Direct Evidence of a Tryptophan Analogue Radical ... - ACS Publications

Jan 30, 2016 - ... provided that the oxidant has weak enough driving force. This rivals the theoretical predictions and suggests that our current unde...
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Direct Evidence of a Tryptophan Analogue Radical Formed in a Concerted Electron−Proton Transfer Reaction in Water Prateek Dongare, Somnath Maji, and Leif Hammarström* Department of Chemistry, Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala University, Box 523, Uppsala SE-751 20, Sweden S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: Proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET) is a fundamental reaction step of many chemical and biological processes. Well-defined biomimetic systems are promising tools for investigating the PCET mechanisms relevant to natural proteins. Of particular interest is the possibility to distinguish between stepwise and concerted transfer of the electron and proton, and how PCET is controlled by a proton acceptor such as water. Thus, many tyrosine and phenolic derivatives have been shown to undergo either stepwise or concerted PCET, where the latter process is defined by simultaneous tunneling of the electron and proton from the same transition state. For tryptophan instead, it is theoretically predicted that a concerted pathway can never compete with the stepwise electron-first mechanism (ETPT) when neat water is the primary proton acceptor. The argument is based on the radical pKa (∼4.5) that is much higher than that for water (pKa(H3O+) = 0), which thermodynamically disfavors a concerted proton transfer to H2O. This is in contrast to the very acidic radical cation of tyrosine (pKa ∼ −2). However, in this study we show, by direct time-resolved absorption spectroscopy on two [Ru(bpy)3]2+−tryptophan (bpy = 2,2′-bipyridine) analogue complexes, that also tryptophan oxidation with water as a proton acceptor can occur via a concerted pathway, provided that the oxidant has weak enough driving force. This rivals the theoretical predictions and suggests that our current understanding of PCET reactions in water is incomplete.


Tyrosine (Tyr) and tryptophan (Trp) constitute the class of amino acids most commonly involved in protein PCET reactions.17,18 Furthermore, PCET reactions involving tyrosine have reached a working understanding due to the definitive identification and characterization of participating tyrosyl radical.19,20 In many such reactions, the kinetic, thermodynamic, and spectroscopic data available for the tyrosyl radical are consistent with a concerted mechanistic pathway. In contrast, the work on tryptophan has primarily demonstrated Trp•H+ and Trp• species as a result of pure ET or stepwise, electron-first (ETPT) events.21−23 One interesting example is DNA photolyase, where a photoexcited flavin chromophore induces single electron transfer in a chain of three tryptophan residues after which the ultimate, surface-exposed tryptophan radical (Trp•H+) deprotonates to the bulk water.24,25 It is even predicted on theoretical grounds that tryptophan cannot undergo a concerted PCET with water as proton acceptor, 26,27 a prediction that has become generally accepted.28,29 The argument is that, in contrast to tyrosyl radical cation Tyr•H+ (pKa ≈ − 2), the pKa value of Trp•H+ (pKa ≈ 4.5) is much higher than for a proton in water (pKa of H3O+ = 0). This makes the driving force for CEPT smaller than the one for ET, as shown in the following. Equations 1−3 give

Proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET) reactions are common elementary reactions in enzymatic reactions and other catalytic processes.1−6 For example, the coupled transfer of electrons and protons avoids charge accumulation at catalytic centers,7,8 or may lead to conversion of an electrical potential to a proton gradient.9−11 The potential of a redox couple is also influenced by PCET and depends strongly on the proton acceptor/donor. Water is an abundant proton acceptor/donor in the form of bulk water, interfacial water, or water clusters in the protein interior. Therefore, understanding the PCET reactions with water as reactant is of great interest. PCET reactions can proceed either via a stepwise or concerted pathway. In a concerted electron−proton transfer (CEPT), both electron and proton tunnel in a single kinetic step, thus avoiding the formation of high energy, charged intermediates formed by pure electron transfer (ET) or proton transfer (PT).12,13 This may result in a lower reaction barrier for the CEPT pathway. At the same time, the kinetic preexponential factor is often smaller because of the double tunneling requirement (weaker vibronic coupling between the reactant and product states).14−16 The precise determination of the mechanistic pathway in a particular case is not straightforward and specific experimental data is essential to delineate the mechanism. © XXXX American Chemical Society

Received: August 26, 2015


DOI: 10.1021/jacs.5b08294 J. Am. Chem. Soc. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Journal of the American Chemical Society the reaction free energies for the different steps of ETPT and CEPT as a function of the oxidant potential (E0ox/red), see Scheme 1. 0 0 0 • + ΔG ET = −F(Eox/red − E Trp H /TrpH)


+ 0 ΔG PT = −ln(10)RT (pK a(H3O(aq) ) − pK a(Trp•H+))


0 0 0 ΔGCEPT = ΔG ET + ΔG PT

(3) Figure 1. Structures of Ru(bpy)3−Trp molecules investigated in the study.

Scheme 1. Possible Stepwise or Concerted (CEPT) Pathways in the PCET Reactions Studied for 1 and 2a

tryptophan in water challenges our understanding of this important class of reactions.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In Figure 1, two similar metal complexes are shown. In complex 1, a [Ru(bpy)3]2+ photosensitizer is covalently connected to a tryptophan analogue (TrpH) and in complex 2, bpy ligands bearing electron donating methyl groups are used instead of unsubstituted 2,2′-bpy to decrease the RuIII/II redox potential of the Ru metal center. The RuIII/II potentials for the Ru-units of 1 and 2 are 1.26 and 1.10 V vs NHE, respectively, while the Trp•H+/TrpH potential is 1.16 V.30 Due to complex, multielectron oxidation of the TrpH unit under voltammetric conditions, electrochemical data was taken from previous studies. We have previously shown that the RuIII/II potential is unaffected by linking to a Trp or Tyr unit.30,32,33 Compared to the Ru−Trp complexes of previous studies,30,32 1 and 2 have a shorter link by one methylene unit, which is expected to increase the electronic coupling between the units and therefore increase the PCET rate. This turned out to be crucial in order to conclude whether the intermediates of stepwise reactions have been formed or not, as shown below. The PCET reaction was initialized by photooxidation of the Ru center with a 10 ns laser flash at 460 nm in the presence of 40 mM of [Ru(NH3)6]3+ as an external electron acceptor (kq[Ru(NH3)6]3+ = 2.30 (±0.01) × 107 s−1; Figure S2). The subsequent intramolecular PCET reaction where RuIII oxidizes the appended TrpH can be monitored by following the kinetics for RuII absorption recovery at 450 nm, as well as the 510 and 580 nm absorption of Trp• and Trp•H+, respectively.30,32,34−37 Scheme 1 shows the three different mechanistic pathways for the PCET reactions of complexes 1 and 2 in water: (top) electron transfer generating the protonated Trp•H+ followed by its deprotonation to water (ETPT); (middle) the concerted transfer of electron and proton (CEPT); and (bottom) TrpH deprotonation followed by its oxidation (PTET). The time dependent transient spectra shown in Figure 2 and the corresponding decay traces at 510 and 580 nm shown in Figure 3 provide a conclusive picture of the transient species involved. Figure 2a shows the data for 1 at pH = 3: the initial RuII bleach at 450 nm and the broad absorption at >500 nm from the RuIII and remaining *RuII species are replaced by a broad absorption band around 580 nm. The latter is ascribed to a Trp•H+ radical formed by ET from TrpH to the oxidized RuIII metal center. Fits to kinetic traces at 450 nm gave the rate constant kET = 5.7 (±0.1) × 106 s−1. As pH < pKa of Trp•H+, this species remains protonated until it recombines with the reduced acceptor [Ru(NH3)6]2+ on a much slower, 100 μs time scale. Therefore, the TrpH oxidation is obviously a pure ET at a pH below pKa(Trp•H+). Control experiments with [Ru-

a The stepwise, ET-first pathway (ETPT) via Trp•H+ follows the upper part of the scheme, with ΔG0ET and ΔG0PT given by eqs 1−2, while ΔG0CEPT is given by the sum of these steps (eq 3).

Because ΔG0PT > 0, the direct oxidation of TrpH to Trp• has significantly lower driving force than pure ET to form Trp•H+, by an amount equal to that for the uphill proton transfer from Trp•H+ to water (eq 2). In addition, the prefactor is expected to be lower for a CEPT reaction (see above). Therefore, it is predicted that tryptophan oxidation in water will always follow a stepwise, ETPT mechanism via formation of the Trp•H+ intermediate. Note that, after formation of Trp•...H3O+(aq) via either ETPT or CEPT (eqs 1−3), subsequent dilution of the excess proton stabilizes Trp• according to the solution pH, but this should not affect the PCET rate constant.26−28 Prior to this work, we reported a set of data that indirectly suggests that CEPT can nevertheless occur from tryptophan where water acts as a proton acceptor.30,31 The concerted mechanism was supported by a substantial kinetic isotope effect (KIE = kH/kD ≈ 3.5) in D2O. A weak pH dependence of the PCET rate constant was also observed, which has previously been associated with CEPT reactions of tyrosine derivatives.30,32,33 For comparison, a reference complex that reacted by stepwise ETPT gave KIE ≈ 1 and showed no pH dependence of the rate at pH < 10. In the present study, we report the first direct evidence that a tryptophan analogue (Trp) can be oxidized directly to the deprotonated radical Trp • without forming a Trp • H + intermediate, with water as primary proton acceptor. This is evidence against a stepwise ETPT, and for a CEPT pathway. Time-resolved absorption spectroscopy measurements allow clear observation of Trp•H+ and Trp• spectral signatures34−37 from intramolecular oxidation by an appended [Ru(bpy)3]3+ complex, as shown for complex 1 (Figure 1). In contrast, complex 2, which has a weaker RuIII oxidant, shows no signal of a Trp•H+ intermediate. Importantly, the formation of Trp• by RuIII oxidation in 2 is rapid enough compared to Trp•H+ deprotonation (τ ≈ 400 ns) to exclude transient formation of Trp•H+. The strong evidence for a CEPT reaction of B

DOI: 10.1021/jacs.5b08294 J. Am. Chem. Soc. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Journal of the American Chemical Society

Figure 3. (a) Decay of the Trp•H+ signal at 580 nm (green) and concomitant appearance of Trp• at 510 nm (black) in complex 1; for clarity, the 510 nm signal is also multiplied by 5 (blue). The fits give the rate constant of Trp•H+ deprotonation as kPT = 2.5 (±0.2) × 106 s−1. (b) Recovery of the [RuII] absorption at 450 nm (black) and concomitant growth of the 510 nm absorption from Trp• (blue) in complex 2. The fits give rate constants of k(450 nm) = 1.1(±0.1) × 106 s−1 and k(510 nm) = 8.3(±0.3) × 105 s−1. The trace at 580 nm (green) shows no signal changes after the [*RuII] emission has decayed (