Discussion: Environmental studies

Rapporteur: F. S. Sterrett, Hofstra University. The participants of this session discussed a variety of academic programs as passihle ways to prepare ...
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Discussion: Environmental Studies Rapporteur: F. S. Sterrett, Hofstra University

The participants of this session discussed a variety of academic programs as passihle ways to prepare students for careers in, or sensitivity to, environmental science. These included 4-yr interdisciplinary degrees in "Envimnmental Studies," BA or BS with usual major hut with a concentration on "Environmental Science,'' graduate programs in the area and a two-year program in "Environmental Studies in a Community College." Pros and cons of these various approaches were discussed. The ever-present tension between breadth and depth in an education was noted again. A variety of specific programs appearing in institutions represented at the discussion were presented in varying detail. In almost all pmgrams participation of non-natural scientists was noted. Financial problems with such programs were evident to several participants. All agreed that students and faculty must not lose sight of national and global envimnmental problems and needs.


/ Journal of Chemical Education