Discussion: Mathematics in the first-year chemistry course

An unusual program at Case-Western Reserve provides to 500 freshmen the ... over the weakness in the preparation of students in high school mathematic...
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Discussion: Mathematics in the First-Year



Rapporteur: G. P. Richter, West Virginia Wesleyan College This was the first of three sessions organized a t the conference by participants interested in the particular topic discussed. The availability of this activity makes each Biennial Conference more lively and responsive. The two main areas of discussion in this session were (1)electronic calculators and their use and impact and (2) the mathematical ability of beginning chemistry students. The consensus was that the cheap electronic calculators have probahly "done in" slide rules and that the calculators should be permitted in class. Arguments for their use included the rapid reinforcement from quick numerical results and the imperative that a student consider significant figures since the calculator does not. Use of calculators has little effect on the teaching of approach to and method of solving problems, nor of aspects such as significant figures and units.

Participants were sensitive to the need to avoid students feeling discriminated against if they do not have calculators. An unusual program at Case-Western Reserve provides to 500 freshmen the opportunity to buy a $27 calculator for $20 or to borrnw one free after a $20 deposit. A borrower must agree to share the calculator with adjacent students (after clearing). The group expressed concern over the weakness in the preparation of students in high school mathematics, at least as far as its usefulness in the learning of chemistry was concerned. The problem is exaggerated by the lack of remedial math courses in many college and universities. Various screening tests for mathematical ability were discussed and their relevance to placement and counseling of students taking chemistry considered. Books helpful to students with mathematical difficulties were mentioned.

Volume 52, Number 1. January 1975
