Diamond Tool & Die, Inc. - ACS Publications - American Chemical

May 25, 2012 - Diamond Tool & Die, Inc. Anal. Chem. , 1979, 51 (8), pp 847A–847A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50044a742. Publication Date: July 1979. ACS Legacy ...
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News Griffiths, Ε. Heilweil, Μ. Ε. Mazzei, Whatman Inc.

High-Performance Liquid Chromatography

General Applications

Quantitative Analysis of Aflatoxins in Natural Products by ReversedPhase HPLC. G. J. Kusha, Whatman, Inc. High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography of Haptoglobin. H. R. Drott, P. Lau, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia HPLC of Diuretics: Bumetanide and Furosemide. H. Sokoloff, M. Del Mauro, Hoffmann-La Roche

Spectrochemical Analysis of Some Canadian Archaeological Remains. G. A. Neville, A. W. By, D. Legault, Health & Welfare, Ottawa Determination of PD in Catalysts and Latérite Samples by XRF. J. J. La Brecque, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas, Venezuela Chromatographic and Spectroscopic Studies of Vanadium Compounds in Boscan Crude Oil. W. A. Spencer, J. Galobardes, M. Curtis, D. Lowman, L. B. Rogers, U of Georgia Continuous-Flow Apparatus for Analysis of 9 0 SR in Mixtures of Fission Products. J. R. Jewett, Rockwell Hanford Operations

Apparent Separations by Capillary Stainless Steel Columns. C. N. Trumbore, R. D. Tremblay, U of Delaware Computer-Controlled Absorption, Fluorescence, and CARS Detection for HPLC. G. D. Boutilier, R. M. Irwin, R. R. Antcliff, L. B. Rogers, L. A. Carreira, U of Georgia Rapid Quantitation of Serum Theophylline by HPLC—Comparison with Emit Values. P. O. Shapiro, E. T. Butts, C. J. Lancaster, Whatman, Inc.

Friday Morning, Sept. 2 1 Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Hydride Generation and Interference Studies

Hydride Generation AAS—A Critical Look at the Method. D. Siemer, Allied Chemical Corp. Atomic Absorption Analysis of Industrial Environments Utilizing Vapor Generation Techniques. M. W. Routh, A. J. Stratton, Varian Ways to Overcome Intermetal Interferences in the Hydride-AA Technique. B. Welz, M. Melcher, Bodenseewerk Perkin-Elmer, FRG Improved Determination of AS and SE by Hydride Generation. J. J. Sotera, M. C. Conley, H. L. Kahn, Instrumentation Lab Determination of Selenium in Aquatic Systems by Hydride Generation Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. B. E. McClellan, K. Frazer, R. Aulick, Murray State U Matrix Modification and Method of Additions in Flameless Atomic Absorption. M. Cooksey, B. Lumas, W. Barnett, Perkin-Elmer Correct Experimental Conditions to Eliminate Matrix Effects in GFAA. D. Siemer, Allied Chemical Studies on Behavior of Chromium in Perkin-Elmer Graphite Tubes. C. Veillon, B. Guthrie, W. Wolf, USDA Application of Electrothermal AA to Trace Metal Analysis in the Steel Industry. B. Welz, Z. Grobenski, M. Melcher, D. Weber, Bodenseewerk Perkin-Elmer, FRG Measuring Low Levels of Titanium in Zinc Alloys. J. Kwasieborski, J. Roberts, McGraw-Edison Co.

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