Discovery of New Herbicide Modes of Action with Natural Phytotoxins

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Chapter 7

Discovery of New Herbicide Modes of Action with Natural Phytotoxins Downloaded by DUKE UNIV on December 8, 2015 | Publication Date (Web): November 4, 2015 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2015-1204.ch007

Stephen O. Duke* and Franck E. Dayan USDA, ARS, Natural Products Utilization Research Unit, Oxford, School of Pharmacy, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi 38677, United States *E-mail: [email protected]

About 20 modes of action (MOAs) are utilized by commercial herbicides, and almost 30 years have passed since the last new MOA was introduced. Rapidly increasing evolution of resistance to herbicides with these MOAs has greatly increased the need for herbicides with new MOAs. Combinatorial chemistry and gene knockout approaches have not led to commercial herbicides with new MOAs. The question arises as to how many good herbicide MOAs exist. The relatively little that we know of the MOAs of natural phytotoxins that can effectively kill plants suggests that there are herbicide MOAs yet to be exploited. Some of these targets are questionable because of potential toxicological problems, but many others are not. The MOAs of natural phytotoxins are discussed and strategies to maximize discovery of new MOAs with natural products that might be used as herbicides are presented.

Introduction New herbicide modes of action (MOAs) are needed to counter the rapidly increasing evolution of herbicide resistance (1). The last new MOA was introduced almost thirty years ago, when herbicidal inhibitors of hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD) reached the market (2). The number of herbicide MOAs of commercial herbicides has remained around 20 for

© 2015 American Chemical Society In Discovery and Synthesis of Crop Protection Products; Maienfisch, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

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decades, while those for commercial insecticides and fungicides have risen to 28 and 41, respectively (3–5). The reasons for the paucity of herbicide MOAs have been debated among those involved in discovery of new herbicides. Clearly, investment in new herbicide discovery waned considerably after the highly successful combination of glyphosate with glyphosate-resistant crops removed a large part of the profit from the global herbicide market. The question of how many viable herbicide molecular target sites exist has been debated without resolution. Have we passed the point of diminishing returns? Molecular biology studies and natural products research suggest that there are still many unexploited target sites. Numerous new potential herbicide target sites were identified by Bayer and other scientists by knocking out expression of genes for production of these potential target sites (reviewed in ref. (6)). But, no new herbicides have resulted from these studies, apparently because of difficulties in finding good chemical inhibitors (cost effective, highly active, and safe) for any of these sites. There are highly effective natural phytotoxins that kill plants by MOAs that are entirely different than the 20 currently used MOAs (7–9). Thus, we have knowledge of other good molecular targets (i.e., MOAs), but this has not translated into new products that interact with these sites. This chapter will briefly chronicle the few successes with natural products translating into new commercial herbicides with new MOAs, followed by some examples of target sites of nautral products that could result in new products. We will then discuss some of the hindrances and opportunities in using natural products for MOA discovery and new product development.

Examples of Past Successes Of the 20 MOAs used, only two have come from natural products. They are glutamine synthetase (GS) and HPPD. The very successful non-selective herbicide glufosinate is the synthetic version of the Streptomyces spp. product L-phosphinothricin (10). The synthesized version of the compound is a racemic mixture of L- and D-phosphinothricin, of which, only the L-form is active. A tripeptide (two alanines and phosphinothricin), bialaphos (aka bilanafos), produced by fermentation has been a minor herbicide in Japan. This compound is a proherbicide with no activity as a GS inhibitor, but is converted into L-phosphinothricin by the target plant. Transgenic, glufosinate-resistant crops are increasing the use of glufosinate, especially in places where glyphosate-resistant weeds have become a major problem. Although there are several other good natural GS inhibitors (e.g., tabtoxin, oxetin, and methionine sulfoximine – aka glabrin), glufosinate and bialaphos are the only commercialized herbicides with this MOA.

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Two major categories of HPPD inhibitors appeared at about the same time; the triketones and the isoxazoles (11). Of these, the triketones were discovered as the result of the study of natural triketones, starting with the putative allelochemical leptospermone (12). No natural triketones are sold as herbicides, even though they possess many of the physicochemical properties of commercial herbicides (13), and one of them, grandiflorone, a constituent of the essential oil of Leptospermum scoparium, is almost as active as the commercial triketone herbicide sulcotrione against HPPD in an in vitro assay (14). Natural oils rich in HPPD-inhibiting triketones have herbicide activity in soil, causing bleaching of emerging plants (15). There are other herbicides that may have natural products origins. For example, the structure of the minor herbicide cinmethylin is closely related to the natural phytotoxin 1,4-cineole (discussed in 8), but no clear connections between the two compounds have been published. A recent report suggests that the target site of cinmethylin is tyrosine aminotransferase (16). There are structural similarities between several of the other herbicide classes and natural compounds, but discovery and MOA links do not exist or have not been divulged. Furthermore, there are a number of natural phytotoxins that have MOAs of commercial herbicides. But the discovery of the synthetic herbicides was independent of any knowledge of natural products. For example, one of the first herbicide MOAs introduced was inhibition of photosytem II (PSII) of photosynthesis, with examples such as diuron and the triazines. Subsequent to the discovery of PSII as a MOA, several natural PSII inhibitors from both plants (e.g., sorgoleone and sarmentine (17, 18)) and microbes (e.g., cyanobacterin (19)) have been found. Gerwick and Sparks (20) detail a number of similar examples of natural compounds with MOAs in common with commercial herbicides. In summary, only two of the approximately 20 commercial MOAs can clearly be shown to have come from natural phytotoxins. Gerwick and Sparks (20) recently analyzed the role of natural products in the discovery of all pesticides. Of the commercial MOAs they found approximately three-fold more fungicide and insecticide MOAs to come directly from natural products than herbicide MOAs. Considering all the pesticide MOAs, about 6, 11, and 16% of the commercial MOAs were from natural products or natural product-inspired compounds for herbicides, insecticides and fungicides, respectively. However, when adding MOAs that could have been derived from natural compounds with those MOAs, many other MOAs could have come from the study of natural compounds (Figure 1). They have calculated that although less than 0.1% of the $US 24.9 billion 2012 herbicide market are natural compounds, 10.2% of the market are synthetic compounds that had natural compound starting points. The percentage values in Figure 1 are of total pesticides. When calculated as a percentage of 2012 herbicide sales, about 33% of that market is natural products, natural product-inspired compounds, plus MOAs that could have been derived from a natural compound (20).

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Figure 1. The percentages of known commercial MOAs of pesticides that were derived from natural products + natural product-inspired products + products that could have been discovered by study of natural products as a percentage of the total compounds known and recognized by HRAC, IRAC and FRAC. Redrawn from (20). (see color insert)

The Potential for New Modes of Action The MOAs of most natural phytotoxins have not been determined, but of those that are known, many are not those of commercial herbicides. These many novel MOAs have been detailed in previous publications (e.g., (7, 9)). Table 1 provides a sampling of novel MOAs of natural phytotoxins. There are more examples of active compounds than those provided for some of the target sites listed. Some of the MOAs would be of little interest because of the clear toxicity concerns. For example, AAL-toxin is highly toxic to plants, but its MOA, inhibition of ceramide synthase (CS) (51), is the same as the mode of action of a series of mycotoxins that are highly toxic to mammals such as the fumonisins, which are also quite phytotoxic (52, 53). Efforts to find strong inhibitors of plant CS with very low effects on animal CS have not been successful (53). Industry is wary of any compounds (e.g., aphidicolin, hydantocidin) that might affect such universal processes as nucleic acid or protein synthesis. Despite this, the pesticide industry generated numerous patents on analogues of hydantocidin as herbicides.

Table 1. Some phytotoxins and their non-commercial herbicide molecular target sites (expanded from ref. (8)). Compound

Target site ir MOA



Ceramide synthase



Glutamate synthase



Plastid peptide deformylase



Fructose-1,6,-bisphosphate aldolase



DNA polymerase α and δ

(25) Continued on next page.

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Table 1. (Continued). Some phytotoxins and their non-commercial herbicide molecular target sites (expanded from ref. (8)). Compound

Target site ir MOA





Carbonic coformycin

AMP deaminase



β-Ketoacyl-ACP synthase






Jasmonate receptors



Enoyl reductase


7-Dehydrobrefeldin A

Golgi assembly



1-Deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate reductoisomerase



Glutamate-1-semialdehyde aminotransferase



Amino transferase



Histone deacetylases


Helminthosporium carbonum-toxin

Lysine deactylases



Adenylosuccinate synthase



2-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA synthase



Proteasome interference



Tryptophan synthase



Ribonucleotide reductase


Ophiobolin A

Calmodulin antagonist



Ornithine transcarboxylase






β-Tubulin destabilization


Plastid 30S ribosomal subunits


Membrane destabilizer


Plastid RNA polymerase


Microtuble hyperstabilization


CF1 ATPase



Cellulose synthase



Auxin signaling


83 In Discovery and Synthesis of Crop Protection Products; Maienfisch, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.



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In addition to natural phytotoxins with known MOAs, there are many potent phytotoxins for which the MOA is still unknown. In several cases, there are indications that the compounds have unique MOAs. One example is ascaulitoxin aglycone (AscA) (Figure 2), a phytotoxin from the plant pathogen Ascochyta caulina (54). It is highly toxic to both host and non-host plant species. It is more effective as a growth inhibitor to duckweed (Lemna paucicostata) than many commercial herbicides (55, 56). Supplementation of growth media with most amino acids reverses the effects of this potent phytoxin (e.g., Figure 2) (55). Certain tricarboxylic cycle intermediates also reversed or reduced the effects. Metabolomic analysis of the effects of AscA revealed drastic effects (both up and down regulation) on pools of some amino acids. But, other metabolic disruptions were also found. The metabolic fingerprint caused by AscA was unlike that caused by herbicides with known MOAs that BASF had on file, indicating that it has a unique MOA.

Figure 2. Structure of ascaulitoxin aglycone (AscA) and the effect of L-lysine on AscA-inhibited growth of Lemna paucicostata after 7 days exposure to both chemicals. Reproduced in part with permission from reference (55) Copyright 2011. Publisher Elsevier. Mevalocidin (Figure 3), a microbial product of Fusarium DA056446 and Rossellinia DA092917 (57), is a close analogue of mevalonic acid (Figure 3), an intermediate of the mevalonic pathway for terpenoid synthesis. The phytotoxin is readily taken up by plants and is phloem mobile, producing symptoms of chlorosis (Figure 4). In the mevalonate pathway, mevalonate is phosphorylated to mevalonate-P and mevalonate-PP by two consecutive kinases. Mevalonate-PP 84 In Discovery and Synthesis of Crop Protection Products; Maienfisch, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

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is then decarboxylated to form isopentenyl-PP (the basic terpene building block) by mevalonate-PP-decarboxylase. Considering the structure of the herbicide, the mode of action may be inhibition of one or more of the three enzymes of the mevalonic pathway that use mevalonate or one of its phosphorylated forms as a substrate, an entirely new MOA. If so, like hydantocidin (58), mevalocidin might be a proherbicide that must be phosphorylated in order to be an active enzyme inhibitor.

Figure 3. Structures of mevalocidin and mevalonic acid.

Figure 4. Symptoms of mevalocidin treatment on Xanthium strumarium (cocklebur) treated 16 days prior to the photograph. Reproduced with permission from reference (57). Copyright 2013. Publisher Springer. (see color insert) All isoprenoids originate from isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP) and dimethylallyl pyrophosphate (DMAPP) building blocks (59) (Figure 5). IPP was originally thought to be derived exclusively from mevalonic acid (MVA), a ubiquitous metabolite synthesized by 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl (HMG) CoA reductase in eukaryotic organisms. However, this paradigm was challenged early on in studies that showed that mevilonin (a natural compound that is a cholesterol-lowering statin also known as lovastatin), a specific HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor, reduced plant growth and sterol synthesis but had no effect on carotenoid synthesis (60). They postulated that chloroplasts held a different form of this enzyme. It took the same research group more than a decade to discover that chloroplasts contained an entirely different pathway to IPP synthesis (61). In the chloroplast, IPP and DMAPP are derived from 1-deoxy-d-xylulose-5 phosphate, which is subsequently converted to methyl-d-erythritol-4-phosphate. 85 In Discovery and Synthesis of Crop Protection Products; Maienfisch, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

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This pathway, called either DOXP or MEP, is the target of the synthetic herbicide clomazone (actually a proherbicide that is active as keto-clomazone) and the natural product fosmidomycin (Figure 5). Consequently, effort is being pursued to discover inhibitors of other steps of this pathway (62).

Figure 5. The two isoprenoid biosynthesis pathways in plants. The mevalonate (MVA) pathway is localized in the cytosol involves 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase (HMGR), the target of mevilonin. The DOXP or MEP pathway is compartmentalized within the chloroplast and involves 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate synthase (DXS), and 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate reductase (DXRP), the targets of clomazone and fosmidomycin, respectively. GGPP, geranylgeranyl diphosphate; FPP, farnesyl diphosphate; IPP, isopentenyl diphosphate; DMAPP, dimethylallyl diphosphate. (see color insert) These are only a couple of examples of potent phytotoxins that have unexploited MOAs. The pesticide industry has patents on a number of natural phytotoxins for which the MOA is either unknown or not disclosed. Examples of potent natural phytotoxins explored by industry, but with unknown MOAs, are macrocidin (63, 64), cinnacidin (65), and albucidin (66). Natural phytotoxins with unknown MOAs such as agropyrenol (67), phomentrioloxin (68), and pyrenophoric acids (69) are being discovered at a rapid pace. Considering the already established wide range of MOAs not associated with commercial herbicides that are possessed by natural compounds (Table 1), one might expect that even more new MOAs are still to be discovered. We emphasize that all of these compounds are highly phytotoxic, indicating that their MOA could be viable for a commercial herbicide MOA. 86 In Discovery and Synthesis of Crop Protection Products; Maienfisch, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

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Why has the information above not resulted in new herbicides with new MOAs? Gerwick (70) summarized several reasons for this: inadequate efficacy and reliability, as well as safety issues with non-target organisms. We mentioned the potential safety problems of some of these natural phytotoxin MOAs above. One could add to Gerwicks’s list that many natural compounds are structurally complicated (e.g., multiple stereiogenic centers), making the cost of synthesis out of reach for an agrochemical. Just as for pharmaceuticals based on natural compounds, simplifying the structure while maintaining biological activity has not worked for some natural phytotoxins. For example, no simplified CF1ATPase inhibitors with good activity have been generated from the very potent natural cyclic tetrapeptide, tentoxin (e.g., (71)). There are two parts of the structure-activity puzzle that must be solved: activity at the molecular target site and the physicochemical prerequisites for movement to that target site. However, advances in fermentation have made complex pesticide molecules such as the spinosyns commercially successful, and similar solutions may be possible for structurally complex natural phytotoxins. Most natural phytotoxins are not as active as synthetic herbicides, however, the triketones provide an example of the natural compound providing the structural template for more active synthetic compounds.

Summary The information above provides an abbreviated rationale for a stronger effort to exploit natural phytotoxins in the quest for badly needed new herbicide MOAs. Numerous highly effective natural phytotoxins have been found that kill plants by MOAs that are not used by commercial herbicides. If the natural compound cannot be a successful herbicide (e.g., high cost or inadequate physicochemical properties), a new herbicide with the new MOA can be produced by either structural modification of the natural compound or by searching for new compounds that are effective on the new target site with in vitro screening. The growing herbicide resistance problem should hasten the increased use of this strategy.

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92 In Discovery and Synthesis of Crop Protection Products; Maienfisch, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.