbamate complexes. TABLE I

TABLE I1 INFRARED SPECTRA OF Mo(V) XANTHATES Compound C-0-C bend, cm-1 MozOa(CHs0CSda 1242 s , 461 s 1250 vs, br, 459 s Cr(CH30CSz)P M O ~ O Z ( C * H ~ O C S 1227 Z ) ~ ~s, 444 m 1250 vs, 1275 vs, 440 m Cr(CzHaOCSz)sn a

See ref 22.




Stretching frequency, cm -1 C=N C-s

Na Mo(V1) Mo(V) Mo(II)* Na Mo(V1) Mo(V) IVa Mo(V1) Na Mo(V1)

1485 960,560-568 1550 984,575 1546 985 1527 ... 1481 985,568 Ethyl 1522 1005,606 1511 1000,606 %-Propyl 1464 966 1522 971,600 1466 975,952 n-Butyl 1515 955,610 (CaHg)zNCSzMoOS 1538 967,613 a Nujol mulls. T-C~H~MO(CO)ZSZCN(CHI)Z.~

The C=N stretching frequencies of the Mo(V1) complexes decrease as the length of the alkyl group increases, like those of the Cu(I1) complexes since the frequency of this absorption is a rough measure of the stability of complexes of the same stereochemistry. l3 Although the C-S stretching absorptions usually occur a t lower frequency in the more stable complexes, the position of these bands cannot be used as a measure of stability because the position of the absorptions is influenced by other factors. l9 The C-0-C bending and C-S stretching modes of the xanthate complexes are summarized in Table 11. In contrast to the dithiocarbamates, the corresponding xanthate complexes from infrared spectra120-2zand X(15) P. M. Treichel and G. R. Wilkes, Inovg. Chem., 6, 1182 (1966). (16) M. Bonamico, G. Dessy, A. Mugnoli, A. Vaciago, and L. Zambonelli, Acta Cryst., 19, 886 (1965). (17) M. Bonamico, G. Mazzone, A. Vaciago, and L. Zambonelli, ibid., 19, 898 (1965), and references therein. (18) K. A. Jensen, Acta Chem. Scand., 17, 550 (1963). (19) K. Nakamoto, J. Fujita, R. A. Condrate, and Y.Morimoto, J . Chem. Phys., 39,423 (1963). (20) L. Little, G. Poling, and J. Leja, Can. J . Chem., 39, 745 (1961). (21) M. L. Shankaranarayana and C. C. Patel, Sgectvochim. Acta, 21, 95 (1965).

Agrees with ref 24.

ray structural evidence23appear to contain the canoni+ tal group RO(C=S)S- rather than the [RO=CS2]-. Although there has been some disagreement20-22concerning the assignment of the C-0-C and C-S frequencies of xanthates, the studies of Jensenl8 with selenium analogs indicate that C-S frequencies should be expected in the 1020-1070-~m-~region. The peak a t 1046 cm-' of molybdenum(V) ethylxanthate has previously been assigned to Mo=O absorption, 24 but we prefer to assign i t to C-S absorption for reasons to be discussed later. Assignments for probable Mo-S stretching absorp tions were made by comparing spectra of compounds such as (NH&MoS4 (Table 111). During the course of this investigation, infrared spectra of tetrathiomolyb-


C-S stretch, cm-1 1056 s, 1036 s , 562 w, br 1045 s, sh, 1038 s, 563 vw 1046 s, 1031 s, 560 w 1032 s, 663 vw


Frequency, cm-7


467 w ("4)2MoSP 480 s, 460 m 490-493 S , 476-481 w ( NH4)zMoOzSzb MoOz [(CzHs)zNCSzlz 490-495 w MozOi [(CzH6)zNCSzl4 490-495 w MoOz[(n-CsHr)zNCSzln 513-515 m MoOz [(Yz-C&IO)ZNCSZIZ 483 m MOOS[( n-C4Hs)*KCS2] 472-474 m [T - C ~ H ~ M O O S ] ~ ~ 455 m, sh, 451 m MozOa(CeH50CSz)4 476-481 w a See also ref 25 and 26. See also ref 27. We are grateful to Dr. P. M. Treichel, University of Wisconsin, for a sample of this compound.

dates25,26 and dithiornolybdate~~~ were reported that are in agreement with our results. An assignment cannot be made for Mo-S absorption in the dimethyldithiocarbamate complexes of Mo(V) and Mo(V1) because they show only a medium band a t 444 crn-', which also appears in the sodium and zinc salts. In addition, a definite Mo-S assignment cannot be made for the methylxanthate complex because of strong C-0-C absorption a t 461 cm-'. Like the C-S frequencies, the frequency of the metal-to-sulfur bands is not a true measure of the stability of the complex because other factors influence its position. l9 Assignments for Mo-0 absorptions were made by comparison with spectra of complexes of other metals (Table IV). The strong C-S absorptions may some(22) G. W. Watt and B. J. McCormick, ibid.,21, 753 (1965). (23) H. M. Rietveld and E. N. Malsen, Acta Cvyst., 18, 429 (1965), and references therein. (24) F. A. Cotton and R. M. Wing, Inovg. Chem., 4, 867 (1965). (25) G. Gattow, A. Franke, and A. Muller, NQtUYWiSSenSChQften, 62, 428 (1965). (26) G. M. Clark and W. P. Doyle, J . Inovg. Nucl. Chem., 28, 381 (1966). (27) A. Muller and B. Krebs, 2. Anoug. Allgem. Chem., 844, 66 (1966).


877 w, sh, 833 s, 794 s, br 935 w, sh 909 s, 875 s 905 s, 877 s, 78.1 w 909 s , 875 s 909 S , 8;; s 930 m, 433 m 930 s , 877 m , 810 w , 431 s 952 s, 945 s , sh, 766 w, 432 s, 420 w 948 s, 766 w , 431 s Xujol mulls. * In agreement with ref 24. c Benzene solution ( 5 % ) absorbs a t 915 (s) and 882 (s). Benzene solution (5%) absorbs a t 917 (s) and 882 (s).

times obscure Mo=O bands in the 940-1000-cm-' region. Compounds containing the hIoOZ2+ group absorb in the 900-cm-' region in agreement with earlier findingxZ8 It has been postulated that the oxygens of this group in octahedral complexes are trans (linear),28but

Inorganic Chemistry symmetrical Mo-0-Xo stretching mode since this absorption appears a t 465 cm-l in sodium dimolybdate, Na&Ios07.8" I n addition, a weak band in the 766-810cm-I region can be assigned to an antisymmetrical Mo-0-No stretching mode in these complexes. Although the band a t 1046 cm-l of molybdenum(V) ethylxanthate has been assigned to an Mo=O mode,24 we prefer to assign both of the peaks in the 1030-1056cm-' region of the xanthate spectra to C-S stretching absorption since this band is split in other metal xanthates20r2zand similar complexes of the type (L.JIo=O)~O do not absorb in this region. I t is proposed that the strong band a t about 950cm-1 be assigned to Mo=O absorption and that the band at 766 cm-1 be assigned to the antisymmetrical Xo-0-110 mode since this band usually occurs as a weak peak in this region. Visible Spectra.-The visible spectra of the complexes under discussion and related compounds are summarized in Table V. The spectra of the dimeric LIo(V) coniplexes can be assigned by using the assign-



Charge transfer


1 NHCI &f020dC~H702)4 CH2CL 20,620 (6240) MOO*[(CH3)2'JCSzlz CH2C12 hloOi[( C Z H S ) ~ N C2S ~ ] CH2C12 ILIoOS[(~-C~HS)~NCS~] C& M o ~ O ~ [ ( C H ~ ) ~ N C S ~ I ~ CHzClz Mop03 [( C&)ZNCSZ]4 CH2C12 MO~O~[CH~OCSZ]ZI C6H6 19,700 (5020) M0203[CzHsOCSzI4 CHpC12 19,760(6150) a Peak maxima in cm-1 and molar extinction coefficients in parentheses. ecular weight of 348.4 used to calculate t. ( T';H4)ZMoOCl?

Cotton and Wing proposedz4that the oxygens of MoOz[ ( C H ~ ) Z N C Smay ~ ] Z be cis on the basis of the appearance of two Mo=O bands in the 900-cm-' region. The appearance of two Mo=O bands in the benzene solution spectra of M O O ~ [ ( ~ - C B H ~ ) ~and N CMoOn S ~ ] ~[(nC4Hg)2NCSz]2 confirms that the molybdenyl oxygens of these complexes are probably cis since solid-state effects are eliminated and the n-propyl derivative is monomeric in benzene solution. The spectrum of molybdcnyl oxinate also contains two hIo=O bands in the SOO-cm-' regionzQand the second Mo=O band of molybdenyl acetylacetonatez8is probably obscured by strong ligand absorption. It can be concluded from the infrared data t h a t octahedral complexes containing f have a bent rather than a linear the M 0 0 ~ ~group O=Mo=O group. Complexes of the type (L~Mo=O)ZO, where L is a univalent bidentate ligand, have a single Mo=O stretching mode in the 930-970-~m-~region.zQ The present complexes and the acetylacetonate, [ (CjH?O2)2M0=0]~0, also possess a medium to strong band in the 430-435-cm-' region that may be assigned to a (28) M. L. Larson and F. Tli. Moore, Inorg. Chmn., 6 , 801 (1966). (20) P. C. H. Mitchell, Q u a i t . REO.(London), 20, 103 (1966).

25,970 (88) 2 5 , 0ou (2070)

19,610 (1325) 19,420 (1950)

Charge transfer

33,780 (1850) 30,580 (9670) 26,460 (3770) 26,320 (3700) 25,320 ( 1020) 26,670 (4000) (sh) 26,320 (5600)

E. Wendling, Bzdl. SOL.Chirn. France, 437 (1965).



ments given for [ ( C ~ H , O ~ ) ~ M O = O ] which ~ O , ~ ~are based on the spectrum of the diamagnetic dimer formed from (XH~)2M00C15 in dilute HC1.31,3z Like the thioether complexes of M o O C ~ the ~ , ~ligand ~ field band, zB2+ zB1,of the h.lo(V) dithiocarbamates is found a t a lower energy than for the related oxygen-coordinated complexes in agreement with the expected ligand field order.34 The intense absorption a t 19,700 cm-l of the Mo(V) xanthate complexes is assigned to S-to-Mo charge transfer rather than to *Bz-+ ZB1because of its intensity, but an unambiguous assignment cannot be made since no corresponding Mo(V1) xanthates existfor comparison. The band at 26,000 cm-l in the dithiocarbamate complexes is apparently a true S-to-Mo charge-transfer band rather than an internal ligand t r a n ~ i t i o n ,and ~~ this assignment is supported by the fact t h a t MoS42has S-to-Mo charge-transfer bands in this region (21,500 and 30,800 emu1).*j The S-to-Mo charge-transfer band of the xanthate complexes appears a t 6000 cm-l below that of the corresponding dithiocarbamate complexes indicating t h a t xanthates are better reducing agents (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)

T. Dupuis and M. Viltange, A!!/iikrochi?n.Icknoanal. Acta, 232 (1963). G. P. Haight, J . 1noi.g. N w c l . Ckem., 24, 663 (1962). C. I