Did you know you have access to affordable Key Person Insurance

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ATTENTION Business Owners: A

Did you know you have access to affordable

Key Person Insurance?

Term Life Insurance or Level Term Life Insurance, available exclusively to ACS members, can serve as Key Person Insurance for your business. Key Person Insurance is coverage that protects your small business in case of an untimely death of the business owner or top-performing employee. This coverage offers peace of mind to business owners like you. Making your business the beneficiary on your Life Insurance plan could be the difference between the company’s demise and its ultimate success.

Consider these solid coverages offered by the ACS Member Insurance Program, exclusively for our valued members: T Term Life


H Health Insurance B Brokerage Service

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Portable, renewable coverage with limits from $25,000 to $2,000,000, with convenient features including spouse/ domestic partner coverage, $15,000 of Accidental Death & Dismemberment coverage for members, an Accelerated Death Benefit, and more.

With over 100 medical plan designs to select from, members have access to reliable, comprehensive health insurance coverage that can be customized to meet their unique needs—without paying for unnecessary extras.

To find out more about eligibility, features, limitations costs, renewability, and exclusions, or to apply online:



Sponsored by the Board of Trustees Group Insurance Plans for ACS Members Your Colleagues Working For You! 120065-Key

P Professional L Liability Also known as Errors and Omissions (E&O) coverage, the policy insures against claims made by third parties (clients & indirect customers), alleging errors, omissions and /or negligence in the rendering of, or the failure to render professional services. This exclusive ACS Professional Liability policy not only protects members who are individual consultants the coverage and protection automatically extends to all employees of a consulting firm owned by an ACS member policyholder.