Diamonds Mediate Photochemistry - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Jul 1, 2013 - The sparkle and beauty of diamonds may have made them Marilyn Monroe's best friend, but a curious electronic property is sure to endear ...
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serve as powerful reducing agents under mild conditions HE SPARKLE AND BEAUTY of diamonds may have made them Marilyn Monroe’s best friend, but a curious electronic property is sure to endear them to chemists as well. Researchers show that a diamond property known as negative electron affinity (NEA) can be exploited under gentle conditions to drive the same industrially important reactions that are normally carried out at high temperatures and pressures (Nat. Mat. 2013, DOI: 10.1038/nmat3696). The finding could lead to energy savings and facilitate reactions that are otherwise difficult to carry out. Hydrogen-capped diamond, a common form of the material, readily emits electrons when it’s irradiated with ultraviolet light. University of Wisconsin, Madison, chemists have now tapped into the easily stimulated photoemission, a consequence of diamond’s NEA, by using diamond as an electron source to drive chemical reactions. The team demonstrates that shining UV light on diamond that is immersed in nitrogen-charged water causes electrons to be emitted and quickly interact with water molecules. These solvated electrons function as potent reducing agents that can react with protons and nitrogen to form ammonia. Typically the nitrogen-to-ammonia reaction is practiced on an industrial scale at temperatures near 500 °C and pressures in the 150- to 250-atm range. The harsh



conditions are required because N2 binds weakly to solid-state catalysts and the reaction proceeds via highenergy intermediates. In contrast, the diamond-mediated reaction occurs in water at room temperature. The team, which includes Di Zhu, Linghong Zhang, Rose E. Ruther, and Robert J. Hamers, detected solvated electrons directly by using a technique known as transient absorption spectroscopy. And they used a method based on UV-visible absorption spectroscopy to measure yields of ammonia produced in specially designed photochemical cells. The team confirmed the origin of the ammonia by purging the cells with isotopically labeled N2. They also compared various forms of diamond and report that even inexpensive diamond grit, a common polishing compound, stimulates reduction of nitrogen to ammonia. Now the group is focusing on understanding the underlying reaction mechanism. This study neatly demonstrates that diamond’s NEA can be applied to reducing nitrogen to ammonia in a liquid, says Northwestern University’s Robert P. H. Chang, a diamond specialist. He adds that this is a unique way to mediate reduction processes when solid-state catalysts pose difficulties. Describing the study as “very impressive,” Princeton University chemist Andrew B. Bocarsly, an expert in CO2 electroreduction (see also page 21 of this issue), notes that “these findings may help provide new and important mechanistic insight into the redox chemistry of CO2.” Better understanding in that area may lead to ways to use CO2 as a feedstock for making fuels and chemicals, he notes.—MITCH JACOBY

STIMULATING Shining light (purple arrow) on H-capped diamond (red and black) ejects electrons (yellow), which are quickly surrounded by water molecules (green and red) and can react with protons (orange) and N2 (blue) to produce ammonia (blue and red).

HONORS Chemistry challenge inspires middle school students JIM HARRIS PHOTOGRAPHY

Eshan Kemp, a sixth-grader at Odie Middle School in Bellevue, Wash., was crowned national champion at the “You Be the Chemist” challenge finals held in Philadelphia on June 24. Kemp (left) is shown with other competition winners, Nathanael Kim of Illinois, Jasmine Xu of California, and Chi Cao of Louisiana, who placed second, third, and fourth, respectively. Each student was awarded an education scholarship ranging in value from $1,000 to $8,000. The event, which was created by the nonprofit Chemi-



JU LY 1 , 2013

cal Educational Foundation of Arlington, Va., and backed by industry sponsors including Dow Chemical, drew 27 middle school students from across the U.S. The annual question-and-answer competition covers chemistry and general science and marks the culmination of state and local competitions held throughout the school year. The program brings science education opportunities to schools and community organizations for thousands of students.—SOPHIE ROVNER