Differentiation of Total Organic Brominated and Chlorinated

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Chapter 21

Differentiation of Total Organic Brominated and Chlorinated Compounds in Total Organic Halide Measurement: A New Approach with an Ion-Chromatographic Technique 1



Shinya Echigo , Xiangru Zhang , Roger A. Minear , and Michael J . Plewa 2


Departments of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Crop Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801


A new method to differentiate total organic chlorinated compounds (TOC1) and total organic brominated compounds (TOBr) has been developed. In this method, H B r and HCl, which are contained in the off-gas from the T O X combustion furnace and are equivalent to TOBr and TOC1 in samples, are collected in water with a bubble diffuser instead of being titrated in a micro coulometric cell. Then the concentrations of bromide and chloride ions are determined by ion chromatography. For standard compounds such as 2,4,6trichlorophenol (100 μg/L as Cl), recoveries of more than 75% were obtained from the full process, including carbon adsorption. Interference with chloride ion quantification by carbon dioxide gas, an auxiliary gas for the combustion furnace, was a barrier to earlier attempts of this method. This interference can be eliminated without loss of H B r and HCl by sparging the solutions with nitrogen gas. These differentiated values are expected to be used as new bulk indices of chlorinated and brominated disinfection by -products.

Introduction Despite extensive efforts to identify unknown disinfection by-products (DBPs), a significant fraction of DBPs is still unidentified mainly due to the complexity and 330

© 2000 American Chemical Society

In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

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331 diversity of natural organic matter (NOM) in source water which reacts with disinfectants to form organic DBPs during drinking water treatment and distribution (/). However, halogenated DBPs have been considered to be one major contributor to human health risk of drinking water in addition to oxidation DBPs, such as aldehydes (1). Thus, in addition to determining the concentrations of individual compounds, total organic halide (TOX) measurements have played an important role in estimating the extent of total halogenated DBPs and their risks (2, 3). Chlorinated compounds, however, are not the only group of halogenated organic compounds which are formed during disinfection. In the presence of bromide or iodide ions in source waters, not only chlorinated organic compounds (TOCI) but also brominated (TOBr) and iodinated organic compounds (TOI) are formed during chlorination (4-6). Though each of these three groups of DBPs contains the compounds which may have carcinogenic potential, it has been suggested that brominated species are more toxic than chlorinated ones (7-9). Thus, it is expected that better understanding of the formation characteristics of DBPs and better evaluation of the toxicity of drinking waters will be achieved, i f those fractions are separately evaluated. Iodinated DBPs are generally rare. In a conventional T O X measurement, unfortunately, these three fractions (i.e., chlorinated, brominated, and iodinated compounds) cannot be differentiated, since the silver coulometric titration cell is insensitive to the difference between bromide, chloride, and iodide ions (10). Thus, it is necessary to develop an alternative detection component to evaluate the three halogenated D B P fractions separately. One recent approach successfully differentiated extractable organic chlorine (EOC1), extractable organic bromine (EOBr), and extractable organic iodine (EOI) fractions in a sediment sample by neutron activation analysis (//). While the same principle would be applicable to aqueous samples, the instrumental facility that is required for this analysis is not available at each water agency for the monitoring of halogenated DBPs, in part due to its cost. That is, the use of this method is limited only to research applications. For routine monitoring application, the system has to be simple and inexpensive. The problem with the conventional method is the differentiation of specific halide ions. A l l the halogen atoms on organic DBPs are converted to chloride, bromide, and iodide ions correspondingly during combustion. The simplest way to differentiate these three ions is ion chromatography. Based on the above consideration, this study develops a method to differentiate total organic chlorinated compounds (TOCI) and total organic brominated compounds (TOBr). This new method employs an ion chromatograph system to quantify bromide and chloride separately, instead of silver coulometric titration. We focused on only the differentiation of TOBr and TOCI, but the same principle is applicable to TOI differentiation. This chapter consists of two main parts. In the first part, the method development is introduced with the results of preliminary experiments. In the second part, chlorination, chloramination, and chlorine dioxide treatments were conducted with a model raw water in the presence of bromide ion, and the distributions of TOCI and TOBr compared, as an example of the application of this method.

In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.




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A l l the reagents used in this study were of ACS-reagent grade and purchased from Fisher (Pittsburgh, PA) unless otherwise noted. Bromoform, dichloroacetic acid (Aldrich, Milwaukee, WI), and dibromoacetic acid (Aldrich) and 2,4,6-trichlorophenol (Aldrich) were selected as test compounds. Standard solutions of these compounds were freshly prepared on each day of each experiment. These standards, eluent for ion chromatography, and other dilution of solutions were prepared with Millipore quality water (Millipore, Bedford, M A ) .

Procedure The analytical procedure for this new T O C i and TOBr differentiation method consists of three main steps. First, the target compounds are adsorbed onto granular activated carbon with an adsorption module (AD-3, Dohrmann, Cincinnati, OH) (JO). Then the carbon is combusted in a conventional furnace for T O X measurement with a single boat inlet module with collection of halide ions from the off gas adsorbed in the water in the test tube. The last step is ion-chromatographic analysis. The details of the latter two steps are given below. Combustion Component The furnace (S-300, Dohrmann, Cincinnati, OH) outlet is connected to a test tube instead of the titration cell so that HC1 and H B r in the exit gas from the furnace is trapped in 10 mL of Millipore quality water in the test tube through a bubble diffuser (see Figure 1). Oxygen and carbon dioxide were used as reactant and auxiliary gas, respectively (10). A slightly lower gas flow rate (125 mL/min) than the 150 mL/min flow rate suggested in the operation manual was used (12) to minimize the splashing of the sample solution during the absorption step. Furnace temperature was controlled at 800 °C during operation. Also, preliminary results suggested that 20 minutes is sufficient for the combustion of each sample. After combustion and absorption, the gas transfer line was flushed with 3 mL of Millipore quality water to remove condensed bromide and chloride on the gas exit tube, and this water was added to the 10 m L of distilled water used for absorption. Then, the volume of water in the test tube was adjusted to 15 mL before ion-chromatographic analysis. Detection Component The ion chromatograph used was an ordinary system (DX-300, Dionex, Sunnyvale, C A ) which can differentiate between chloride ion and bromide ion with a conductivity detector (PED-2, Dionex). In this study, an IonPac® A S 9 - H C column (Dionex) was employed as the analytical column, which was protected by an IonPac®

In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

333 A G 9 - H C column (Dionex). As the eluent, 9 m M sodium carbonate was used. For suppression, an ASRS-Ultra suppressor (Dionex) was used with an external water mode configuration. Before the sample injection, each sample was sparged with nitrogen gas for 5 min at 5 psi to remove excess of carbon dioxide.

Chlorination, Chloramination, and Chlorine Dioxide Treatment

Sample Preparation To demonstrate the application of the above method, a simulated water sample was treated with three different disinfectants: chlorination, chloramination, and chlorine dioxide. The doses of disinfectants were 4.5 mg/L as C l , 5.0 mg/L as C l , and 6.0 mg/L as C l , respectively. Stock solutions of sodium hypochlorite were prepared by the adsorption of high purity chlorine gas with 1 Ν N a O H solution. The monochloramine solution was prepared by reacting ammonium chloride and sodium hypochlorite solutions in a chlorine-to-ammonia ratio of 0.8 mol/mol to eliminate the potential for free chlorine (13). The stock chlorine dioxide solution was prepared from the reaction between H S 0 and NaC10 (14). The model water consists of sodium bromide (100 pg/L as Br"), Suwannee River fulvic acid (3.0 mg/L as dissolved organic carbon) (International Humic Substance Society, St. Paul, M N ) , phosphate buffer (0.5 m M , adjusted to pH7.5). The contact time of the disinfectant with the model water was 5 days, during which period the samples were stored in 250-mL glass-stopped bottles in the dark at ambient temperature (25°C) (14). Conventional T O X analysis was also conducted with a DX-20 T O X analyzer (Dohrmann) to confirm the results of analysis.

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Analysis of Trihalomethanes (THMs) and Haloacetic Acids (HAAs) H A A and T H M concentrations were also determined for the samples described in the above section by using and slightly modifying E P A Methods 552.2, 551.1 and 501 (i.e., gas chromatography with an electron capture detector ) (14-17). DB-1701, fused silica capillary column (30 m length, 0.32 mm i.d., 0.25 pm film thickness) was employed under two different programs. The program for the analysis of H A A s was: solvent, methyl tert-bxx\y\ ether; carrier gas, nitrogen; inlet pressure, 0.75 kg/cm ; 35°C for 12 min, ramp to 135°C at 5°C/min, ramp to 220°C at 20°C/min. The program for the analysis of THMs, and HANs was: solvent, pentane; carrier gas, nitrogen; inlet pressure, 0.30 kg/cm ; 35°C for 18 min, ramp to 145°C at 5°C/min, ramp to 220°C at 20°C/min. 2


Results and Discussion Method Development interference by Carbon Dioxide Preliminary experiments were conducted under various conditions. One important finding from these experiments is that an unknown peak (see Figure 2),

In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

334 which is suspected to be carbon dioxide (the auxiliary gas), overlaps the chloride ion peak (retention time 7.8 min). The interference by this peak for the quantification of chloride (i.e., TOC1) is removed by sparging the sample solution with nitrogen gas for 5 minutes (see Figure 3). The loss of chloride and bromide ions during this pretreatment is estimated to be less than 5% for the standard solutions (100 μg/L as CI, n=4). Table I shows the recoveries for standard compounds which were directly injected to the sample boat of the T O X analyzer to assess the adsorption efficiency of HC1 and H B r in the off-gas. Compared with the recovery in conventional analysis (e.g., 92% for 2,4,6-trichlorophenol), the recoveries by this TOC1 and TOBr separation method was considered to be sufficient for our purpose.

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Table I. Recoveries of T O B r and TOC1 without Carbon Adsorption. Compound"

Recovery (%)

Standard Deviation (%for n=4)

dichloroacetic acid



dibromoacetic acid









The amount of standard compounds injected corresponds to that in 100 mL of standard solutions (100 μg/L).

Effects of Heater Tape and Transfer Line Flushing For the analysis of real samples (i.e., the samples processed by adsorption onto activated carbon), the recoveries were greatly improved with the addition of heater tape to the transfer line and flushing it with water. This is because heater tape and flushing prevent the condensation of water onto the tube walls with subsequent loss of chloride and bromide ions. Greater condensation was observed for adsorbed samples because the carbon column contains more water than directly injected concentrated standard solutions. For example, with the heater tape and flushing, the recoveries for dibromoacetic acid and dichloroacetic acid were improved from 23.3% to 76.4% and from 24.1% to 83.6%, respectively (see Figure 4). The recoveries of standards with carbon adsorption were summarized in Table II. From these results, the recoveries for TOC1 and TOBr were determined as 84 and 80% on average, respectively.

In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


10 mL syringe Three way stopcock CD C

le Ο



Sample boat inlet module

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c ω

Off-gas absorption

Bubble diffuser

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of TOBr and TOCI absorption system.

Figure 2. Interference of ion-chromatographic chloride detection by carbon dioxide.

In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

336 Table II. Recoveries of TOBr and TOC1 with Adsorption Process. Compound*

Recovery (%)*

Standard Deviation (% for n=4)

dichloroacetic acid



dibromoacetic acid









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* Sample volume, 100 mL; standard solutions, 100 \k%IL. *A11 the analyses were performed with heater tape and flow train flushing. Recoveries were calculated

Working Range The working concentration of TOBr and TOC1 depends on the sample volume. For example, i f the sample volume is 100 mL, TOC1 and TOBr levels higher than 20 \x%IL as CI or Br are easily determined with a standard deviation less than 14% (n=4). For, lower concentrations, larger sample volumes are recommended for reliable ion-chromatographic analysis.

Comparison of T O C I / T O B r Distributions During Chlorination, Chloramination, and Chlorine Dioxide Treatment Table III summarizes the concentrations and distributions of TOC1 and TOBr formed during chlorination, chloramination, and chlorine dioxide treatment of a model water containing Suwannee River fulvic acid and bromide ion. The T O X levels after chlorination, chloramination, and chlorine dioxide treatment were 583, 155, and 61 μg/L, respectively. The corresponding percent of TOBr in the T O X was found to be 6.7, 7.8, and 59.0 (Table III and Figure 5). In Table III, TOC1 and TOBr values were calculated based on chloride ion and bromide ion concentration recovered by ion chromatograph and the recoveries determined in the previous section. The T O X values measured by a conventional method and the ones by our method matched well within an error of 9%. Although these errors are sufficiently small, the fractions of organic chlorine and organic bromine in T O X can be also defined based on the ratio of TOBr and TOC1 with the T O X values measured by a conventional method as: T O X = T O X χ TOC1 / (TOC1 + TOBr) and T O X = T O X χ TOBr / ( T O G + TOBr), respectively. Table IV shows the distribution of organic chlorine and organic bromine i f the latter definition is applied. c l

B r

In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


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_ 30 ^ 25 -20 Ι 15 ο 10 -ο 5 ο 0 ° -5


^ chloric e ion

Not sparged •—Λ

bromifle ion

r 10


Retention time (min) Figure 3. Effect of nitrogen sparging on ion-chromatographic analysis for bromide and chloride in TOCl/TOBr differentiation.

Figure 4. Effect of heater tape and transfer line flushing on recoveries of TOCI and TOBr.

In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

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Figure 5. Distributions of TOCI and TOBr formed during (a) chlorination, (b) chloramination, and (c) chlorine dioxide treatment.

In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

339 Table III. Comparison between Conventional T O X Analysis and the TOCl/TOBr Differentiation Method. TOCÎ + TOCl* TOBr" * (Mg/L as CI) (Mg/L asCI) TOBr*(MK/L)


Dose (mg/L as CUJ

(ug/L asCI)













Chlorine dioxide







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* Determined by conventional TOX analysis (10). #

The subscript m indicates the value was calculated by the peak area of chloride or bromide ion with the recoveries (84% for chloride and 80% bromide).

Table IV. Distribution of Organic Chlorine and Organic Bromine during Chlorination, Chloramination, and Chlorine Dioxide Treatment. Disinfectant

Dose (mg/L as CL)

TOX (Mg/L as CI)











Chlorine dioxide





TOX TOX (Mg/L as CI) (Mg/L as CI) a


It is of note that the percentage of TOBr for chlorine dioxide treatment was the highest of the three, and the TOBr level formed was larger than that during chloramination, although total T O X (TOBr [as Cl] + TOCl) during chlorine dioxide treatment was the lowest of the three. One possible mechanism of T O B r formation during chlorine dioxide treatment is the HOC1 formation by the reaction of chlorine dioxide and phenolic compounds (18,19) followed by the reaction of HOC1 with bromide ion. Also, chloramination of Suwannee River fulvic acid produced a relatively high T O X . Similar observations (i.e., organic halogen formation during chloramination at a level around 100 μg/L) have been reported (20-22), though it is well know that chloramination produces much less T H M s and H A A s compared with

In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

340 chlorination (23,24). Some fraction o f T O X formation during chloramination is attributed to the presence o f a very l o w level o f free chlorine that is in e q u i l i b r i u m with chloramine. A n estimation based on kinetics o f the reaction between chlorine and phenolic compounds accounts for at least 2 5 % o f T O X formation during chloramination o f fulvic acid (14). Table V compares the chlorine-to-bromine ratios ( m o l / m o l ) i n T H M s , H A A s , and T O X . The lower C I / B r ratio for chlorine dioxide treatment discussed above w i t h respect to T O X is found to be consistent with the C I / B r ratios in T H M s and H A A s .

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Table V . Distribution of T O C I and T O B r during Chlorination, Chloramination, and Chlorine Dioxide Treatment. Disinfectant

Dose (mg/L as CIJ

CI/Br ratio in THMs (mol/mol)

CI/Br ratio in HAAs (mol/mol)

CI/Br ratio in TOX (mol/mol)











Chlorine dioxide





Summary In this study, a new method to differentiate between T O C I and T O B r has been developed with a combustion furnace and an ion chromatograph. In this method, H B r and H C I , w h i c h are contained in the off-gas from a furnace for T O X measurement and are equivalent to T O B r and T O C I in samples, are collected i n water w i t h a bubble diffuser instead o f being titrated in a m i c r o coulometric cell. T h e concentrations o f bromide i o n and chloride ion were quantified separately b y i o n chromatography. F o r standards, recoveries o f more than 7 5 % were obtained from the full process, including the carbon adsorption process. Interference w i t h chloride i o n quantification by carbon dioxide gas, an auxiliary gas for the furnace, was eliminated without loss o f H B r and H C I by sparging the solutions w i t h nitrogen gas. These differentiated values are expected to be used as new b u l k indices o f chlorinated and brominated disinfection by-products. A demonstration was also performed to suggest that different disinfectants y i e l d different T O C l / T O B r distributions. N o t a b l y , for this demonstration, chlorine dioxide treatment shows a higher T O B r percentage compared to both chloramination and chlorination; however, the overall T O X level was significantly less than for the disinfectants tested.

In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


Acknowledgments This study was a part of research projects funded by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (Grant R825956-01), the United States Geological Survey (Grant INT A Q 96-6R02668-2 through the University of Illinois Water Research Center), and American Water Works Association Research Foundation (Grant 554).


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