Disc Instruments, Inc. - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 23, 2012 - Disc Instruments, Inc. Anal. Chem. , 1969, 41 (6), pp 91A–91A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60275a786. Publication Date: May 1969. ACS Legacy Archi...
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Announcing the new Disc automatic printer

1. The DISC 200 Series I n t e g r a t o r Is i n stalled inside strip chart recorder.

2. R e c o r d e r t r a c e s component peaks

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3. DISC Integrator provides second trace as computation of corresponding peak


4. Area count is totaled - e n d digitized for each peak by Oise Automatic Printer

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Each totalization is I n d i c a t e d on D i s e trace as event martj for correlation pur* poses•

(It calculates peak areas without planimeters, scissors, triangles, balances, pencils, or people) IF YOU'RE NOW USING A DISC INTEGRATOR, the new Model 610 Automatic Printer makes it even more valuable by providing a direct digital printout of the peak area count. No need to scan the trace and add chart spaces. The 610 totals the unit count from the start of each peak and records the number automatically and unattended, allowing laboratory personnel more time for productive effort. Speed—immediate presentation from automatic or manual operation, up to 12,000 counts per minute full scale (6,000 cpm full scale, standard). Accuracy — ±1 count (at 0-6,000 cpm). Readout — prints 5 digits on 21/2 inch paper tape. Price — $885.00. DISC

Disc Instruments, Inc. 2701 S. Halladay S t , Santa Ana, Calif. 92705 Phons: (714) 549-0343 · TWX 714-546-0434

And it can be installed on any new or existing DISC Series 200 Integrator. Complete specifications in Bulletin 610 — send for your copy. IF YOU'RE NOT USING A DISC INTEGRATOR, you're spending too much time making peak area calculations, and probably sacrificing accuracy as well. The DISC Series 200 Integrator does away with planimetering, cut and weigh, triangulation and other manual measurements, takes 1/5 the time and is up to 3 times more accurate. Combining the Integrator with the new Model 610 Automatic Printer provides a completely automatic, digital recording system to print out the area value of each recorded peak. Details on both the Series 200 Integrator and the Model 610 Automatic Printer are available on request. Send for Bulletins 204 and 610.

Disc Instruments, Ltd. Ebberns Road, Hemel Hempstead Hertfordshire, England · Pttone: 57261-2

Disc Instruments GmbH 8000 Munchen 50, Dachauerstr. 511 Germany · Teh 54 22 91

Circle No. 130 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 4 1 , NO. 6, MAY 1969

91 A