Discovery-Based Labs for Organic Chemistry: Overview and

Nov 5, 2012 - Examples of labs involving reaction and analysis of an unknown. ... Most ambitious are the reports of entire courses developed on the ba...
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Chapter 1

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Discovery-Based Labs for Organic Chemistry: Overview and Effectiveness Norma Dunlap* and Leah J. Martin Chemistry Department, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN 37132 *E-mail: [email protected]

Although more common in general chemistry courses, a number of discovery-based or guided-inquiry laboratory experiments in organic chemistry have been reported over the past fifteen years. These are generally believed to be an improvement over traditional “cookbook” experiments, with increased student interest and engagement. A survey of the chemical education literature gives many examples, with most falling into one of just a few categories. Examples from each of these categories are summarized, as well as examples that focus on assessment of student learning and perceptions.

Introduction Laboratories are a central component of the undergraduate organic chemistry curriculum, where students are taught techniques, research skills, and support for lecture material. For years educators have been looking at the effectiveness of science laboratories and the impact on student’s learning, and there are many opinions on what constitutes an effective lab. Chemistry labs have been classified as expository, problem-based, inquiry or discovery (1). The types of lab share similarities but differ in respect to outcome, approach and © 2012 American Chemical Society In Advances in Teaching Organic Chemistry; Duffy-Matzner, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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procedure, and there have been debates on which type of lab is most effective (2–5). Expository, also known as cookbook, verification, or traditional style, is the predominant laboratory style used in undergraduate organic chemistry laboratories. This type of lab has been defined as a deductive approach where students are given a problem and step-by-step instructions on how to reach a pre-determined outcome. The concepts covered in the laboratory will have been covered in lecture before the lab is performed. Although the majority of undergraduate labs use an expository approach, the method has been criticized by many educators and researchers. Advantages include ease of lab preparation and training of TAs, however expository labs involve little critical thinking (6–8). Increasingly, organic laboratories have incorporated some discovery, or guided inquiry-based labs. These are seen as more practicable labs than open inquiry and problem-based experiments, where students are expected to develop a procedure. In a typical discovery or guided-inquiry experiment, students follow a given procedure, collect their data, make observations and draw conclusions based on their results. The outcome varies from predetermined to undetermined. This is a more inductive approach than the expository labs, and develops critical thinking skills. In discovery-based labs, the instructor does not give step-by-step instruction, but may give a general procedure. Students are playing the role as the discoverer in lab with less “guidance” from the instructor (1). Some evidence suggests that students learn more and are more engaged in a guided-inquiry lab or a discovery based lab than in the traditional, cookbook lab setting (9). For example, several General Chemistry labs were converted to guided-inquiry labs, and out of 300 students surveyed, 74% felt that their powers of observation were developed mor by the guided-inquiry labs than by verification labs. In the same survey, 68% felt that their understanding of concepts was enhanced more in the guided-inquiry labs. Discovery labs are inductive in nature, illustrate the scientific method, and connect theory with empirical data (10). Admittedly, students’ attitudes towards the labs vary; most would agree that their “problem solving skills” were used more, but they also found the laboratories more frustrating and difficult (11). Most of these studies have been conducted in general chemistry labs, but these open the idea that changing the traditional lab structure in organic chemistry may deepen students’ understanding of the subject. As there are educators that are “pro-discovery”, there are criticisms of the style as well. It has been argued that if a student does not have basic knowledge of the material to be learned, they are unable to make the “correct” discovery, and it is unclear how a group of students can discover the same thing. Also, discovery labs are more time consuming and more challenging in regard to training of teaching assistants (11). Although most of the research in the area of effectiveness of different lab types on student learning has been focused in the general chemistry laboratory courses, some studies have been published for the undergraduate organic chemistry laboratory. The goal of this chapter is to summarize representative examples of published discovery-based organic chemistry labs that can be implemented into the undergraduate curriculum, as well as the scant research that has been done on the effectiveness of discovery labs in the organic chemistry laboratory. 2 In Advances in Teaching Organic Chemistry; Duffy-Matzner, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

Summary of Discovery and Guided-Inquiry Labs

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A survey of discovery and guided-inquiry labs specific for organic chemistry fall, for the most part, into a few different categories. These are: labs involving identification of unknowns, labs involving reaction analysis, and labs involving isolation and/or purification. Several published laboratory manuals have incorporated multi-step and guided-inquiry experiments, however the focus of this chapter is on experiments published in journals (12, 13). Labs Involving Identification of Unknowns Identification of unknowns lends itself well to discovery and guided-inquiry. The extent of critical thinking on the part of the student depends on how much is "unknown". For instance a common expository lab involves giving a table of compounds with ten different melting points and asking students to identify an unknown by a melting point. This would involve learning lab techniques, but little in the way of critical thinking. However, expanding the number of compounds in the table, as well as the extent of analysis, and including compounds with similarities leads to a more discovery-based approach. An example of this is the identification of a series of unknowns based on melting point analysis as well as IR and NMR spectroscopy (14). From a list of eighty-one compounds, students narrow down the possibilities based on melting point or boiling point. An IR is taken and analyzed in order to further narrow the possibilities by functional group. Final determination is based on NMR spectroscopy. More advanced use of unknowns involves the reaction of an unknown, and then analysis of spectral data for identification of the product, and therefore of the starting material. A number of labs have been published using this approach, including functional group oxidation, aryl nitration, alcohol dehydration and nucleophilic addition to carbonyls. These are summarized in Figure 1. In the first case, students are given an unknown that may be either an alkene, alcohol or ketone, with twelve possible structures (15). The first task is to identify the functional group by chemical tests and IR. The oxidation method proposed by the student is dependent on the functional group, and analysis of the carboxylic acid product is done by NMR. Although students are all carrying out the same reaction, they will obtain different products, and will need to analyze properties of the products and then work back to identify the starting material. The next two are variations of typical expository labs done in nearly every undergraduate organic chemistry lab. Nitration of methyl benzoate, as well as dehydration of cyclohexanol are standard labs. Modification of both of these to include four unknown starting materials, and analysis of the product by NMR adds the element of discovery (16, 17). Students must analyze the spectroscopic data of the product in order to work back to the identification of the starting unknown. A final example is that of sodium borohydride and Grignard addition to unknown carbonyl compounds. The unknowns include an aldehyde, a ketone, an ester and an anhydride. Students carry out both reactions and analyze whether or not a reaction has occurred, as well as identity of a product in order to work back to identification of the unknown (18). 3 In Advances in Teaching Organic Chemistry; Duffy-Matzner, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Figure 1. Examples of labs involving reaction and analysis of an unknown. Labs Involving Reaction Analysis Most of the published labs fall into this category and vary with the extent of discovery by the student. Several procedures result in various products based on mechanism, and the student’s "discovery" involves both product analysis and proposal of mechanism. There are a few examples in which a rearranged product may be observed, either in an epoxide ring opening, or in an alkyl halide formation from an alcohol (19–21). Several more advanced labs have been reported, including a sulfinate to sulfone rearrangement, and a ring-closing metathesis (22, 23). These are perhaps best suited for an upper level advanced synthesis lab, as they both deal with reactions not commonly covered in the typical two-semester organic sequence. Figure 2 gives examples of published labs that involve inquiry on the students’ part on reaction mechanism, due to rearrangement that occurs during the reaction. For example, the epoxide rearrangement products (reaction 4 In Advances in Teaching Organic Chemistry; Duffy-Matzner, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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2, Figure 2) arise from migration of either a phenyl or a hydride. Students need to think about migratory ability of the different groups, as well as the use of NMR to identify the aldehyde vs. the ketone product. In all cases, migration of the phenyl led to the aldehyde product. The discovery component in another example (reaction 4, Figure 2) involves understanding of possible carbocations rearrangements during substitution as well as 13C-NMR interpretation. For example, reaction of 2-pentanol with HBr (NaBr, H2SO4) may occur via to give 2-bromopentane (SN2) or 3-bromopentane (SN1 with hydride shift). In the first case, students will see five carbons signals, and in the second case, only three. In practice, students see a 3:2 ratio of 2-bromopentane to 3-bromopentane.

Figure 2. Labs involving analysis of a rearranged product. Several other labs involve the investigation of stereoselectivity , chemoselectivity and/or regioselectivity of a reaction, and are summarized in Figure 3. 5 In Advances in Teaching Organic Chemistry; Duffy-Matzner, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Figure 3. Labs involving analysis of stereoselective, chemoselective and regioselective reactions. The discovery on the part of the student in these labs relies mainly on prediction of possible reaction products, and use of physical or spectroscopic techniques for verification. For example, in the addition of a Grignard reagent to racemic benzoin, all students carry out the same reaction, and determine the product based on melting point, with a discussion of diastereoselectivity (24). An example of a chemoselective reaction has students using one of two possible substrates, each with an aldehyde and an ester funtional group. Analysis of the product by NMR spectroscopy is used in order to identify which group(s) were 6 In Advances in Teaching Organic Chemistry; Duffy-Matzner, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

reduced (25). Other examples of prediction and verification of regioselectivity in reactions include epoxide ring-opening and electrophilic aromatic substitution (26, 27). Another example that falls into this category is the synthesis and chemoselective hydrogenation of a series of chalcones (28).

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Labs Involving Purification Several labs have been published that are an extension of the traditional purification labs involving distillation, recrystallization and chromatography. Varying techniques and/or samples lends the element of discovery to these labs. One example combines extraction, recrystallization and distillation into one experiment. Students perform the experiments with variable conditions for each technique, and share and discuss results (29). Another example involves the purification of “poisoned” Excedrin using extraction, chromatography and spectroscopy (30). Students’ interest is heightened by the use of a familiar medicine. Another example is that of the isolation of components of plants by extraction, purification by chromatography and spectroscopic identification (31). Discovery-Based or Research-Like Laboratory Courses Most ambitious are the reports of entire courses developed on the basis of guided-inquiry labs. Of the published reports, a common feature is the development of technique using expository-type labs, followed by a multi-week combined experiment. By using the expository labs first, students gain confidence in their abilities before proposing and carrying out a multi-week discovery-based project. In one example, after gaining experience, students propose a multi-step synthesis, carry it out, and then write a formal report on their results (32). In another example, all students carry out a multi-week synthetic research project using a Wittig reaction, halogenation, elimination and then formation of metalloles (33). While perhaps the most interesting for students, these are challenging for the instructor.

Summary of Effectiveness of Discovery and Guided-Inquiry Labs In many of the labs outlined in this chapter, informal observations were used to assess the effectiveness of the guided-inquiry labs and student learning. The instructors observed the questions that students asked during the lab, and concluded that the students in the guided-inquiry labs exhibited more independent thinking than in a traditional lab setting. It was also observed that students took more responsibility for what they were learning, felt the labs were more entertaining, and found the labs more rewarding than traditional labs (15, 29, 33). Others, such as Stoub’s purification lab, not only used informal observations, but also used student evaluations, end of year assessments, and reflections in a notebook to assess the effectiveness of the lab (30). Again, it was found that students asked deeper questions based on a deeper understanding of the laboratory, 7 In Advances in Teaching Organic Chemistry; Duffy-Matzner, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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they took ownership of their work, and generally enjoyed the lab. There was no statistical analysis reported, but the laboratory handouts, student discussion questions, and instructor notes are provided in the supplemental material. Miller and Leadbeater measured student learning versus students’ perception of learning in their guided inquiry lab (34). A WebCT pre-laboratory test was given as a measure of prior knowledge of the material covered, which was broken down into three components: microwave energy, biodiesel, and esterification. The same test was given as a post-laboratory test to see if knowledge was gained. There was a statistical difference in scores on the pre-test vs. post-test, suggesting that the laboratory had a positive impact on students’ understanding of the content. Along with the pre and post-test, a five point Likert-scale survey was administered which linked the test results to students’ perception of their content comprehension. This survey was administered via WebCT before and after the laboratory as well. Their confidence from participating in this lab gave mixed results. In comparing the preand post-test, a statistical significance was observed for: comprehension of action of microwave energy in heating a reaction, knowledge of differences in microwave equipment, the concept of biodiesel, the actual synthesis and reaction conditions, and the students’ abilities to interpret 1H NMR. However, there was no statistical significance shown for: properties of biodiesel, mechanism of esterification, and trans-esterification. Another very thorough assessment was carried out in Mohrig’s three-week inquiry-based project for the synthesis and hydrogenation of disubstituted chalcones (28). Students synthesized and purified a disubstituted chalcone the first week. The second week was based on the regioselective hydrogenation of the chalcones, including analysis by TLC, IR, NMR, and GC-MS. For the final week students presented their data to their peers. The instructor acted as a research facilitator, and asked probing questions to assess understanding. Other students in the section typically added to the discussion for possible interpretations and general laboratory procedures. After input from others in the class on the presentations, the students wrote a formal lab report. Upon completion of the unit, students took an anonymous online survey to reflect their perception of the effectiveness of the laboratory. From the 547 students that participated in the free response survey, only 10% didn’t like the experiment, while the aspects that students like the most were: use of spectroscopy (29%), diversity of lab skills (14%), approach allowing time for repetition (10%). The study also addressed issues involved in TA training. Although there was a weekly meeting and most TA’s had taught guided-inquiry labs prior to this lab unit, the enthusiasm and amount of preparation influenced the results of this study. Results of questioning the participating students about the TA’s showed that 32% of TA’s made the student reason through problems on their own, 62% asked questions and “guided” the student in the proper direction, 3% answered all questions and corrected all problems, and 3% of the TAs did not know how to answer the questions. Although there are many informal observations about the effectiveness of inquiry-based labs summarized in this chapter, there are few examples with formal assessment of the effectiveness. There is clearly a need for further research on the effect on student learning and attitudes toward organic chemistry, as well as a need to investigate TA training and their perceptions, as well as faculty. More research 8 In Advances in Teaching Organic Chemistry; Duffy-Matzner, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

documenting and statistically analyzing aspects of the published guided-inquiry organic chemistry labs would also be helpful.


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11 In Advances in Teaching Organic Chemistry; Duffy-Matzner, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.