Direct Electronic Property Imaging of a Nanocrystal-Based

Feb 9, 2014 - Tennessee 37235, United States. •S Supporting Information. ABSTRACT: Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) electron beam-induced current...
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Direct Electronic Property Imaging of a Nanocrystal-Based Photovoltaic Device by Electron Beam-Induced Current via Scanning Electron Microscopy Amy Ng,†,⊥,# Jonathan D. Poplawsky,‡,§,⊥ Chen Li,†,‡ Stephen J. Pennycook,‡,§ and Sandra J. Rosenthal*,†,‡,∥ †

Department of Chemistry, Vanderbilt Institute of Nanoscale Science and Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee 37235, United States ‡ Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, United States § Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, 37996, United States ∥ Departments of Pharmacology, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, and Physics & Astronomy, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee 37235, United States S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) electron beam-induced current (EBIC) studies were performed on the cross-section of a nanocrystal-based hybrid bulk heterojunction photovoltaic device. Using these techniques, the short circuit carrier collection efficiencies are mapped with a better than 100 nm resolution. Electronically deficient and proficient regions within the photoactive layer are determined. The results show that only a fraction of the CdSe nanorod:P3HT layer (P3HT = poly-3(hexylthiophene)) at the Al cathode interface shows primary collection of charged carriers, in which the photoactivity decreases exponentially away from the interface. The recombination losses of the photoactive layer away from this interface prove that the limiting factor of the device is the inability for electrons to percolate between nanoparticles; to alleviate this problem, an interparticle network that conducts the electrons from one nanorod to the next must be established. Furthermore, the EBIC technique applied to the nanocrystalline device used in this study is the first measurement of its kind and can be applied toward other similar architectures. SECTION: Energy Conversion and Storage; Energy and Charge Transport


these surface state centers is known to improve the device performance including carrier mobilities and open circuit voltage, Voc.2,4,6 However, for nanocrystal-based devices, maintenance of electron conducting pathways throughout the absorber layer is crucial for high efficiency. It also stands to reason that an increase in the percolation pathway lessens the ability for the free charge carriers to be extracted to their respective electrodes due to higher possibilities of carrier recombination during the migration, thus a decrease in the overall efficiency would occur.7 Prior studies of the architecture of interest have been conducted utilizing different techniques. One example is the application of time-resolved microwave conductivity to directly probe the charge generation and decay times in the active layer.8 Similarly, Albero et al. performed experiments utilizing time-correlating single photon counting and photoinduced transient absorption spectroscopy to investigate exciton formation, carrier separation, and carrier

anocrystal-based third-generation photovoltaics have developed steadily over the past few decades with a recent achievement of 8.5% power conversion efficiency.1−3 However, this significant accomplishment in nanocrystal photovoltaics is still unmatched to the devices’ theoretical efficiency of ∼60%, nor is it close even to commercialized semiconductor film-based solar cell technologies.4 The hybrid bulk heterojunction (BHJ) device architecture, which is studied here, consists of doped nanocrystals (CdSe nanorods) dispersed in an opposing polarity medium (in this case, poly3(hexylthiophene) (P3HT) polymer), in which space charge regions are located at the nanocrystal-polymer interface. The highest efficiency nanocrystal device fabricated to date uses a Schottky-like configuration better known as a depletedheterojunction,1 while the device architecture of interest in this study has a lower record efficiency of 2.6% .5 An understanding of why the nanocrystal-based hybrid BHJ device fails to compare with other photovoltaics is critical to further progress solar cell technologies. It is widely accepted that the primary limiting factor of nanocrystal-based solar cells is the high density of surfaces within the device volume creating several surface state carrier recombination centers. Passivating © 2014 American Chemical Society

Received: December 20, 2013 Accepted: February 9, 2014 Published: February 9, 2014 856 | J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2014, 5, 856−860

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters


recombination;9 Noone et al. also used the same technique for their studies.10 Although these types of studies are significant in regards to the CdSe:P3HT charge carrier lifetimes, they lack a spatial characterization. Electron beam-induced current (EBIC), on the other hand, is a powerful semiconductor analysis technique that has long been used toward studying integrated circuits,11 transistors,12 nanowires,13 solution processed organic solar cells,14 and thin film photovoltaics15−19 that provides direct imaging of the specimen.20 Despite the numerous prior applications of EBIC, it has not yet been used toward characterization of photoactive nanocrystal-based BHJs. In this Letter, a direct map of percolation pathways is obtained with electron beam-induced current (EBIC) at a resolution of about 100 nm. It is shown that only a very thin layer of nanorods adjacent to the device cathode has the maximum carrier collection efficiency, in which the photoactivity declines swiftly away from this interface. These results emphasize the importance of finding a means to link the nanocrystals so as to produce an interconnected network for the electrons to traverse within the active layer of the device. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) EBIC measurements have been complemented with scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) images in order to correlate the structure and nanocrystal dispersion to the electronic properties of these devices. By appropriately coordinating these data, critical information regarding the device deficiency has been elucidated. The results of these measurements show the first steps toward necessary improvements that need to be made to these devices. The solar cell used for this experiment is a hybrid bulk heterojunction architecture consisting of inorganic (electron accepting CdSe nanorods) and organic (electron donor P3HT polymer) components.21 Although it is utilized as a simple standard for BHJ nanocrystal-based photovoltaics, many aspects that have inhibited its efficiency have not yet been well characterized in a postfabricated state. A schematic of the device architecture along with the EBIC circuit is shown in Figure 1. The device was fabricated on a commercially available glass/indium tin oxide (ITO) substrate with ∼100 nm of spincoated poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS), ∼100 nm of synthesized CdSe blended with P3HT,22 and ∼250 nm of evaporated Al as the back contact. The CdSe conduction band alignment with the Al allows for electrons to readily move from the conduction

band of the CdSe to the Al.6 Also, the PEDOT:PSS layer, deposited between the ITO and CdSe:P3HT layers, acts as an electron blocking layer to prevent electrons from migrating to the anode. The holes, on the other hand, are forced into the conductive polymer, where they would either exit at the anode or recombine with a free electron. Current−voltage measurements have confirmed the Al to be the electron contact and the TCO the hole contact. Cross-sectional SEM EBIC measurements have been performed to understand the carrier separation properties of the active layer that limit the device efficiency (Figure 2). The contrast in the EBIC image shown in Figure 2 is the EBIC current divided by the probe current, ranging from the beam current (approximately 400 pA) to 4× the beam current. The majority of extracted carriers are those that are generated in the CdSe:P3HT layer close to the Al interface. These results show that carriers generated within tens of nanometers of the CdSe:P3HT close to the Al contact are most capable of both separating and being collected by the appropriate contacts. This thin region seems to be the greatest photoactive part of the device, while the remainder of the CdSe:P3HT layer’s photoactivity reduces exponentially away from the CdSe:P3HT/Al interface with a decay constant of 76 nm. Therefore, it is clear that the electron conductivity of the active layer away from the Al contact is the major device limitation. Given that each incident electron will produce ∼775−1050 carriers for a 5 kV accelerating voltage, the EBIC efficiency can be calculated. Assuming a 100% efficient device will produce an EBIC current that is ∼775−1050 times the beam current, which was calculated from eq 3 in Yacobi et al.,23 the maximum current recorded (4× the beam current) for these samples in the active region would indicate a maximum efficiency of only 0.4−0.5% if all of the carriers were absorbed in the active region. This is not the case, because not all of the absorbed electrons interact with the very thin active region, and surface recombination on the cross-sectional face, which would not occur in a bulk device, decreases the collection efficiency. Therefore, the efficiency of the active region cannot be calculated accurately. The best device efficiency used for these measurements was 0.8%; due to the variations of the synthesis and fabrication steps in comparison to that produced by Greenham, et al.,5 the power conversion efficiency is indeed lower. However, it is known that the actual efficiency of the active layer is much higher than the calculated value. The asymmetry of the collected current profile across the Al and CdSe:P3HT layers is due to the electron excitation volume dependence on the target material. Electron flight path simulations (Casino) for each target material have been conducted to clarify this asymmetry (Figure SI 1).24 As the electron beam rasters over the CdSe:P3HT layer and into the Al layer, the excitation volume increases; therefore, the beam interacts with the active region at farther distances when the beam targets the Al layer compared to the CdSe:P3HT layer. Localization of the maximum EBIC current to a thin layer of the CdSe:P3HT close to the Al contact can be explained by the proximity of the nanocrystal to the cathode where the electrons are extracted. Free electrons that are directed into non-Al interfacing nanorods are unlikely to flow to the electroncollecting contact without recombining. Therefore, electrons are highly immobile when translating between nanorods. On the other hand, the EBIC results suggest that holes are much more mobile than the electrons as they are able to traverse to the TCO layer through the entire CdSe:P3HT layer without

Figure 1. Schematic of the EBIC connections for the CdSe:P3HT bulk heterojunction device. 857 | J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2014, 5, 856−860

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Figure 2. SEM (left) and corresponding EBIC with line profile (right) images taken at a 5 kV accelerating voltage normal to the cross-section. Each layer is identified from the bottom up: glass, ITO, PEDOT:PSS, CdSe nanorods and P3HT blend, and Al. In the EBIC image, the active region is noticeably thinner than the entire photoactive layer. The white arrow defines the line scan in which the profile is taken. The legend on the EBIC image is in units of EBIC current/probe current.

create a greater distance between the nanorods but also contribute to increased insulation of the charges. This is consistent with the results of Greenham et al., where their conclusion states that residual lengthy ligands on the surface of the nanorod inhibit the charge transport from nanocrystal to nanocrystal.25 Subsequently, it would be difficult for the electron to percolate from one rod to another. The lack of interaction between the nanocrystals as well as the internal electric field at the nanocrystal/P3HT interface confines the electron to the nanorod for a time frame that results in recombination. Additionally, as demonstrated in Figure 3, distribution of the nanorods can be uneven, where regions of aggregates and voids form. Based upon current results, a means to connect the nanorods, creating a continuous network, would be necessary to allow the electron transport to be undisturbed. Both SEM EBIC and STEM imaging data sets support these conclusions. As shown, significant information can be elucidated from SEM EBIC studies; it was demonstrated that the primary region of charged carrier collection is at the Al, CdSe:P3HT interface. However, without having a higher resolution microscope, the interfacial and potential nanocrystal defect studies for this type of device is impossible since SEM cannot resolve individual nanorods at the current size regime. The next step to resolve this problem would be to apply EBIC toward an aberration-corrected STEM at a low accelerating voltage. The challenge, ultimately, arises in the sample preparatory stages of the experiment.26 Once developed, the data able to be extracted from the experiment would provide indispensible information that the SEM EBIC method could not, such as direct imaging of carrier collection at the nanocrystal-to-nanocrystal level, which will lead to a more accurate depiction of where the charges tend to localize. When a better understanding of nanocrystal-based devices is found, improvements in the technology can be made and the next generation of photovoltaics can progress steadily.

significant recombination. This also suggests that the interfaces between Al/CdSe, CdSe:P3HT, and P3HT/PEDOT/ITO are well formed. Furthermore, the distribution of the nanorods within the P3HT matrix can be uneven, which would contribute to the lower measured EBIC efficiency. Figure 3 is a STEM annular

Figure 3. An annular dark field image of CdSe nanorods (pyridine exchanged) in P3HT on a carbon mesh TEM grid taken with a Nion UltraSTEM 200 STEM. The colloid was spin-coated and annealed. Left: low magnification view of the dispersion of nanorods and P3HT blend. Right: high magnification of the nanorods and P3HT at the interstitial space between the rods. EELS analysis is found in the Supporting Information.

dark field image of a drop-coated and annealed pyridine exchanged CdSe nanorods (5 × 30 nm) with P3HT on a carbon mesh TEM grid, at a 9:1 ratio (the same ratio used in the device). There is a clear, uneven dispersion of the nanocrystals, where in certain areas, aggregation is occurring, while at others, there is minimal coverage. P3HT surrounds the nanorods, in particular, at the immediate voids between the rods (Figure 3, right), which would provide a route for the hole transport. The connection between each nanocrystal is, therefore, clearly one of the core limiting factors in the charge transport for CdSe:P3HT bulk heterojunction devices. As the pyridine ligands dissociate off of the nanocrystal surface during the annealing process, there will be at least a 5 Å space between each nanorod; this is assuming that there are no TOPO or phosphonic acid ligands remaining, which would not only

EXPERIMENTAL METHODS Device Fabrication. The device was fabricated on a 60−100 nm ITO layer (Delta Technologies). From the bottom up, a 100 nm layer of PEDOT:PSS was coated onto the transparent conductive oxide (TCO) via spin-coating, followed by a 20 min 858 | J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2014, 5, 856−860

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annealing step at 120 °C. An approximately 100 nm layer of a CdSe:P3HT blend (9:1) was spun-coat over the PEDOT:PSS, followed by approximately 250 nm of a resistively evaporated Al back contact to complete the device. Prior to the Al deposition, the photoactive layer was annealed at 120 °C to remove excess ligands. Further details of the nanocrystal synthesis and fabrication of this device can be found in the Supporting Information.5,22 EBIC Sample Preparation. Due to the sensitivity of EBIC to surface recombination and topography, very careful sample preparatory techniques were followed. To prepare the samples for EBIC, each specimen was diamond saw cut and polished with a 1 μm diamond polishing cloth to reveal the cross-section of the device. Argon ion milling (Gatan Model 693, Ilion+) at liquid nitrogen temperatures was used to mitigate the surface damage caused by the polishing. After milling, the sample was mounted onto an EBIC stage, which was inserted into a Hitachi S4800 FEG-SEM equipped with a Gatan SmartEBIC system. Samples were analyzed at an accelerating voltage of 5 kV and a gain of 1 × 108.


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S Supporting Information *

Nanorod synthesis, detailed device fabrication, Monte Carlo simulations with complementary SEM/EBIC, EELS spectra of CdSe:P3HT, resulting EBIC maps after prolonged electron beam exposure of the cross-section. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at



Corresponding Author

*Address: Department of Chemistry, Vanderbilt University, 7330 Stevenson Center Lane, Nashville, TN 37235-1822. Phone: 615-322-2633. E-mail: Sandra.j.rosenthal@vanderbilt. edu. Present Address #

Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831.

Author Contributions ⊥

A.N. and J.D.P. contributed equally.

Author Contributions

The manuscript was written through contributions of all authors. All authors have given approval to the final version of the manuscript. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS A.N. is supported by the NSF EPS-1004083 and Vanderbilt University. Research was conducted as part of a user proposal at the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, which is sponsored at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory by the Scientific User Facilities Division, Office of Basic Energy Sciences (BES), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and by the Materials Sciences and Engineering Division, which is also supported by DOE BES (S.J.P., J.P., C.L.). The VINSE Angstrom Åmod resistive evaporator and glovebox were funded through Grant NSF DMR-0957701. We would like to acknowledge C. Parish, A. Lupini, D. Leonard, and J. McBride for helpful discussions. 859 | J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2014, 5, 856−860

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