Dielectric relaxation of binary liquid mixtures

m) decomposition/reac- tion to form N2, this process might be important if no other process competes for the energy of sub(electronic)- excitation el...
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1146 reduced level compared with NO- (reaction 3 ) , and found that charge transfer from 0- to impurity level Os (and despite the decrease in electron affinity, 1.45 eV to 0.5 eV) could account for the 02-observed. Energy dependence of electron reactions might be of importance in explaining this "excess" nitrogen in N2O-alkane studies, for which reaction 2 has been proposed, as well as increased yields of N2in N 2 0radiolysis under applied electric fields much lower than that required for secondary ionization.7JO-'2 SchulzZ1suggested that the following resonance reaction occurs in a mass spectrometer e2.2 ev-

-+ --

+ NzO(,=o)






+ N20*

(Y =

i.. .m) (4)

If followed by N20* (Y = i. . .m) decomposition/reaction to form N2, this process might be important if no other process competes for the energy of sub(e1ectronic)excitation electrons as the secondary electrons slow down. This could be the case in alkanes, as elastic collision-vibration excitation cross sections are low (