Disposable KBr Disc for Infrared Studies

Disposable KBr Disc for Infrared Studies. We faced a numher of problems with KBr pellet formation for IR studies. Sometimes the pellet would break whe...
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Disposable KBr Disc for Infrared Studies We faced a numher of problems with KBr pellet formation for IR studies. Sometimes the pellet would break when i t was removed from the dye and other times the dye was deformed during pressing. We handled these problems by using two blacks of hard material with a card (of IR window size) that had a hole punched in the center (see figure). The card, along with the sample and KBr is placed on one bloek, and then the other black is pressed on top of it with the desired pressure. Using this method we do not need to remove the pellet and it can be discarded easily. By varying the thickness of the card, we can also vary the thichess of the pellet. Saqib Ali and M. Mazhar Quaid-i-Azam Univeristy Islamabad, Pakistan

Volume 71 Number 9 September 1994