Direct-Recording Raman Spectrometer - ACS Publications - American

Esso Laboratories, Standard Oil Development Company, Linden, Y. J,. A photoelectric recording Hainan spectrometer which provides rapid, accurate analy...
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Direct-Recording Raman Spectrometer J. J. HEIGL, B. F. DUDENBOSTEL, JR., J. F. BL.4CK,

AND J. A. WILSON Esso Laboratories, Standard Oil Development Company, Linden., N . J .

A photoelectric recording Raman spectrometer

corder deflection when operating at maximum sensitivity. A t the sensitivity normally employed for the analysis of 4-ml. samples, repeated measureoarbon tetraohloride peak ment of the 459 A0 indicates a reproducibility of better than 1% over a 50-minute period, the time required to obtain P complete spectrum. In making determinations of individual ompounds in multicomponent synthetic blends, deviations of less than *Z numerical 970 are observed.

which provides rapid, aoeurate analyses of a wide variety of hydrocarbon samples has heen in operation with a service factor of 95970 for the past 2.5 years. The instrument employs a Toronto- type low pressure mercury excitation source, a Young-Thollon prism monochromator, and a refrigerated RCA-C-7073B photomultiplier detector which actuates a tworecorder system through a direct current amplifier. The background noise level is 1% of full-scale re-


tinuous background radiation, Iuw intensity of dl but the 4358 A. exciting line, and a long opcrating life. The characteristics of i i high prmsure and a low pressur