DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 22, 2012 - DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION. Anal. Chem. , 1967, 39 (12), pp 120A–120A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60256a821. Publication Date: October ...
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Computers and Instruments: Unite! Marrying computers to scientific instruments is relatively new. The truth is, the advantages of doing so were known a long time ago — but, implementation awaited computers that made sense economically, as well as scientifically. Computers are now frequently justified on a one-computer for one-instrument basis. We know. DIGITAL has sold hundreds of PDP-8 and PDP-8/S computers that way — t o manufacturers who buried the computer inside their instru­ ments — spectrometers, diffractometers, gas chromatographs, blood analyzers. And to scientists in their laboratories, as well. To run one instrument, like a C-H-N analyzer. Or to run several instru­ ments, one at a time. Computer prices have come down that far. But servicing several different instruments simultaneously — integrating a laboratory full of instruments — takes a larger computer. A PDP-9, for example, or a PDP-10. If you are run­ ning investigations where data from one instrument condi­ tions the data of another — or where several of you want to time-share a computer to service several instruments —then these larger computers are a practical necessity. The capabilities, at the price, are what make sense. PDP-9 is an 8K, 18-bit word machine at $35,000. The PDP-10, with 8K basic memory and a 36-bit word, comes in an expandable configuration from $113,000. PDP-8 and PDP-8/S are 4,096-word 12-bit core memory machines. The 1.5 μεβο PDP-8 sells for $18,000. The PDP-8/S is only $10,000. All speak FORTRAN and are general purpose computers. DIGiTAL also has a whole line of compatible logic modules and hardware for interfacing the instruments to the com­ puter. For instruments that don't need the computer, the modules combine into simpler controls. Get those instruments under control. Write for free literature.



DIGITAL EQUIPMENT C O R P O R A T I O N , M a y n a r d , Massachusetts 01754. T e l e p h o n e : (617) 897-8821 . C a m b r i d g e , Mass. . New Haven . W a s h i n g t o n , D, C- - ParsÊppany, N. J. - Rochester, Ν. Υ. · Philadelphia - Huntsviile · Pittsburgh · Chicago · Denver · A n n A r b o r » Houston · Los Angeles · Palo A l t o · Seattfe * Carleton Place and Toronto, Ont. - Reading, England ·• Paris, France . M u n i c h and Cologne, Germany - Sydney and West Perth, A u s t r a l i a · Modules d i s t r i b u t e d also t h r o u g h A l l i e d Radio