ectteX^i "
DIAZINON W h a t a %killer* this complex chemical is turning out t o b e ! A n d quite impartial a s to its victims: — houseflies, barnflies, fruitflies, aphids, mites, ants, beetles, chinch bugs, roaches, a n d many other pests that bother man a n d beast. It kills them dead ! A s with the former chemicals which made such notable head w a y in man's fight to subdue these destructive pests, Sulphur is very much in the picture—here is one of the many v a r i a tions of the benzene ring . . . the Diazinon Formula. That letter " S " tied in with the letter %VP" discloses the all-impor tant thiophosphate. Sulphur, often called one of the Four Pillars of the Processing Industry, is benefiting mankind in many w a y s . None is more important than that of controlling crop-destroying pests.
*A product of the Geigy Chemical
T e x a s Gulf Sulphur Co. 7 5 East 4 5 t h S t r e e t , New York 1 7 , Ν. Υ. S11 Rusk A v e n u e , Houston 2 , T e x a s Sulphur Producing Units
• Newgulf, T e x a s # M o s s Bluff* Texas
• Spindietop, T e x a s « WorSand; W y o m i n g DEC.
10, 1956 C&EN