Disproportional ferric sulfide catalysts for coal liquefaction - Energy

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Energy & Fuels 1994,8, 19-24


Disproportionated Ferric Sulfide Catalysts for Coal Liquefaction Dady B. Dadyburjor,' W. R. Stewart, A. H. Stiller, C. D. Stinespring, J.-P. Wann, and J. W. Zondlo Department of Chemical Engineering, West Virginia University, P.O. Box 6101, Morgantown, West Virginia 26506-6101 Received July 12, 1993. Revised Manuscript Received November 2, 1993"

Above 5 "C,ferric sulfide disproportionates into mixtures of pyrite (PY),pyrrhotite (PH), and elemental S, with the relative amounts depending upon disproportionation temperature and time. The PH/PY mixtures are used as catalysts for coal liquefaction, with the optimum mixture corresponding to disproportionation at 200 "C for 1 h. Reactions of Fe during disproportionation and liquefaction are postulated and confirmed by AA, AES, and XRD. The iron loading has a nonlinear effect on conversion and yield.

Introduction The use of iron-based catalysts of small particle sizes in the liquefaction of coal is widespread in laboratories and in practice due to the cost-efficiency of the catalyst and the ability of the small particles to be dispersed within the pore structure of the coal, at least to some extent. Of the iron-based catalysts, pyrite (PY, FeS2) is found indigenously in coal and has a well-documented ability' to enhance liquefaction rates. PY is known2 to be converted to nonstoichiometric pyrrhotite (PH, FeS,, x c 1)under hydrogen atmospheres at high temperatures and pressures, conditions expected in liquefaction. Whether PY or PH or a combination of the two is the catalytically active agent is a matter of current debate. We have developed mixtures of PY and PH of small crystallite size. The mixtures contain different PH stoichiometries and different amounts of PH and PY in intimate contact. The expectation is that the different valencies of Fe in atomic-range proximity give rise to a very efficient catalyst. These mixtures are made by disproportionating ferric sulfide (FezSs) at various temperatures and for various times. The PH/PY ratio and the value of x defined above change with these disproportionation parameters.

Experimental Procedure Ferric sulfide is prepared in a cold room below 5 "C by mixing stoichiometric amounts of ferric chloride and sodium sulfide in a glass ampule. The formation of ferric sulfide is instantaneous, following the reaction


2FeC1,-6H20 + 3Na2S.9H20 Fe,S,

+ 6NaCl+ 39H,O

The glass ampule is quickly sealed and placed in an autoclave (containing water) for hydrothermal disproportionation. The autoclave contents are rapidly heated to the final disproportionation temperature in a fluidizedsand bath. Duringthis time, the presence of water vapor inside and outside the glass ampule ensures the structural integrity of the ampule. In the present in Advance ACS Abstracts, December 1,1993. (1) Shah, Y. T. Reaction Engineering in Direct Coal Liquefaction, Addison-Wesley: Reading, MA, 1981. (2) Jagadeesh,M. S.;Seehra,M. S.J.Phys.D 14 1981,2153. Montano, P. A,; Bommannavar, A. S.; Shah, V. Fuel 1981,60, 703. a Abstract published

work, the disproportionation temperature, Td,was 25 OC (room temperature), 100 OC, and 200 "C, although values as high as 275 OC have been used. The disproportionation time is kept at 1h, although times as long as 72 h have been used. PH, PY, and elemental S are the products of disproportionation, through a general reaction of the type


Fe,S, cy FeS, + /3 FeS, + y S Following disproportionation, the solid is washed to remove NaCl and dried. A portion of the resulting solid is separated into PH (soluble in 6 M HC1) and PY (soluble in 8 M HNO& and the amount of Fe in each of these sulfide forms is analyzed by atomic absorption (AA). The rest of the solid is mixed with coal and solvent tetralin for the liquefaction runs. Occasionallythe solid is analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES). Liquefaction runs are carried out in a batch tubing-bomb reactor with vertical agitation. A typical batch consists of 3 g of raw coal (-6Omesh),5mL of tetralin, and up to0.252 g of catalyst, presulfided with 0.1 mL of CS2. The reactor is filled with hydrogen up to a (cold) pressure of 1000 psig, after which the reactor is sealed and immersed in a fluidizedsand bath maintained at a liquefaction temperature, TI,of 35Cb400 OC. Typical liquefaction times are 1h. Most experiments are carried out on DECS-17, a high-volatile A bituminous coal from the Blind Canyon seam, Utah,having a low PY and a high exinite content. After liquefaction, the reaction product is analyzed for conversion (THF-solublematerial) and asphaltenes/preasphalb enes (THF-soluble, hexane-insolublematerial). The amount of oil (+ gas) is obtained by difference. The THF-insoluble solid is analyzedfor PH and PY by acid solubility and AA, as described above. Results from noncatalytic runs are subtracted fromthese numbers to obtain the PHIPY ratio of the catalytic material after liquefaction. Experiments were carried out in at least duplicate; in many cases, four replicates were used. Agreement was within 2 percentage points.

Results and Discussion 1. Catalyst Characterization. The molar ratio of Fe as pyrrhotite (FeS,) to Fe as pyrite (FeS2) in the products of Fez& disproportionation, designated PH/PY, is an important parameter in this work. Values of PH/PY are shown as a function of disproportionation temperature, Td, in Table 1. Note that elemental S is not shown. Table 1 indicates that the room-temperature disproportionation

0887-0624/94/2508-0019$04.50/00 1994 American Chemical Society


Dadyburjor et al.

Energy & Fuels, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1994 Table 1. Pyrrhotite/Pyrite (PH/PY) Ratio before and after Liquefaction as Functions of Disproportionation TemDerature (Td) and Liauefaction TemDerature (TI) PH/PY ratio after liquefaction

Td ("c)

before liquefaction

= 350

25 100 200

286 1.8 0.87

2.5 5.7 0.38


T I = 400 OC 8.4 3.2 0.13

yields only PH, for all practical purposes. Increasing T d increases the relative amount of PY in the solid. Figure 1 3 shows X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns for the three solids. Only a few S peaks are visible in the XRD pattern for the room-temperature case; presumably the PH crystallites are too small to exhibit peaks. Disproportionation at 100 "Cshows significant PY peaks but smaller S peaks than that at room temperature; again the PH crystallites are X-ray-invisible. When T d = 200 "C,P H crystallites of Fe& stoichiometry ( x = 1.143) are large enough to exhibit peaks. Further, PY peaks are larger than at T d = 100 "C,and S peaks are vanishingly small. The decrease in S and the increase in PY with increasing Td are discussed later in this subsection. The Auger electron spectrum for the PH/PY mixture after T d = 200 "Cis shown in Figure 2. The shape of the Fe MVV line around 40 eV indicates that PH of composition Fe& is present. Further, the LVV line shape for S indicates that the elemental form is present. Thus, AES confirms the XRD results. The intensity ratios of the S (LVV) to the Fe (LMM) peaks are plotted in Figure 3 as a function of the atomic ratio S/Fe for standard samples of FeSz and Fe&. Shown in Figure 3 as a horizontal line is the intensity ratio for the product corresponding to Td = 200 "C. This allows one to estimate the amount of surface S (elemental and ionic) and surface Fe for the disporportionated product. The results of Figures 2 and 3 are discussed later. The PH/PY ratio of the catalyst changes after liquefaction. As can be seen in Table 1,the changes depend upon both Td and 7'1. Table 2 shows the changes in the S/Fe ratio in the iron-based catalyst after liquefaction at T1 = 350 "C as a function of Td. (Elemental S is not included in Table 2.) The characterization results, whether by XRD, AES, or AA, can be followed in a unitary manner by starting with Figure 4, based on ref 4. Figure 4 illustrates equilibrium compositions of Fe and S compounds for S/Fe ratios between 1and 2 and temperatures from 0 to 350 "C. Figure 4 should be applied with caution to our results for two reasons. First, Figure 4 represents experimental results at sufficiently long times; in our results, disproportionation and liquefaction times may be such that slow solid-state reactions may not be close to equilibrium. Second, our results often include compounds not considered in Figure 4 (CSz, H2, and H2S being prominent examples); their presence may change Figure 4 somewhat. With these caveats, though, we note that ferric sulfide (Fe2S3) is not a stable compound in the temperature range of Figure 4. A t the corresponding atomic percentage (40%Fe) at room temperature (25 "C),we expect a solid mixture of FeSz and Fe3S4 (greigite), whereas at 100 and 200 "Cwe expect (3) Seehra, M. S., personal communication, 1992. (4) Power, L. F.; Fine, H.A. Miner. Sci. E n g . 1976, 8, 106.

solid mixtures of FeS2 and Fe& (monoclinicpyrrhotite). Above 250 "C, mixtures of FeS2 and FeS (troilite) are expected. At room temperature, however, Table 1indicates that the disproportionation products are predominantly pyrrhotite. At this relatively low temperature and short time, therefore, we expect the main reaction to be 3Fe2S, -* 2Fe,S4 + s


= 25 "c)


The presence of S is consistent with the XRD pattern of Figure 1. The PH crystallite size is presumed to be too small to show characteristic X-ray peaks. After liquefaction at Tl = 350 "C using the roomtemperature-disproportionation catalyst, the proportion of PY increases, according to Table 1. Since Figure 4 indicates that FeS is the stable PH form, we suggest a solid-state reaction of the type



2FeS + FeS,


= 25 "C,Tl = 350 "C) (lb)

Equations la, l b are consistent with the drop in the S/Fe ratio in the PH/PY mixture from 1.5 to 1.4 after liquefaction at 350 "C (Table 2). After liquefaction at TI= 400 "C, Table 1indicates that PY decreases relative to 2'1 = 350 "C. We suggest this is due to eq l b followed by the increasingly important gassolid reaction: FeS,

+ 2H,


FeS + 2H,S


= 25 "C,Tl = 400 "C) (IC)

Hydrogen is present in excess during liquefaction. Now for disproportionation at 100 "C, a PH/PY iron ratio of 1.8 (Table 1)and a P H compositionOf Fe& (Figure 4) are consistent with 7Fe,S,



+ 5FeS, + (5/7)s


= 100 "c) (2a)

Other reactions can of course be written with the same qualitative features. For example, the following corresponds to a PH/PY iron ratio of 1.75:


5.5Fe2S3 Fe,S8 + 4FeS2 + 0.5s Both these reactions are consistent with XRD peaks for P Y and relatively small peaks for S. Again PH size is assumed to be too small to register peaks in XRD. After liquefaction at 350 "C,the PH/PY ratio is increased, similar to the situation where T d = 25 "C and 7'1 = 400 "C. Since disproportionation at 100 "C results in the presence of PY and liquefaction is in the presence of H2, a reaction similar to eq ICcan be assumed: FeS,

+ 2H,


FeS + 2H2S (Td

= 100

"c,Ti = 350 "c) (2b)

Equation 2b is consistent with a S/Fe ratio of the PH/PY mixture of 1.4 (Table 2). After liquefaction at 400 "C, the PH/PY ratio increases from the value before liquefaction, but the increase is less than that at the liquefaction temperature of 350 "C. This is consistent with the increasing importance of the PH transformation from Fe& to FeS, resulting in the formation of additional PY via Fe,S,



+ 6FeS


= 100

"c,Tl = 400 "c)

(2c) Finally, disproportionation at Td = 200 "c results in a PH/PY iron ratio of 0.87 and a PH composition of Fe&.

Fe,& Catalysts for Coal Liquefaction


Energy & Fuels, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1994 21


















SCATTERING ANGLE, 28 Figure 1. X-ray diffraction patterns for catalyst precursor and disproportionated ~atalyst.~




/// .


PH/PY Catalyst ( T,= 200'C )




This requires elemental S to be a reactant, rather than a product as in eqs l a and 2a. The reaction can be written as


Fe,S8 + 8FeS2


3'/ /I




KINETIC E N E R G Y (eV) Figure 2. Auger electron spectrum for disproportionated catalyst, Td = 200 "C.

7.5Fe2S, + 1.5s



(Td= 200 "c) (3a)

Reactant S can be found from presulfiding with CS2 and/ or from reactions such as eqs l a and 2a occurring while the temperature rises to 200 "C. Figure 1 shows XRD peaks corresponding to PY, P H (for the first time), and negligibly small S peaks, consistent with this picture. The AES data (Figure 2) indicate the presence of Fe& from the shape of the Fe line. The presence of elemental S is also indicated in Figure 2, this from the line shape of S. Other surface-science information is ambiguous. The ratio of intensities of S (LVV)to Fe (LMM) peaks can be related to the ratio of surface S to surface Fe; this surface S/Fe ratio is either 2.2 or 2.0, depending upon whether the line in Figure 3 is drawn with a best-fit intercept (dashed line)








Figure 3. Sensitivity factors of Fe and S for FeSz, Fe&, and disproportionated catalyst, Td = 200 O C . Table 2. Final S/Fe Ratio in PH/PY Mixtures after Liquefaction at TI= 350 O C Ta ('(21

25 100 200

S/Fe 1.4 1.3 1.75

or through the origin (dotted line). If the former value is used, this corresponds to approximately seven atoms of surface elemental S per molecule of surface Fe&. After liquefaction at 350 "C, the 200 "C disproportionated catalyst undergoes a decrease in PH/PY iron ratio,

Dadyburjor et al.

22 Energy & Fuels, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1994

350 "C Hydroliquefactlon


Asphaffenes "esphallenes

011 t (Ges) 2

4 6 PyrrhotlWPyrlte Molar Ratlo of Fresh Catalyst

Atomic % Fe 0 900 0 ;OS'

1 000


FeS L-(Fexs)'

0 d75

0 750 0 dl8 ' 0&7

0 500




Figure 4. Phase diagram for iron and sulfur between FeSz and FeS. Based on ref 4.


400 "C Hydroliquefaction 100

Resldue O




e z 5




20 n







+ Gas

" 2 4 6 Pyrrhotlte/FyrlteMolar Ratlo 01 Fresh Catalyrt

U 401



Figure 6. Conversion and yield of oil (+ gas) as functions of fresh-catalystPH/PY values for liquefaction of Humphrey Mine coal.6

Final S/Fe of Catalyst

then the calculated final S/Fe ratio is also 1.75. Equation 3a is preferred, however, because of the smaller molecularity of that reaction. 2. Conversions and Yields. In Figure 5 are plotted the overall conversion, asphaltene/preasphalteneyield, and oil (+ gas) yield for DECS-17 coal as a function of the S/Fe ratio of the iron-based catalyst after liquefaction at T I = 350 "C. Other choices of the independent variable obviously exist, yet this one appears to give linear relationships for conversion and yields. Results for the unsulfided catalysts, and for liquefaction at 21' = 400 "C with sulfided and unsulfided catalysts, have been tabulated el~ewhere.~ Figure 5 indicates that conversion of presulfided DECS17 coal increases with an increase in the S/Fe ratio of the PH/PY mixture from 1.3 to 1.75. Further, the increase in

conversion is accompanied by an increase in the yield of oil (+ gas), the asphaltenes yield being fairly constant in this range. We did not test catalyst prepared at disproportionation temperatures higher than 200 "C for conversion of DECS-17 coal. However, previous work6using Humphrey mine coal (Pittsburgh No. 8 seam) indicates that fresh catalysts corresponding to PH/PY = 1 have higher conversions or oil (+ gas) yields than those correspondingto (fresh) PH/PY values of 0.3 or 6.5. These results are shown in Figure 6. It should be noted that the catalysts of Figure 6 were subjected to NaCl removal but were not analyzed as extensively as the present catalysts. The PH/PY ratios are slightly different, but the trends in catalytic behavior are similar to the present catalysts. Because of the superior performance of the catalyst with PH/PY = 1,we concentrated on this catalyst for further evaluation. To investigate the efficacy of catalyst-coal mixing, a catalyst impregnation procedure was attempted, and conversions and yields were compared to those from the "standard" catalyst preparation procedure described above. In the impregnation procedure, a 1.0 M aqueous solution of FeCb was sonicated with coal, and then a stoichiometric amount of 1.5 M Na2S solution was added, followed by additional sonication. After disproportionation at 200 "C for 1h, the solid was washed with distilled water to remove NaC1, dried, and placed in the liquefaction reactor with the appropriate amount of tetralin and CS2. The conversion and oil (+ gas) yield after liquefaction at 2'1 = 350 "C for 1 h are shown in Figure 7 as catalyst preparation IDW (impregnate, disproportionate, wash). Also shown in Figure 7 are liquefaction results for preparation procedure IWD (impregnate, wash, disproportionate), wherein the washing step was carried out

(5) Sesberry, P. G.; Wann, J.-P.; Stewart, W. R.; Yang, J.; Zondlo, J. W.; Stiller, A. H.; Dadyburjor, D. B. Fuel 1993, 72, 793.

(6) Stansberry,P. G.; Yang, J.; Wann, J.-P. Paper presented at AIChE Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, 1991.

Figure 5. Conversionand yields of preasphaltenes/asphaltenes and oil (+ gas) from DECS-17 coal as functions of the final S/Fe ratio of catalyst. with an even lower value of PH/PY after liquefaction at 400 "C. This can be ascribed to the transformation of PH from Fe& to the stable FeS form, with concomitant formation of FeSz: Fe,S,



+ 6FeS (Td= 200 "C, TI = 350 or 400 "C) (3b)

The S/Fe ratio of the PH/PY mixture increases after liquefaction at 350 "C to approximately 1.75. The increase is qualitatively consistent with eqs 3a and 3b, although quantitatively these reactions correspond to a final S/Fe ratio of approximately 1.6. If eq 3a is modified to 12Fe,S,

+ 4s



+ 17FeS,

FeaS Catalysts for Coal Liquefaction

Energy & Fuels, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1994 23








Oil (+Gas) 2o





















Figure 7. Conversion and yield of oil (+ gas) for various procedures of catalyst manufacture. See text for nomenclature. between impregnation and disproportionation. Comparing the results of these procedures with the "standard" procedure, labeled DWM (disproportionation,wash, mix), shows that impregnation of the catalyst yields no particular advantage. Also shown in Figure 7 are the effects of various NaCl washing techniques on liquefaction. In procedure DNM (dry, no wash, mix), the catalyst was mixed directly after disproportionation, without any washing step. Conversions and yield are noticeably lower than DWM (dry, wash, mix), where the washing step is not omitted. Finally, in procedure DWAM (dry, wash, add, mix), the catalyst was disproportionated and washed (as in DWM), but then a calculated amount of NaCl was added to the solid before mixing with coal. The liquefaction results here are very similar to those where washing was eliminated, thus indicating that the washing step eliminates only the NaC1. In Figure 7, NC (no catalyst) represents the results for thermal liquefaction. Figure 8 indicates that the loading of the PH/PY mixture catalyst affects the conversion and oil (+ gas) yield of DECS-17 coal in a nonlinear manner. The conversion increases for up to approximately 0.6% Fe loading; at higher loadings, the conversion continues to increase but to a lesser extent. At low catalyst loadings, the yield of oil (+ gas) is less than that under noncatalytic conditions. The yield is a minimum around 0.6% Fe loading, after which the yield increases. The catalyst not only converts coal to preasphalteneslasphaltenesbut is also instrumental in converting oil and gas into heavier products by retrograde reactions. Note that these reactions were carried out in a batch reactor for 1h. Retrograde reactions are expected to be minimized in a flow-through reactor currently undergoing testing, where the contact time is expected to be of the order of seconds rather than hours. Under such conditions, the optimum catalyst loading is expected to be around 1% , corresponding to the levelingoff of the steep conversion-loading curve of Figure 8. Finally, it is worth comparing the disporportionated catalyst with other iron-based catalysts. Figure 9 shows the overall conversion and the oil (+ gas) yield for the case of no catalyst (NC), the catalyst mixture after Td = 200 "C (DFS), and an iron oxide catalyst, FeOOH, developed by Mobay Corp. and provided by Dr. Farcasiu, USDOEI

0 8



wt 36 Fe Loading

Figure 8. Conversion and yield of oil (+ gas) as functions of catalyst loading for Td = 200 "C and DECS-17 coal at 7'1= 350 OC.









Figure 9. Comparison of conversion and yield of oil (+ gas) over disproportionated catalyst (DFS) and over iron oxide catalyst

(IO). PETC. Results of this catalyst are labeled IO in Figure 9. Liquefaction in each case was at TI= 350 "C for 1h. For DFS and IO, catalyst was added corresponding to 0.5% Fe. The DFS catalyst was prepared according to the "standardnprocedure described above. Figure 9 shows that conversions for the two sulfided catalysts are comparable and greater than that for the (sulfided) NC case. Unsulfided IO is comparable to the unsulfided NC. Sulfiding improves IO considerably. The yields of oil (+ gas) are smaller than those for the NC case, with the DFS yield being somewhat less than the IO yield. This is consistent with Figure 8, which shows the oil (+ gas) yield decreasing for small additions of catalyst (less than 1%).

24 Energy & Fuels, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1994

Conclusions Hydrothermal disproportionationof ferric sulfide yields a mixture of iron sulfides (and elemental sulfur). The sulfides, FeS2, and various pyrrhotites, FeS,, are present as intimately mixed crystallites in small particles. The relative amount and composition of the FeS, can be controlled by varying the time and temperature of disproportionation. Thus these iron sulfides are suitable catalysts for coal liquefaction. The activity and selectivity

Dadyburjor et al. of these catalysts are comparable to those of other ironbased catalysts.

Acknowledgment. The work was conducted under U S . Department of Energy Contract No. DE-FC2290PC90029 under the Cooperative Agreement to the Consortium for Fossil Fuel Liquefaction Science. The authors gratefully acknowledge the support. X-ray diffraction patterns were obtained in the laboratory of Prof. M. S. Seehra at WVU.