Discovers chemical properties of virus

“high moguls" formerly safe behind the lines, and the “Four Horsemen" will leave in their wake pestilence, famine, conquest, and death. Wholesale ...
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ments will be classified as guerrilla tactics, cavalry will be confined to military parades, infantry will be effectual only in follow-up maneuvers, and strategists must think in terms of gas, aviation, and monster guns. Submarines and airplanes will relegate the gallant man-0'-war to story books, messengers of death from far above will threaten lives of "high moguls" formerly safe behind the lines, and the "Four Horsemen" will leave in their wake pestilence, famine, conquest, and death. Wholesale slaughter of defenseless women, children, and decrepits will become inevitable, with only the consolation of fixing, the blame. After each active participant has deftly evaded the guilt, some wag will suggest the chemists. Yes, they have devised these hellish weapons! They are the abettors of crime and rapine! In vain will fair-minded men remind the people and their demagogues that chemistry was involuntarily drafted into the war, that usurping governments converted peaceful laboratories into bristling arsenals, and that the reluctant chemist's talents were forcefully prostituted on the altar of Mars. As more pertinent to the subject, let us briefly inquire into our nation's chemical rank among the powers that be. Within an area larger than Augustus' empire, there is yet avast virgin territory of incrediblepotentiality. Compared with the intensive exploitation of Europe's age-old land, our fair country seems merely scratched. Well-nigh inexhaustible chemical resources abound within our national confines, beckoning to the chemist's genius and the capitalist's foresight. If England were cut off from her colonial empire, she would be pitiful@ marooned on a barren rock, whereas we, in similar circumstances,would be securely ensconced in a veritable world of our own. Yet, though augmented by fabled Atlantis itself, our situation, destitute of chemical enterprise, would be as embarrassing as John Bull's. Once fully awake to the situation, sufficient capital backing a fruitful chemical industry, and that industry heartily approved, the gods of fortune are with us. The Utopian dream of leadership in peace and ascendency in war would be accomplished.

Discovers Chemical Properties of Virus. Important steps leading to a clearing up of the true nature of viruses that cause diseases like smallpox and chickenpox, have been made by Dr. E. V. Cowdry a t the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. By making delicate micro-chemical examinations Dr. Cowdry has found that although the viruses of different diseases are distinct, the substances they form in the nucleus of cells, called "inclusion bodies," are alike. However, this does not mean that there is a corresponding similarity in the method of adion of the viruses. Significant among the results is the fact that iron, which is known to occur in detectable amounts in almost all living things, was absent from the inclusion bodies. This seems to disprove the theory that the inclusions are composed largely of microorganisms, which cause the diseases.-Science Sen&