Disorder from the Bulk Ionic Liquid in Electric Double Layer

Jul 28, 2017 - Fine Theoretical Physics Institute, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, United States. ⊥ Ioffe Institute, St Peter...
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Disorder from the Bulk Ionic Liquid in Electric Double Layer Transistors Trevor A. Petach,†,‡ Konstantin V. Reich,§,⊥ Xiao Zhang,† Kenji Watanabe,∥ Takashi Taniguchi,∥ Boris I. Shklovskii,§ and David Goldhaber-Gordon*,†,‡ †

Department of Applied Physics, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California 94305, United States Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences (SIMES), SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, California 94025, United States § Fine Theoretical Physics Institute, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, United States ⊥ Ioffe Institute, St Petersburg, 194021, Russia ∥ National Institute for Materials Science, 1-1 Namiki, Tsukuba 305-0044, Japan ‡

ABSTRACT: Ionic liquid gating has a number of advantages over solid-state gating, especially for flexible or transparent devices and for applications requiring high carrier densities. However, the large number of charged ions near the channel inevitably results in Coulomb scattering, which limits the carrier mobility in otherwise clean systems. We develop a model for this Coulomb scattering. We validate our model experimentally using ionic liquid gating of graphene across varying thicknesses of hexagonal boron nitride, demonstrating that disorder in the bulk ionic liquid often dominates the scattering. KEYWORDS: ionic liquid, graphene, electronic transport, boron nitride, field-effect transistor temperature mobility,13 which can be further increased by using hBN, rather than SiO2, substrates.14 Such high mobility makes the scattering from the ionic liquid easier to observe. To investigate this scattering and experimentally test our theory, we measured transport in ionic liquid gated graphene with different thicknesses of hBN spacer and with two different ionic liquids.


lectrolyte gating has generated considerable interest as a method to induce high carrier densities in a variety of materials.1 A voltage applied between a gate and the sample causes ions in the electrolyte to migrate to the sample surface. At the sample surface, an electric double layer is formed, which can be viewed as a capacitor with ions on one side and charge carriers on the other, with nanometer-scale separation. This small separation, and thus large capacitance, along with flexibility, transparency, and facile processing, enables exploration of regimes that cannot be accessed by standard solid-state metal-gate structures. Superconductivity,2 metal−insulator transitions,3−5 and magnetism6 have been observed using electrolyte gates. A drawback to electrolyte gating is the introduction of disorder where the electrolyte touches the channel, including electrochemical modification of the channel.7−9 Separating the electrolyte from the channel using a thin layer of hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) improves cleanliness.10,11 However, the ions in the electrolyte still create long-range Coulomb potentials, which cause unavoidable scattering. In this paper, we investigate the effect of this scattering on carrier transport in electric double layer transistors. We focus on ionic liquids, since their wide electrochemical stability windows and low vapor pressures have led to their widespread use in electric double layer transistors.12 We use graphene channels since they have exceptionally high room© 2017 American Chemical Society

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Model for Ionic Liquid Gating. One commonly used model for scattering in graphene is a two-dimensional layer of point charges with random in-plane positions located a small distance away from the graphene.15 This model has successfully described the linear increase in conductance with carrier density in a number of experiments.9,16 However, this model does not describe scattering from an ionic liquid electrolyte, since the ions in the liquid are located at a variety of distances away from the graphene, and their positions are strongly correlated with one another. Thus, we develop a different model. Received: June 1, 2017 Accepted: July 28, 2017 Published: July 28, 2017 8395

DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.7b03864 ACS Nano 2017, 11, 8395−8400




ACS Nano

electrons in our experiments is always larger than this, ranging from 5 to 15 nm. To clarify the origin of the s and kF dependence in eq 1 at d = 0, we start from the well-known expression for the contribution to the resistance from randomly distributed Coulomb scatterers. Namely, the scattering from a layer of ions with concentration nion is R ≈ R0nion/n, where n is the carrier concentration.15 One can modify this result for scattering from dipoles with 3D concentration N ≃ a−3. First we note that the dipole potential is s/r times smaller than the Coulomb potential, and scattering is mostly due to those nearby dipoles within a distance approximately equal to the separation between carriers, which is n−1/2 ≈ kF−1. Using this distance as the effective r, the scattering rate for dipoles is (kFs)2 times smaller than for the Coulomb potential. Second, instead of nion we use two-dimensional concentration NkF−1. Combining these two results we get Rbulk ≈ R0(kFs)2NkF−1/n ≈ R0(s/a)2/(kFa). The full calculation in eq 1 agrees with this intuitive result up to the numerical factor Ib. Ionic Liquid Gated Graphene. Our samples have hBN above and below the graphene. The bottom hBN flake is usually close to 40 nm thick. The top flake (or “spacer”), if present, varies in thickness from 1 to 12 layers and separates the ionic liquid from the graphene. A schematic of a typical device is shown in Figure 2. We used two ionic liquids, both

At room temperature, the Coulomb interaction between neighboring ions is much larger than kBT, so the positions of the ions are strongly correlated. They form a structure that resembles sodium chloride, with alternating anions and cations arranged periodically with spacing a. If the ions were arranged exactly periodically, they would not cause any scattering. (It might alter the band structure of the channel near k ≃ 1/a.) Scattering of carriers in the channel is due to small shifts, s, of the ions from their periodic positions, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Schematic representation of ionic liquid gated graphene (G) covered by hexagonal boron nitride (hBN). We presume that the centers of the ions in the liquid resemble a periodic structure with period a shown by dark dots. A small shift, s, of an ion from the position of a black dot produces a dipole, which scatters carriers in the graphene channel. The separation between the graphene and the first layer of ions is d.

These shifts can be due to both packing disorder and thermal fluctuations. Each results in a small, randomly oriented dipole with moment es. An ensemble of such random dipoles scatters electrons in graphene. We consider graphene sandwiched between two layers of hBN and study the dependence of the resistance on carrier concentration n and the separation d between the graphene and the ions. The potential V induced by each dipole decreases with distance r as V ∝ s/r2. As we derive in Methods, the scattering from such dipoles leads to the resistivity ⎛ s ⎞2 1 R bulk = R 0⎜ ⎟ I (α , kFd) ⎝ a ⎠ kFa b


where Ib(α , kFd) =

8 2 πα 3




y3 1 − y2 (y + 2α)2

∫2yk d

Figure 2. Carrier density in electrolyte-gated graphene covered by two layers of hBN relative to a Fc/Fc+ reference electrode. The dashed lines are calculations presuming a constant geometric capacitance of 1013 carriers cm−2 V−1 in series with the quantum capacitance.20 The inset shows the device geometry, including a gate electrode and a silicon back gate.

dz K 0(z)2


(2) 2

Here R0 = h/2e is the resistance quantum, n is the carrier density, and α = e2/4πℏvFκε0 is the Coulomb interaction parameter, where vF is the Fermi velocity and kF = πn is the Fermi wave vector. Choosing the value for the dielectric constant is tricky because the graphene is surrounded by both hBN and ionic liquid, and hBN is an anisotropic dielectric. In the limit where the Fermi wavelength is shorter than the bottom hBN thickness and longer than the top hBN thickness, κ ≈ (κIL + κBN)/2,17 where κIL is the dielectric constant of the ionic liquid and κBN is the average of the in-plane and out-ofplane dielectric constants in hBN. We can investigate the small separation limit. When α ≪ 1, as it is when graphene is surrounded by hBN and ionic liquid, we find that, for kFd ≪ 1, Ib = 2π3 α2/9. Thus, the resistance does not depend on the separation d for separations much smaller than the Fermi wavelength. This allows us to neglect in our calculation the more complex layered structure that has been observed in ionic liquids within 2 nm of strongly charged surfaces,18,19 since the Fermi wavelength ( πn ) of graphene

with a diethylmethyl(2-methoxyethyl)ammonium (DEME) cation. To investigate the effect of disorder in the liquid, we used a bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide (TFSI) anion that is of similar size to DEME, forming a relatively ordered liquid, and a tetrafluoroborate (BF4) anion that is smaller than DEME, forming a more disordered liquid. The devices with hBN spacers have higher mobility than both our unprotected samples and other electrolyte-gated graphene samples in the literature.9,21,22 Increasing the thickness of the spacer increases the mobility, as expected. To make a quantitative estimate of the scattering from the ionic liquid, we presume Matthiessen’s rule holds, so that the sheet resistance is R = RIL + R intrinsic


where Rintrinsic arises from scattering unrelated to the ionic liquid, such as from phonons and crystal defects. We measured 8396

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ACS Nano Rintrinsic in all samples before adding ionic liquid and found little variation from sample to sample. We presumed that this contribution to the resistance remained unchanged after adding ionic liquid. [The scattering rate from any process that depends on the dielectric constant will change when liquid is added since the dielectric constant changes. However, phonon and short-range scattering, which are the main contributions to Rintrinsic, are mostly independent of dielectric constant.] We used eq 1 to find the total scattering from the ionic liquid by fitting one parameterthe average relative displacement of the ions s/ato the data. In our calculations, we used an average ion diameter of a = 8 Å for DEME−TFSI and 7 Å for DEME−BF4.12 We also used d = NtBN + a/2, where N is the number of hBN layers and tBN ≃ 3.4 Å is the thickness of a single layer of hBN. For the dielectric constant, we note that the in-plane and out-of-plane dielectric constants of hBN are 4 and 7.23 The dielectric constants of several liquids similar to the two we use in our study vary between 10 and 15.24 Taking a rough average of these values, we used κ = 9. In Figure 3, we show that the fit agrees well with the data over a range of hBN spacer thicknesses. For DEME−TFSI and

doping layers in GaAs quantum wells, which are known to cause Coulomb scattering of the carriers in the two-dimensional electron gas.27,28 To isolate the effect of the excess surface ions, we used the silicon back gate to set the carrier density in the graphene to be different from the surface ion concentration in the liquid. The scattering from the bulk liquid, Rbulk, depends only on the carrier density. It is insensitive to whether carriers were induced by the back gate or by excess ions. However, the resistance due to the scattering from the excess ions is proportional to the excess ion concentration nion. It decreases when the back gate is used to induce carriers. Using the back gate to reach a certain electron density should result in less scattering than using the top gate to reach the same carrier density, since using the back gate results in lower excess ion concentration. To quantitatively estimate the scattering from excess ions, we could take the difference in resistance between carriers induced by the top gate (Rt) and back gate (Rb). However, there is some coupling between the back gate and the ionic liquid, so changing the back gate voltage changes both the carrier density and the excess ion concentration. By measuring the capacitance between the graphene and the back gate with no ionic liquid on the sample, we can quantify this coupling. As shown in the right inset of Figure 4, the excess ion concentration is equal to about half of the carrier density at a given back gate voltage, with the top gate grounded.

Figure 3. Sheet resistance of graphene covered by varying thicknesses of hBN using (a) DEME−BF4 and (b) DEME−TFSI ionic liquid gates. The solid lines are calculations using the fit parameter s/a. The dashed line is data without ionic liquid, which indicates Rintrinsic.

DEME−BF4 ionic liquids we get s/a ≃ 0.22 ± 0.01 and s/a = 0.37 ± 0.02, respectively. Since the size difference between DEME and BF4 is larger than between DEME and TFSI, we expect more disorder in the bulk liquid in DEME−BF4. Indeed, the observed sheet resistances for DEME−BF4 are larger than for DEME−TFSI, and the best fit value of s/a is greater. We also note that s/a > 0.1 for both liquids, consistent with the Lindemann melting criterion, which states that in a liquid the typical shift s is larger than 10% of the atomic distance.25 In the derivation of eq 1 we assume that the dipoles are randomly oriented and are uncorrelated. Let us dwell here on the justification of this assumption. The Coulomb interaction energy between neighboring ions, EC = e2/4πκε0a,26 is 10 times larger than thermal energy, kBT, at room temperature. On the other hand, the interaction energy between nearest-neighbor dipoles is on the order of (s/a)2EC and, for the experimental values s/a ≃ 0.3, does not exceed kBT. Therefore, the orientation of the dipoles can be approximately considered as random. Scattering from Excess Surface Ions. To change the carrier density by gating, there must be an excess of one species of ion near the hBN. These ions are reminiscent of delta-

Figure 4. Sheet resistance versus carrier density using the top gate and the back gate, on a sample with two layers of hBN. The surface data points are the contribution to the resistance from the excess surface ions, which is the difference between the curves scaled by the fraction of carriers induced by the back gate. The inset shows the carrier density as a function of back gate voltage with and without ionic liquid. The ion density is the difference between the curves, and the carrier density is the top curve.

Presuming that the scattering rate from the excess ions is proportional to nion, the contribution of the excess ions to the graphene resistance should be (Rt − Rb)(n − nion)/n, which we plot using open symbols in Figure 4. We see that the resistance due to excess ions at 2 × 1012 cm−2 is ≃20 Ω, an order of magnitude smaller than the expected value (≃300 Ω) if we 8397

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ACS Nano So we find

assume that excess ions are randomly positioned near the hBN surface (at d = 8 Å).15 There are several possible reasons why the scattering from excess ions could be suppressed below the expected value. First, the in-plane position of the ions may be correlated. In this case, the scattering from the excess ions can be suppressed, depending on the structure factor of the correlations,29 analogous to correlation of ionized dopants in GaAs.30 Second, the excess ions may not be located at the surface of the hBN. If the excess ions are located away from the surface, then the scattering would be reduced. The relatively small capacitance suggests that the ions may indeed be separated from the hBN surface. As shown in Figure 2, the geometric capacitance is about 1013 cm−2 V−1 for both liquids. Presuming that the excess ions form a simple parallel plate capacitor with the graphene, the ratio d/ϵ = 5 Å. Using ϵ = 9 as before, d = 45 Å, which would reduce the expected contribution to scattering to approximately the observed contribution. Regardless of the mechanism, it seems that the excess surface ions contribute little to scattering.

R = 16πR 0α 2

|V (q , z)|2 =

Derivation of Model Results. As long as the mean free path, vFτ, is much larger than the Fermi wavelength, the resistance per square of graphene can be rewritten in terms of the scattering time, τ, as31 (4)

The scattering time is32

1 2π = τ ℏ


∫ ⎜⎜ (2dπk)2 N(z) dz ⎝

⎞ × δ(ε(kF) − ε(k))⎟⎟ ⎠

y 4 1 − y2 (y + 2α)2


⎛ V (2kFy , z)4πκε0 ⎞2 N (z) dz⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ 2πe 2 (6)

⎞2 1 ⎛ 2πe 2s K 0(qz)⎟ ⎜ 3 ⎝ 4πε0κ ⎠


where K0 is the modified Bessel function of the second kind. Evaluating the integral in eq 6, we arrive at eq 1. Fabrication of Graphene Heterostructures. We fabricated hBN−graphene−hBN stacks using a dry transfer method with PPC/ PDMS polymer stamps and deposited them on highly doped silicon substrates with 300 nm of oxide.33 We used e-beam lithography (30 kV, 250−300 μC/cm2, 1:3 2-propanol−water developer) with 950k poly(methyl methacrylate) resist, followed by reactive ion etching in a mixture of 10% O2 and 90% CHF3 to define the Hall bars (Oxford PlasmaLab 80, 50 W, 150 mTorr). We e-beam evaporated 5 nm of Cr and 75 nm of Au to make contacts and annealed the final devices in 10% H2 in Ar at 350 C for 1 h. We found that sweeping an AFM tip across the surface in contact mode (50 nN) after annealing further increased the mobility, and we did this treatment on all samples. After sweeping, the mobilities were close to the phonon limit.34 We fabricated a Pt gate electrode nearby and dropped a small amount of ionic liquid (baked overnight at 80 C in high vacuum) over the gate and the Hall bar. Transport Measurements. All measurements were performed at 300 K in high vacuum (