Dionex Corporation

and cooling tower waters. QUALITY CONTROL. Fluoride, chloride, sulfate and chromate in plating bath process water, trace ions in electronic device pro...
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An Award Winning Analytical Technique



Ion Chromatography (IC) analyzes ions in solution. IC is generally applicable to the separation and ppm-ppb detection of: INORGANIC ANIONS, ORGANIC ACIDS, ORGANIC PHOSPHATES, AMMONIA, AMINES, QUATERNARY AMMONIUM SALTS, ALKALI METALS, ALKALI EARTH METALS. Due to the fact that IC analyzers separate the ions in a sample and detect them from 1 % to trace level makes IC most appropriate in the following areas: (1) analysis in complicated matrices; (2) analysis of more than one ipn simultaneously in a sample; (3) analysisof ions at low concentration in a large concentration of other ions; (4) analysis of trace (ppb) levels of ions; (5) the analysis of several samples of a given type, then several of a different type, etc.; and (6) automated analysis.


APPLICATION AREAS AIR POLLUTION Analysis of ambient aerosol filter extracts for nitrate and sulfate, sulfuric acid (SO 3) in stack gas, sulfite and sulfate in FGD scrubber liquors and trace ions in rain water. WATER POLLUTION Ion characterization of waste effluents, routine ion analysis of ground waters, nitrate-N and phosphate-P in hatchery and bio-pond water, chloride, sulfate and oxalate in paper mill effluent. ELEMENTAL ANALYSIS Trace level and interference free analysis of organic fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, sulfur and phosphorus after Schoniger oxidation. SOIL ANALYSIS Direct anion analysis of KCI, ammonium acetate and ammonium fluoride, sulfuric acid or bicarbonate soil extracts. BRINE ANALYSIS Direct analysis of chlorate, sulfate, calcium and magnesium in 25% brine and 50% caustic solutions; phosphate, bromide, nitrate, sulfate, calcium and magnesium in 2% brine.

UPCOMING EVENTS Shows IN E U R O P E Analytica, Munich April 18-22 Representative: Biotronik IM 78, Stockholm April 24-28 Representative: Instrument AB Lambda IN T H E U.S. American Water Resources Symposium San Francisco June 12-14, 1978 NEW APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Look for our full page Ad in the June and August issues of ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY (in the briefs section) and the May, July and September issues of AMERICAN LABORATORY (next to the return card). Each month we will be featuring two or three new applications as well as a current schedule of seminars and road trips.

POWER PRODUCTION Trace ion analysis in boiler, boiler feed and cooling tower waters. QUALITY CONTROL Fluoride, chloride, sulfate and chromate in plating bath process water, trace ions in electronic device process water, glycolate in surfactants, monomethyl amine in ethylenedichloride, thioacetic, thiolactic and thioglycolic acid in water, tetra-ethylammonium and tetra-N-butylammonium bromide in water, monomethylamine, dimethylamine and trimethylamine in water, mono and dibutyl phosphate in water and halides and sulfate in foods and food additives.


For information regarding applications of IC, circle the appropriate number or call the Dionex applications laboratory to discuss your particular application. AIR POLLUTION 51 WATER POLLUTION 52 ELEMENTAL ANALYSIS 53 SOIL ANALYSIS 54 BRINE ANALYSIS 55 POWER PRODUCTION 56 QUALITY CONTROL 57 NEW APPLICATIONS 58

Dionex Corporation In the US contact: 1228 Titan Way, Sunnyvale, CA 94086, 408-737-0700 In Europe contact: 77 Tudor Drive, Yateley, NR. Camberley, Surrey GU17 7DB England, 01-464-7632