DIGITAL BRIEFS - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Enterprise Reagent Manager Version 4.4 (ERM) is a laboratory chemical management system that provides scientists with browser–based capabilities to ...
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ed to an external program. User data can be added manually or batch-loaded. Tech­ nical Database Services,


Online Software

lished for control zones (sets of rooms) and are calculated based upon the sum of all chemicals on configured lists of chemicals. The External Catalog Interface module enables customers to integrate ERM with existing internal inventory systems or oth­ er chemical catalogs or systems. Invento­ ry Quantity history has been enhanced to record minimum, maximum, and ending amounts of each chemical on-site. SciQuest,

SigmaPlot 8.0 technical graphing soft­ ware allows scientists to create high-qual­ ity graphs with the help of a Graph Wiz­ ard that leads users through every step. More than 80 2-D and 3-D technical graph types, charts, and models are available.

Databases DIPPR for Windows 16.7 is an auto­ mated handbook ofphysical properties of pure components. It covers 29 constants and 19 temperature-dependent properties for more than 1,700 industrial chemicals. DIPPR allows users to search by chemical name, synonym, partial name, CAS Reg­ istry Number, chemical formula, chemi­ cal class, and data. Users can also create customized tables and graphs over a spec­ ified temperature range and compare phys­ ical property data for up to nine chemicals on one set of axes. DIPPR data can be out­ put to a textfileor spreadsheet or export­

Every detail of a graph can be customized. Axis breaks, standard or asymmetric error bars, and symbols can be added; many col­ ors, fonts, and line thicknesses can be se­ lected. An equation, symbol, map, picture, illustration, or other image can be pasted in. Multiple graphs can be arranged on a page using built-in templates or personal page layouts. The attributes of favorite graph styles can be saved in the Graph Style Gallery. SigmaPlot seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Office, so data can be ac­ cessed directly from Excel and used to cre­ ate PowerPoint presentations. SPSS Sciencep Enterprise Reagent Manager Ver­ sion 4.4 (ERM) is a laboratory chemical management system that provides scien­ tists with browser-based capabilities to se­ lect, source, procure, and use chemical reagents and other research materials di­ rectly from their desktops. ERM reduces the cost of managing chemical inventory and automates environmental health and safety chemical approval programs, work­ er safety programs, regulatory tracking, and reporting. The Report module pro­ vides customizable reports, a read-only ver­ sion of the ERM database, and simplified views of the database tables, which stream­ line the creation and customization of re­ ports. The Purchasing Gateway allows cus­ tomers to integrate ERM with an existing purchasing software installation. Health and Safety Clearance Limits can be estab­ 40






The Alsos Digital Library for Nu­ clear Issues helps scientists, policy­ makers, students, and teachers find accu-





The goal of Alsos is to provida a wide range of annotated references for the study of nuclear issues.

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