Diamond Tool & Die Inc. | Analytical Chemistry

All Types; Journals. All Topics; Analytical; Applied; Biological; Materials Science & Engineering; Organic-Inorganic; Physical. Books and Reference; N...
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Manufacturers' Literature Air Monitoring System. The Miran-801 multistation, multicomponent, ambient air monitoring system is illustrated in the brochure "Miran-801 Sample Printout." 4 pp. Foxboro Analytical 462

Digital Synthesizer Analyzer. Bulletin 449-3 describes the DSA 600 digital synthesizer analyzer, a processorbased instrument that permits capturing, programming, displaying, and gen-

erating up to eight digital signals or pulse trains simultaneously. 6 pp. Gould Inc. 469

Catalogs Balances. A readability/capacity-key identifies the various models for identification of the different designs. Performance data for every model and a wide selection of accessories also appear in

New Disposable Gas Purifier

The economical method of producing high purity, oxygen free gas for laboratory, analytical instruments and production applications. The Diamond disposable gas purifier, a polished aluminum canister containing an oxygen "getter"... removes oxygen, trace amounts of organics and water from standard bottled gas, including Nitrogen, Helium, Argon or Hydrogen, to less than 1 ppm. A single canister treats 3 standard 300 cu ft cylinders and is available with yB" or %" Swagelok type fittings for ease of inline hook-up. Priced from $84.00.. .truly an economical addition to your lab. Write for complete information and quantity p r i c e s Dealer inquiries ^ ^ ^ ^ * s ^ invited. o \ > ^ ^ ^*

the catalog "Weighing 1979". 40 pp. Sartorius-Werke GmbH, P.O. Box 19, D-3400 Goettingen, Federal Republic of Germany 477 Handbook and General Catalog. The 1979-80 catalog features chemicals and reagents used in amino acid analysis, sequence determination, structure and function analysis, peptide synthesis*end gas and liquid chromatography. There is a section on the description of the procedures related to the chemicals and equipment being featured. References to the existing literature accompany all procedures. Pierce Chemical Co. 478 IR Equipment and Accessories. Catalog 783 covers recording materials, transmission windows, cells, accessories for liquid sampling, media, mills, presses for solid sampling, gas sampling accessories, and microsampling kits. 40 pp. Wilmad Glass Co., Inc. 470 Ultrafiltration Membrane and Equipment. An updated edition of the ultrafiltration membrane and equipment selection guide contains charts describing the chemical compatibility of the company's ultrafiltration membranes and equipment components. 9 pp. Amicon Corp. 471 Temperature Baths. Included are immersion and solid state circulators, thermostatic, high-temperature, fluidized, and dri-block dry heat baths, performance specifications of all products, and accessories. 24 pp. Techne Inc. 472 Peptides. Catalog PL-464E, "Beckman Synthetic Peptides for Research," describes the company's synthetic peptide products and arranges them into seven categories based on their physiological function. 4 pp. Beckman Instruments, Inc. 473 Liquid Scintillation and Oxidizer Chemicals. Complete product line of liquid scintillation and oxidizer chemicals in ready-to-use solutions is available. Literature on each chemical is also available. Radiomatic Instruments & Chemical Co., Inc. 474

DiamondTool&DieInc. 508-29th Avenue, Oakland, California 94601 \ S J (415)534-7050 Toll Free: (800) 227-1085 (except California) Manufactured under license from Dow Chemical Co. CIRCLE 52 ON READER SERVICE CARD 80 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 51, NO. 1, JANUARY 1979

General Catalog. Emphasis is on organofluorine and organosilicon compounds, derivatizing reagents, list of standards for mass spectrometry, NMR standards and other compounds of synthetic utility. 96 pp. PCR Research Chemicals, Inc. 475