Disinfection byproducts - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

arguably the greatest public health achievement of the 20th century (1). Chemical ..... Colman, J.; Rice, G. E.; Wright, J. M.; Hunter, E. S., III; Te...
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Chapter 1

Recent Advances in Disinfection By-Products Downloaded from pubs.acs.org by on 09/30/15. For personal use only.

Charting a New Path To Resolve the Adverse Health Effects of DBPs Michael J. Plewa* and Elizabeth D. Wagner Department of Crop Sciences and the Center of Advanced Materials for the Purification of Water with Systems, Safe Global Water Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801 *E-mail: [email protected].

The disinfection of drinking water was an outstanding public health achievement of the 20th century. Disinfection by-products (DBPs) are the unintended consequence of reactions between disinfectants with organic and halide precursors in the source water. Exposure to DBPs is associated with unfavorable health effects from cancer induction to adverse pregnancy outcomes, yet the forcing agents responsible are largely unknown. Of over 600 DBPs identified, only 11 are regulated by the U.S. EPA and in many studies these are not the most toxic DBPs. Identified DBPs represent less than half of the total organic halogen in drinking water and only ~80 DBPs have been evaluated by systematic quantitative toxicological analyses. Epidemiological studies are hampered by problems with exposure metrics and the suite of DBPs present in drinking water. Although the last decade experienced increased interdisciplinary collaborations amongst chemists, biologists, epidemiologists and engineers, resolving the risks of DBPs follows a dated paradigm. A new integrated approach is required to determine the contaminants in source and drinking waters that increase health risks and to provide the foundation for novel disinfection practices. We suggest the following areas in resolving adverse health effects of DBPs: 1) identification and occurrence of emerging DBPs especially iodinated-DBPs and nitrogenous-DBPs, 2) quantitative, comparative in vitro © 2015 American Chemical Society

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toxicology of DBPs and DBP classes, 3) a nationwide analysis on the toxicity of drinking waters, 4) determining the impact of DBP precursors and mixture effects on water toxicity, 5) understanding the molecular mechanisms of DBP toxicity, 6) identification of sensitive subpopulations to DBP toxicity, 7) employment of analytical chemistry and toxicity information as an essential part of epidemiological studies, and 8) engineering research on disinfection based on toxic outcomes.

Introduction The disinfection of drinking water to reduce waterborne disease was arguably the greatest public health achievement of the 20th century (1). Chemical disinfectants inactivate pathogens in source waters; however, an unintended consequence is their reaction with natural organic matter (NOM), anthropogenic contaminants and bromide/iodide to form disinfection by-products (DBPs) (2). Factors including the concentration and type of organic matter, pH, temperature, disinfectant type and concentration, and contact time affect the formation of DBPs (3, 4). The most widely employed disinfectants include chlorine, chloramines, chlorine dioxide, and ozone; each disinfectant generates DBPs with a different spectra of chemical classes (5, 6). Since their discovery (7, 8) over 600 DBPs have been chemically characterized (9). This number of DBPs represents only a fraction of the total organic halogen (TOX) generated in disinfected water. Of this number, approximately 80 have undergone systematic, quantitative, comparative toxicological analyses (10–12). By extrapolation from TOX, the total number of DBPs may reach over 2,000. This may be an analytical chemist’s dream in the search to identify all possible DBPs. However, it becomes an analytical biologist’s dilemma to choose a DBP class or individual compound for comprehensive toxicological analyses. Unfortunately, DBPs represent a regulatory nightmare; of the hundreds of possibly highly toxic DBPs, the U.S. EPA currently regulates only 11 agents (10, 13). A large number of DBPs are cytotoxic, neurotoxic, mutagenic, genotoxic, carcinogenic and teratogenic (10). Epidemiological research demonstrated low but significant associations between disinfected drinking water and adverse health effects (10) including cancer of the bladder (14–16), colon (17, 18) and rectum (19). Some studies report a weak association with adverse pregnancy outcomes and DBPs; yet, the evidence is inconclusive (20–23). Research into the formation, occurrence, toxicity, epidemiology and engineering processes have resulted in enhanced interest in the adverse impact of DBPs on the environment and the public health (12, 24–35). Although the last decade experienced increased interdisciplinary collaborations amongst chemists, biologists, epidemiologists and engineers, resolving the risks of DBPs follows a dated paradigm. A new integrated approach is required to determine the contaminants in source and drinking waters that increase health risks and to provide the foundation for novel disinfection practices. 4

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Charting a New Pathway for Integrated DBP Research Although there has been an increase in interdisciplinary studies, current DBP research is in many ways unintegrated. High quality work continues to be published on the formation and identification of emerging DBPs, comparative toxicology and the molecular mechanisms of DBP toxicity, exposure assessment, risk assessment and epidemiology as well as novel engineering processes to control DBPs in drinking water. Yet the future demands that we address complex questions regarding DBPs. Some of these questions include the following. What are the environmental and public health impacts of unidentified DBPs (~70% TOX)? What are the important DBP classes or individual agents that have epidemiological significance? Can we predict human health risks if we know the biological mechanisms of DBP toxicity? Can we integrate research in analytical chemistry, analytical biology and exposure assessment to enhance the resolution of epidemiological studies on the adverse health effects of DBPs? Can we use biological and chemical data to optimize engineering processes for wastewater reuse and desalination? These questions and indeed other crucial questions associated with DBPs may be addressed most efficiently by well planned, focused interdisciplinary science. In this paper we argue for a new pathway of integrated DBP research that includes the following. • • • • • • • •

A nationwide drinking water in vitro toxicity survey. Analytical chemical analyses of the DBPs from the surveyed water samples expressing the highest levels of toxicity. Identification of the forcing agents associated with this toxicity. Definition of the molecular mechanisms of toxicity for the DBPs identified as forcing agents. Identification of selected human biomarkers associated with the molecular mechanisms of toxic DBP forcing agents. Identification of susceptible human subpopulations based on bio-markers. Definition of the modes of DBP exposure. Development of focused epidemiologic studies on exposed populations and integration of data with DBP exposure, toxicity, biomarkers and adverse health outcomes.

The information derived from this integrated interdisciplinary approach may form a cornerstone for optimizing engineering processes for water disinfection. Nationwide Drinking Water in Vitro Toxicity Survey In 2002 the U.S. EPA published a landmark study commonly referred to as the Nationwide Occurrence Study (36, 37). In this study, novel quantitative analytical methods were developed for measuring the priority DBPs; the occurrence of a wide variety of DBPs in drinking waters throughout the U.S. was determined; the effect of source water and treatment conditions on DBP formation was measured; the fate and transport of these DBPs in the distribution system were studied; and the identification of new DBPs was reported. This study clearly demonstrated 5

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that hundreds of DBPs were differentially distributed in drinking waters within the U.S. However, the Nationwide Occurrence Study did not identify the toxicity of the water samples. In concert with the data generated by the Nationwide Occurrence Study, our laboratory developed mammalian cell microplate-based assays and generated in vitro, systematic, analytical, comparative databases on the chronic cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of individual DBPs. To date we have analyzed 87 DBPs (Table I). Their comparative cytotoxicity in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells (LC50) is presented in Figure 1 (carbon-based DBPs) and Figure 2 (nitrogen-containing DBPs). Their comparative genotoxicity is presented in Figure 3. These data provide a direct comparison of the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of DBPs within a chemical class and among chemical classes and allow for detailed structure activity relationships to be studied by integrating analytical chemistry and analytical biology. The data for Figures 1-3 were published (12, 24–27, 29–31, 33, 38–43) and represent the largest toxicity database for DBPs. This work as well as recent bioanalytical research will provide a foundation to identify forcing agents that contribute to the toxicity of disinfected water. Analytical Chemistry and the Identification of the Forcing Agents of Drinking Water Toxicity To use these data most effectively, we propose that a nationwide in vitro toxicity survey of drinking waters be conducted. This study would employ bioanalytical assays (12, 44) to identify U.S. drinking waters that express enhanced in vitro toxicity. Source water characteristics such as pH, industrial pollutants, pharmaceutical contaminants, total organic carbon (TOC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), specific UV absorbance, concentrations of I- and Br-, disinfectant concentration, coagulants (polyDADMAC) and engineering practice all play a role in the toxicity of finished drinking water (2, 5, 6, 45–54). Detailed analytical chemical studies for DBPs would be conducted with drinking waters that induce the highest adverse biological effects. The forcing agents (DBPs or classes of DBPs) that are associated with the toxicity would be identified and rank ordered (2). Molecular Mechanisms of Action of the DBP Forcing Agents Associated with Enhanced Toxicity of Drinking Water The regulated and unregulated DBPs that are identified as the forcing agents for drinking water toxicity would be the primary candidates for investigating their molecular modes of action. Currently few molecular mechanisms for specific DBP-induced toxicity have been reported. Although many of the adverse biological effects involved the induction of oxidative stress, the mechanisms that generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) follow different pathways and the DBPs may interact with different cellular targets to induce damage. ROS is the resulting insult that causes cellular dysfunction and is a phenomenon, not a mechanism per se. Cytotoxicity induced by bromate involves ROS-mediated mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPK) activation (55). The halobenzoquinones generate redox 6

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reactions producing reactive metabolites that damage biological macromolecules (56). The primary cellular target molecule for the monohaloacetic acids (monoHAAs) is glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) (57). Inhibition of GAPDH leads to pyruvate starvation and mitochondrial stress that generates ROS (58, 59). New research demonstrated that the monohalonitriles, at non-cytotoxic concentrations, impact the M-phase of the cell cycle and induce hyperploidy in mammalian cells (35). These examples indicate that the molecular mechanisms of DBP toxicity involve a diversity of cellular targets and affect a host of different biological pathways. Identification of Human Biomarkers Associated with Molecular Mechanisms of Toxic DBPs In the context of this paper, a biomarker refers to a measurable indicator of an adverse biological state or condition induced or influenced by exposure to a toxic DBP. Biomarkers associated with a cellular mode of toxic action may provide a vehicle to identify adverse effects in an exposed human population. One promising approach is toxicogenomic analyses. With the combination of toxicology and genomics, toxicogenomics represents a powerful interdisciplinary tool to analyze the modulation of gene expression after exposure to a toxic agent. Metabolic pathways involved in the cellular responses to toxins can be identified and provide insight on the underlying biological mechanisms. Toxicogenomic research has identified a number of genes that demonstrate altered expression related to DBP exposure. In vitro toxicogenomic analyses of DBPs identified as forcing agents in drinking water toxicity would have high resolving power to identify human biomarkers that may be useful in selecting sensitive populations for epidemiological studies. To provide high resolving power for toxicological metrics, in vitro quantitative comparative toxicogenomic analyses must be conducted rather than screening studies (60). These experimental designs will demand that the genomic studies are conducted at non-cytotoxic levels. If DBP concentrations induce cell death, the RNA extracted for microarray analysis would be from dead or dying cells and may not reflect its molecular mechanism of toxicity. Also many toxicogenomic studies employ human tumor cell lines because they are easy to grow and yield large amounts of RNA (61). However, such studies may be difficult to interpret due to the genetic instability of tumor cell lines and their inherent aberrant gene expression. Because of these concerns we encourage the use of nontransformed human cells and treatment conditions with no or low cytotoxicity at equivalent biological effects. In order to generate quantitative comparative toxicogenomic analyses among a series of DBPs it is important to generate transcriptome profiles from cells that were exposed to agents at concentrations normalized to generate equivalent biological responses. As illustrated in Figure 4, the concentrations of IAA, BAA and CAA that induced equivalent genomic DNA damage (50%Tail DNA) were 22 µM, 57 µM and 3.4 mM, respectively (62). Employing concentrations that induce equivalent biological effects allow for the normalization of adverse biological effects and transcriptome profiles within a comparative experimental design and leads to more meaningful toxicogenomic information. 7

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8 Figure 1. CHO cell chronic cytotoxicity analyses of carbon based DBPs. The abbreviations for the DBPs are listed in Table I. Each DBP is repre-sented as its LC50 concentration (50% cell density as compared to the negative control).

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9 Figure 2. CHO cell chronic cytotoxicity analyses of N-DBPs. The abbreviations for the DBPs are listed in Table I. Each DBP is represented as its LC50 concentration (50% cell density as compared to the negative control).

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10 Figure 3. CHO cell genotoxicity analyses of DBPs. The abbreviations for the DBPs are listed in Table I. Each DBP is represented as its midpoint of the SCGE genotoxicity concentration-response curve or its 50%Tail DNA metric.

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Table I. DBPs Analyzed for CHO Cell Cytotoxicity and Genotoxicity and Abbreviations Abbreviation





Haloacetic Acids




Bromoacetic acid




Chloroacetic acid




Iodoacetic acid




Dibromoacetic acid




Dichloroacetic acid




Diiodoacetic acid




Bromochloroacetic acid




Bromoiodoacetic acid




Chloroiodoacetic acid




Tribromoacetic acid




Trichloroacetic acid


Dibromochloroacetic acid


Bromodichloroacetic acid


Halo Acids










3,3-Dibromo-4oxopentanoic acid




3,3-Dibromochloro-4oxopentanoic acid




2-Iodo-3-bromopropenoic acid




3-Iodo-3bromopropenoic acid




3,3-Dibromopropenoic acid




2-Iodo-3methylbutenedioic acid




Tribromopropenoic acid




2-Bromobutenedioic acid


2,3-Dibromopropenoic acid


Halonitromethanes Continued on next page.


Table I. (Continued). DBPs Analyzed for CHO Cell Cytotoxicity and Genotoxicity and Abbreviations Abbreviation



2-Bromo-3methylbutenedioic acid

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4-Hydroxy-3-iodo-1phenolic acid










































Cyanogen Halides




Cyanogen Bromide




Cyanogen Chloride




Cyanogen Iodide






















N-nitrosomorpholine Continued on next page.


Table I. (Continued). DBPs Analyzed for CHO Cell Cytotoxicity and Genotoxicity and Abbreviations Abbreviation




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Other DBPs Bromate








We conducted a series of quantitative gene array studies on the monoHAAs using quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) focused on pathways involving DNA damage and repair as well as pathways involved in responses to oxidative stress. Examples of pathways uncovered by transcriptome profiles of nontransformed human small intestine epithelial cells, line FHs 74 Int, after exposure to non-cytotoxic concentrations of the monoHAAs is presented in Table II (59, 62). Expression in DNA repair genes were modulated especially those involved in double strand DNA (dsDNA) damage repair (62, 63). These data are especially important because there is a strong association between p53, ATM, Brca1 and Brca2 proteins and dsDNA break repair pathways and tumorigenesis (64). Recently IAA was reported to induce malignant transformation and tumor induction (65).

Figure 4. The selection of concentrations of the monoHAAs that generated equivalent biological effects (genomic DNA damage) in nontransformed human FHs74 Int cells for use in toxicogenomic studies. 13

Table II. MonoHAA-Induced Transcriptome Profile Pathways Cell Pathway

Monohaloacetic Acids BAA



ATM Signaling Pathway

Cell Cycle Control

● ●

Cyclins and Cell Cycle Regulation

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FC Epsilon RI Signaling Pathway MAPK Signaling Pathway

p53 Signaling Pathway

BRCA1, BRCA2 and ATR Mediated Cancer Susceptibility and dsDNA Repair Pathways

Nrf2/ARE-Dependent ROS Pathways

PTGS2 (COX2)-Mediated Pathways

MPO, LPO and NOX5 ROS Pathways

GRS/GSR Pathway

Peroxiredoxin Oxidative Stress Pathway

Toxicogenomic profiles combined with enzyme inhibition studies and ATP quantification demonstrated the impact of the monoHAAs on energy metabolism (Table II) (58, 59). These studies uncovered other relevant pathways and potential human biomarkers for DBP-mediated health effects. These pathways include the hypohalous acid generating peroxidase enzymes lactoperoxidase (LPO) and myeloperoxidase (MPO), nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)-dependent oxidase 5 (NOX5), and PTGS2 (COX-2) mediated arachidonic acid metabolism. Many pathways of DBP toxic action involve the generation of ROS; the up-regulation of the Antioxidant Response Element (ARE) is an exceedingly sensitive and useful bioanalytical marker (44, 59, 66). Identification of Susceptible Subpopulations Based on Human Biomarkers Associated with the Molecular Mechanisms of DBP Toxicity From the gene array studies and from gene reporter studies suitable human molecular biomarkers are emerging that may be useful in identifying subpopulations that may have enhanced sensitivity to DBPs. These biomarker indicators include GAPDH polymorphisms (67), BRCA1 and BRCA2 polymorphisms (64), p53 polymorphisms (64), elevated COX2 expression (59) and cyclooxygenase-2 mediated production of PGE2 (prostaglandin E2) and COX2 polymorphisms (68), enhanced ARE expression (69), glutathione-S-transferase polymorphisms (70, 71), and DNA repair gene polymorphisms (72). These traits 14

within a subpopulation may make individuals more susceptible to the toxic action of DBPs and lead to adverse health outcomes. In concert with characterizing the number and concentrations of toxic DBPs as well as the toxicity of the drinking water, individuals expressing one or more of these polymorphisms may have heightened sensitivity and greater risk of adverse health effects. The use of these and other polymorphisms that interface the molecular pathways of toxicity of DBPs may provide greater resolution to epidemiological studies on DBPs and health issues.

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Definition of DBP Exposure in Selected Waters with High Toxicity In most epidemiological studies, the DBP metric is the concentration of trihalomethanes (THMs) in drinking water (73). Few studies have compared the number or concentrations of other DBPs or DBP classes with the overall toxicity of water samples. In the Health Impacts of Long-Term Exposure to Disinfection By-Products in Drinking Water (HIWATE) program, 95 DBPs were identified among 11 water samples from several cities in Europe. We found a correlation between the number of DBPs in the water samples and the induction of cytotoxicity in mammalian cells (74). Both cytotoxicity (Figure 5A) and genomic DNA damage (Figure 5B) demonstrated a positive association with the relative DBP concentration for each HIWATE water sample. The concentration of THMs alone may not be the best or most appropriate metric to quantify DBP exposure for drinking waters and other more comprehensive metrics are needed (73).

Figure 5. Mammalian cell cytotoxicity (A) and genotoxicity (B) responses as a function of the relative concentrations of DBPs in 11 drinking water samples.

Quantifying human exposure to DBPs is essential for precise risk assessment in epidemiological studies. Future studies would be aided by the development of metrics of exposure that would link the impact of DBPs in individuals with a 15

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toxic response. An example of this was a study that reported genotoxic effects of swimmers in chlorinated pools (75). Enhanced bladder cancer rates were observed in swimmers exposed to disinfected pool water (76). Other biomarkers for DBP exposure include urinary trichloroacetic acid measurements in individuals exposed to DBPs (77–79). In a commentary, Kogevinas stated, “Future studies should be large, combine ecological and individual information on exposure, evaluate multiple chemicals and not only THMs, and evaluate multiple routes. In a situation of relatively low risks, even relatively small improvements in exposure assessment may make significant differences in the studies. The use of new evidence on mechanisms of these compounds including use of genotyping to evaluate effect modification should be promoted (73).”

Integration of Epidemiological Studies with DBP Exposure, Toxicity, Biomarkers, and Adverse Health Outcomes Epidemiology is essential to our understanding of the role of DBP exposure in human disease. These environmental micropollutants pose a vexing problem. DBPs express a wide diversity of toxic response; however, this toxicity is spread across many hundreds of individual agents within a complex mixture. Most of the DBPs that comprise TOX are unknown. Of those that are known, only a relatively small group has been systematically analyzed for their capacity to induce adverse biological effects. Epidemiological advances leading to an understanding of health risks posed by DBPs will only occur with concomitant advances in exposure science, biomarkers of internal dose, biomarkers of affected pathways and biomarkers of population variability in susceptibility (80). Creative approaches to the epidemiology of DBPs demand the development of studies that identify the forcing agents leading to the toxicity of drinking water as well as the identification of population segments of increased risk. These susceptible populations may be identified as susceptible because of demographics, genetics and lifestyles (1). In general, using a focused epidemiological approach will improve the quality of evidence. Achieving these improvements will require systematic, long-term interdisciplinary studies (Figure 6).

Conclusion DBP exposure is a constant in modern life. Every time you take a drink of water, every time you prepare food, take a shower or swim in a swimming pool you are exposed to DBPs. The level of concern of the adverse health effects of these toxic agents is increasing with the increased level of compromised source waters used in the generation of drinking water. With the advent of climate change-mediated drought, increased reliance upon direct or indirect wastewater recycling or disinfected desalinated water, new emerging DBP classes are entering the drinking water stream. 16

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Figure 6. A new pathway for integrated DBP research. Biologists, chemists and engineers must form teams to address problems posed by hazardous DBPs and other micropollutants in water. Systematic, comparative in vitro toxicology must be integrated as a feed-back information loop into innovative engineering processes to remove and degrade micropollutants and disinfect water. The biological mechanisms of DBP toxicity must be included in epidemiological studies. We must develop systems to prevent unintended toxic consequences as we move forward in the implementation of new methods to desalinate, decontaminate, reuse and disinfect water.

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