Difluoro compounds catalyze epoxidation - C&EN Global Enterprise

Jun 8, 1998 - Charles M. Marson, senior lecturer in chemistry, and Ph.D. student Robert C. Melling, at Queen Mary & Westfield College, University of L...
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ized countries, Goldman said. Africa, for instance, does not have a single modern waste-disposal facility. The Basel Convention on shipment of hazardous waste and the POPs convention will have to be coordinated to deal with this problem, she said. A global treaty on POPs is scheduled to be completed by 2000. Bette Hileman

molecule with C2 symmetry through 180° about an axis, it maps onto itself," explains Marson. "C2 symmetry is highly desirable for catalysts used in asymmetric synthesis." The two chemists show that the difluorides catalyze the enantioselective epoxidation of allylic alcohols to yield epoxyalcohols. "This is one of the few examples of asymmetric synthesis catalyzed by a compound whose chirality depends upon organofluorine asymmetry," notes Marson. Vicinal difluoropyrrolidine is a wholly new type of ligand for use in catalytic asymmetric reactions, according to orBritish chemists have prepared a family ganofluorine chemist Jonathan M. Percy, of enantiomerically pure difluoroorganic senior lecturer at the University of Bircompounds that catalyze asymmetric ep- mingham, England. The research, he oxidation and may also prove useful for adds, should lend additional impetus to liquid-crystal applications. the synthesis of selectively fluorinated The compounds are pyrrolidines with molecules. two fluorine atoms in the trans arrange"The report is unique, to my knowlment on neighboring carbon atoms. edge, in that stereocontrol is brought Charles M. Marson, senior lecturer in about by replacing hydrogen atoms with chemistry, and Ph.D. student Robert C. fluorine atoms," Percy says. "Usually, hydrogen and fluorine ^ — " — " atoms are considered to be very similar in JL*OCOCH 3 JL/X50CH3 size, though their elecn-C8H NH jHi7N tronic properties are 77-d —. » very different. This *OCOCHo SOCI2 y^OCOCHg O O finding shows just Diacetoxysuccinic how different the two /> Three steps anhydride atoms can be, and suggests that there is an n-C 8 H 1 7 NfY important new principie awaiting definition Vicinal difluoropyrrolidine and application in asymmetric catalysis, a Melling, at Queen Mary & Westfield Col- fundamentally and economically important lege, University of London, prepared the area of organic chemistry." enantiopure vicinal difluorides in a multiMarson's group is currently evaluating step synthesis from a succinic anhydride the vicinal difluoropyrrolidines and their [Chem. Commun., 1998, 1223]. derivatives for use as liquid crystals and "These are the first enantioselective other materials. The team is also investisyntheses of vicinal difluoropyrrolidines," gating their use in a range of catalytic Marson tells C&EN. "To our knowledge, processes. the enantiocontrolled introduction of fluoMichael Freemantle rine at two adjacent carbon stereocenters in a single operation has not been achieved previously, despite many unsuccessful attempts." The synthesis of chiral, optically pure organofluorine compounds is a difficult but very important area because, as Marson points out, "it has an impact on many fields, including pharmaceuticals, dental The next generation of agricultural bioand medical therapy, carbohydrates and technology companies is beginning to nucleosides, biochemical pathways, liquid emerge. Witness the recent formation of crystals, and polymers." an as-yet-unnamed firm whose key particThe -CHFCHF- units in the com- ipants are well known in the biotech inpounds prepared by Marson and Melling dustry. Judging from its pedigree, the possess C2 symmetry. "If you rotate a new arrival seems to have the potential

Difluoro compounds catalyze epoxidation




New type of agbiotech company makes the scene

12 JUNE 8, 1998 C&EN

to significantly impact this dynamic and competitive market. The new company is the creation of Axys Pharmaceuticals, a South San Francisco-based biotechnology firm formed in January from the combination of the drug discovery firm Arris Pharmaceutical and the genomics firm Sequana Therapeutics. Through the new entity, Axys plans to apply its basic technology to the agricultural biotechnology industry to "create a unique position within the agricultural sector," says Axys' Chief Executive Officer and Chairman John Walker. The founding chairman and CEO of the newly created firm is a familiar figure in the biotechnology industry—Jerry D. Caulder, 55, the former CEO and chairman of agbiotech firm Mycogen. Caulder left Mycogen a year ago, following 14 years at its helm (C&EN, May 12, 1997, page 17). Dow Chemical's recent eagerness to capture all of Mycogen shows the value of what Caulder has created in the past (C&EN, May 11, page 8). Caulder is quick to point out that because of its significant resources, this is not a typical start-up company. It has a strong technical base due to a worldwide exclusive license of Axys' technologiesincluding genomics, combinatorial chemistry, and small-molecule discovery. Also, the funding is coming from people who know this industry. Axys will hold a majority equity position, with the San Francisco-based merchant bank Bay City Capital providing the balance of funding. Partners in the Bay City investment group include Roger H. Salquist, former CEO at Calgene—now owned by Monsanto—and others who have worked in the biotechnology field. Caulder says the timing is right for smaller companies to move into agbiotech again, now that most of the agbiotech firms of the 1980s have been bought up by large life sciences companies. "Agricultural companies will soon follow the model of large pharmaceutical companies that have realized that they should invest their money in small companies and let [those companies] keep their new product pipeline full," Caulder predicts. "The inventiveness in small companies and the ability to be creative is just much better there," he says. Caulder is busy recruiting his management team and a scientific advisory board. The company hopes to announce its name and officers in the next 30 days. Paige Morse