May 22, 2012 - DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION. Anal. Chem. , 1967, 39 (13), pp 126A–126A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50156a819. Publication Date: November ...
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All time winner, move overthe new PDP-8/I computer is here

The integrated circuit PDP-8/I is a brand new computer, but behind it are the iwo mosl successful small computers ever built. Over 1,000 PDP-8 systems are already installed — an all lime high for real-lime, on-line small general pur­ pose machines. Nearly 1,000 PDP-0/S computers are installed — all sold and delivered within I he last 15 months. Built into instrumentation, On-line in process control. So, PDP-8/I starts with a history and goes- cm from there. It has all the features of the PDP-8 plus a new case of interfacing, expanded software and new options. It it more compact. PDP-8/I has a faster multioly-divide option (multiply 6.0, divide 6.5 microseconds). Its standard 1 ,r> microsecond 4K core memory expands to 3?K (first cxtre 4K plugs into the basic configuration without Turmcr inter facing). PDP-8/1 comes as a stand-alone console or mounted in a standard 10-inch. rack. Πιο processor is orewired so 1hat it will accommodate a high-speed papertape reader and punch, a 100 card-per-miruito reader,

an incremental oloifer, and a scope display also without further interface. And software. The same proven software that runs the PDP-3, drives the PDP-8,1. Auto-indexing. MACRO. FORTRAN. Or line odiling and debugging. Bu\ that is net all. New systems software is available which takes full advantage of 32K cr more of DECnisk or DfJCtnpe memory. Thousands of the most active computet users in. the world exchange PUP-β programs and techniques. Peripherals that go with the PDP-8 and PDP-8/S go with the PDP-8/1. Huedreds oi logic-compatible module:: maiie interlacing easy. Peripherals are field-irsUilled uy an applications engineering and field service group second to none. Ann the orusnor. PDP-8/1 sells tor $12.800 complete Quantity discounts reduce ;ha: price. Deliveries in the spring. PDP-8 and PDP-3/S available now. Write tor brochure. We'll throw in our new Small Computer Hand­ book free.



DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, Maynard, M a s s a t h u s e : ' ^ CI 704. T o l e u n c ^ : -;C17) 897-88?"; * CmibridQc, Mass. • New Huve - · Washington, Ο C · Parslppany, N. J. • Princeto". N. J. · Rochester, Ν. Υ, - L o - f i Marcs, N. Y. . Philadelphia · H,.n!ov.ilP • P i- :iRbu r gh • C n c a y o · Oenver · A n n Arbor · Houston • A l b u q u e r q u e » Los Anqeies * Palo Alto - Spa+tle · C a r l c o n Place eincs ΤηαντΤα, On*. · VIofit r oai, Quebec • Kcsadinn, tfno'and · VValkden Ma-ichGSTcr, Engia-xi • Paris, Trance · Munich and Colonne, Gerrnany · Nonrdwkc r hoot. Holland * Syd'iey and W e s i Perth, Australia - Modu'es distributed a'sn through Allied Radio