Dispose of problems like these... - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

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Dispose of problems like these...

O f t e n there a r e problems in y o u r o w n b a c k y a r d which h a v e been a r o u n d s o long t h a t y o u a r e used to t h e m . . . even f o r g e t they a r e problems! A r e v i e w of your m a n u f a c t u r i n g process may disclose p r o b ­ lems that " d a g " colloidal g r a p h i t e can dispose o f for y o u · " d a g " colloidal g r a p h i t e is unctuous, electrically conductive, resistant t o extremes of temperature, chemically inert, o p a q u e , heat conductive, photoelectrically insensitive, gas absorbent, diamagnetic, microscopic in size. A m o n g tHese properties, o r in a combination of them, may be the correction for a profit-eater in y o u r o p e r a t i o n . Let Acheson engineers share the problem w i t h y o u . M e a n w h i l e , send f o r i n f o r m a t i v e literature a n d get a n idea of the surprising problems t h a t " c l a g " c o l l o i d a l graphite Has solved f o r m a n y manufacturers.

ACHESON COLLOIDS CORPORATION, Port Huron, Michigan This new literature on " d a g " colloidal graphite yours for t h e asking:


I AA^f\ I A data and reference booklet regarding " d a g * | 4 0 U J colloidal graphite dispersions and their applica­ tions. 16 pages profusely illustrated. Facts about "dag*» colloidal graphite for ASSEMBLING AND RUNNING-IN ENGINES AND MACHINERY. Facts about " daR" colloidal graphite as a PARTING COMPOUND. Facts about "«lag" colloidal graphite as a HIGH TEMPERATURE LUBRICANT. Facts about "da^*"* colloidal gra­ phite for IMPREGNATION AND SURFACE COATINGS.


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Facts about " d a g " colloidal graph»ite in the FIELD OF ELECTRONICS.

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ACHESON COLLOIDS CORPORATION PORT HURON, MICHIGAN, DEPT. K-4 Please send me, without obligation, a copy of each of the bulletins checked:




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