Direction of Investigation in the Experimental Stage - ACS Publications

H. L. Trumbull. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1932, 24 (2), pp 199–202. DOI: 10.1021/ie50266a020. Publication Date: February 1932. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In ...
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Direction of Investigation in the Experimental Stage H. L. TRUMBULL, Chemical Research Laboratories, B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron, Ohio


E W A R C H is the systematic

search in indust.ry? The ideal research exploration of the unknown by laboratory in industry is one which retrained investigators who are quires the minimum of direction. It consists of a group of congenial scienskilled in the application of scientific tists working out their ideas in a wellmethods, and require more than the mere ability to reason logically from equipped laboratory with as little di,straction as possible from the other decause to effect. Their mental equipm e n t s h o u l d embrace a wholesome p a r t m e n t s of the industry. If the cruriosity, skill in experimentation, and laboratory staff comprises sL.ed techniR directed zeal in the planning and cians with maturity of judgment, chosen e l a b o r a t i o n of experimental work. because of t h e i r zeal for research, very little direction will be required. Ahwe all they should have creative Granted the necessary financial s u p instinct, which is the driving force unport, such a group of scientists can, d e r l y i n g research. Since the main function of research is to create, to without formal organization, a c c o m p l i bring into the realm of the known that creative work of great value. Why which previously has been unknown, then is i t necessary to set up an organithe originality of the investigator is zation for t.he direction of research in industry? the first requisite of success in any research enterprise, whether the investiIn the inception of an induat.rialyntion is being conducted in an a!research enterprise, a corporation is truistic spirit, or in an organized indusfaced with the necessity of adopting a try where profit from the undertaking progam which the officemcan approve rnay be the activating motive. i n c o n f o r m i t y with sound business H. I,. T R U M B U L I . uolicv. Thus refiearch orrranizat.inni Success in conducting a given inv e s t i g a t i o n requires of the research ire, ib many instances, required to inan morc than the ability to conceive brilliniit ideas. l i i justify t,heir existence within a period of three to five years. fact., mere brilliance of conception is not an unniixcd bless- Such a limitation of the research program puts the investiing, since under its hypnotic influencc tlie skt!ptir:isni which gators under restraints whirl1 may srriously hamper t.hh*ir underlies a.11 critical effort may suffer paralysis. The abilit_v productivity. to conduct research combines an intuitive sense and a . b o n g those who are experienced in rcseareh i t is prettbperfection in experimental skill by virtue of which rer-ults generally recognized that not only large financial benefits are produced which are dependable and verifiable. The to the supporting company but, also advances in scientific investigator must be trained by experiment to discover knowlrdge and contributions of direct benefit to humanit>truth in R form capable of verification by others. It is usually result from its performance. In recognition of t,lie only in this form that the resu1t.s of scientific investigations remarkable fertility of the mind of a productive scientist. have pernianivit vahie a8 contributions to our knowledge of wise provisiun should be made in the research program for the enconragernent of contributions to fundamental scientific science. Progresti toward a definite researell objective is usually a knowledge and the publication of tire results of such studies. stepwi,se, methodiral, and cumulative procedure. A logical Such a policy stimulates output on the part of the active reprogram of attack on the problem is formulated so t,hat the search worker, since the opportunity to be scientifically proplan permits verification by experiment a t every step. ?'lie ductive and the publication of the results of investigat,ion. plan of attack is vital to tlie success of the undertaking, and are privileges zealously sought by research men. Interest should he logical, comprehensive, and critical. An orderly shown by the investigator in fundamental research should scquence of experiments is frequently imperative, although be fostered as a vital essential to success in any research proin some cases inhition may play a major role. Aftcr thc gram rather than he regarded as foreign to the iminediatc results of many experiments are available to the investigator, it field of t.he supporting company's enterprise. I n order to define the function of supervision in the experiis often necessary to redraft the original plan of attack in order to modify its scope, to verify some discovery, to change the roental stage of research, i t is necessary to recognize the limitype of experiment, or to control some variable not recognized tations imposed upon research objectives by the company as pertinent in the original progrsm. Utilization of the pub- which sponsors the undertaking. Even with a sympathetic lished literature, deep study, and reflection niust accompany and broad-minded sponsorship it is necessary to have a defiexperimental effort in research. Ingenuity in the devising nite understanding concerning the sc,opeof the research enter