Dissociation of N2, NO, and CO on Transition Metal Surfaces - ACS

Apr 8, 1999 - M. Mavrikakis1, L. B. Hansen1, J. J. Mortensen1, B. Hammer2, and J. K. ... We also show how steps and adsorbed alkali metal atoms can ...
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Chapter 19

Dissociation of N , NO, and CO on Transition Metal Surfaces 2

M . Mavrikakis , L. B. Hansen , J . J . Mortensen , B. Hammer , and J. K. Nørskov 1





Center for Atomic-Scale Materials Physics, Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark Institute of Physics, Aalborg University, DK-9220 Aalborg, Denmark

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Using density functional theory we study the dissociation of N , NO, and CO on transition metal surfaces. We discuss an efficient method to locate the minimum energy path and the transition state, and review re­ cent calculations using this method to determine the transition state for dissociation of N on Ru(0001) and NO on Pd(111), Pd(211), and Rh(111) surfaces. We also show how steps and adsorbed alkali metal atoms can significantly decrease the dissociation barrier. Finally, trends in the prop­ erties of the transition state for N , NO and CO dissociation on transition metals are discussed in some detail. 2





Density functional theory (DFT) with a non-local description of exchange and correlation has reached a level of efficiency and accuracy that it can be applied meaningfully to the study of chemical reactions on metal surfaces [1, 2], Current computational demands of D F T calculations allow for a realistic modeling of the surface, typically by a large cluster or an extended slab [3]. The accuracy is still not comparable to thermal energies, but has reached a point where reaction mechanisms can be determined, and where variations in binding energies and activation energies from one system to the next can be calculated with reason­ able accuracy. D F T calculations are therefore developing into an important tool for improving our understanding of surface reactions, and in conjunction with experiment for designing new surfaces with improved catalytic properties [4]. Reactions at surfaces often involve a combination of bond breaking and bond making events leading to changes in the configuration of the adsorbed molecules and displacements of the surface atoms. Therefore, finding the transition state separating reactants from products usually involves searching for a saddle point in

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In Transition State Modeling for Catalysis; Truhlar, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.


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246 a high-dimensional space. In spite of the large progress in computational speed, the D F T method is still computationally demanding. As a result, developing efficient methods for finding transition states is a very important goal. Having determined the transition state of a reaction path, it is equally important to ex­ tract from the calculation the key characteristics of the reaction to build general models which could be used for making predictions regarding other similar reac­ tions, instead of having to perform large scale calculations for each new system of interest. In the present contribution, we review some recent progress made in under­ standing the dissociation of three simple diatomic molecules (CO, N and NO) on transition metal surfaces. There are two main parts of the paper; in the first part, we give some details of the D F T calculations and the method we apply to locate the transition state for a surface reaction. In the second part, we further elaborate on the interpretation of the geometry and energetics of the activated complexes. 2

2 2.1

Methods applied for determining the transi­ tion state of surface reactions DFT calculations

In the present work density-functional theory is used for the calculation of total energies [5]. Metallic surfaces are described using the slab approach. Typically between three and nine layers of metal are repeated periodically in a super cell geometry with about 10 A of vacuum between the slabs. We consider the close packed (111) surface of Pd and Rh and the similar (0001) surface of Ru. To discuss the effect of steps on surface reactivity we also consider the Pd(211) surface which consists of (111) terraces and (100) steps. Calculations for the Pd(211) surface are done in a (2x1) surface unit cell with two metal atoms per cell along the step edge. Calculations for the (111) and (0001) surfaces are done in (2x2), surface unit cells. For each system, the adsorption is allowed on only one of the two surfaces exposed and the electrostatic potential is adjusted accordingly [6]. The top one to two (for the f c c ( l l l ) and hcp(0001)) or four (for the fcc(211)) surface layers are relaxed unless otherwise stated. The ionic cores are described by soft (for: Pd and Ru) or ultra-soft (for Rh) pseudopotentials [7, 8] and the Kohn-Sham one-electron valence states are ex­ panded in a basis of plane waves with kinetic energies below 40 Ry (soft) or 30 Ry (ultra-soft). The exchange-correlation energy and potential are described by the generalized gradient approximation (GGA-II) expression, using the PW91 func­ tional self-consistently [9, 10]. The self-consistent GGA-II density is determined by iterative diagonalization of the Kohn-Sham Hamiltonian, Fermi-population of the Kohn-Sham states (/CBT=0.1 eV), and Pulay mixing of the resulting electronic

In Transition State Modeling for Catalysis; Truhlar, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

247 density [11]. A l l total energies have been extrapolated to ^ T = 0 eV, following the procedure described in [12].

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Minimum Energy reaction path and the Transition State

Having calculated the binding energies for adsorption of reactants and products using total energy calculations as described above, one can then proceed with the second part of the calculation focusing on the determination of the minimum energy reaction path. Any chemical reaction can be viewed as a transition from one minimum (the reactants) to another minimum (the products) on the potential energy surface describing the energy of all the atoms in the system as a function of their coordinates. In the following we denote a point in this configuration space by a vector containing all the coordinates of the M atoms in the system: T





(si> yi? *i? ^2,2/2,22,


Mi 2/M, Z M ) .


( ) 2

Every point along the minimum energy path has the property of being the lowest energy point in all degrees of freedom except for the one along the path. The highest-energy point along the minimum energy path represents the classical barrier height for the transformation described by that path. It is in general difficult to define algorithms for finding the minimum energy path [13, 14, 15]. The energy must be minimized relaxing all coordinates of the problem except one, the local direction of the path. For our purposes, we use a method proposed by Ulitsky and Elber [16] which can be described as a simplified version of the more general Nudged Elastic Band method of Mills, Jonsson and Schenter [13]. According to this method, an initial guess for the path has to be made first. We make such an initial guess for the reaction j>ath by linearly interpolating between the initial and the final state (Fj and FF), as it is illustrated for the case of N dissociation on Ru(0001) in Fig. 1. The figure shows the (2,6) plane spanned by the height z of the N2 molecule above the Ru surface and the N - N bond length b. The two end points represent the initial molecularly adsorbed state of N (/) and the final atomically chemisorbed state (F), which is closer to the surface and has a much longer N - N "bond" length. The straight line connecting the two end points represents the initial guess which we use to start our calculations. It is important to notice that in our calculations not only the degrees of freedom described by z and 6, but all six N coordinates and all degrees of freedom of the metal atoms in the top two layers of the slab are considered. Although the path found with this method slightly depends on the choice of coordinates, stationary points along the path, such as the transition state, are independent of such choices. In the implementation of this method, only a finite number of points (images) along the path are used. The richer the potential energy landscape being probed, the larger the number of images one has to include in the calculation. The 2



In Transition State Modeling for Catalysis; Truhlar, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.


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Figure 1: Illustration of the method for finding the minimum energy reaction path. Both the initial guess for the minimum energy reaction path and the final minimum energy reaction path for N dissociation on Ru(0001), as determined by using the Ulitsky-Elber [16] method, are shown, z represents the height of the center of mass of the molecule over the Ru surface plane, whereas b represents the N-N bond length. The initial guess for the path is shown by the dashed line connecting the initial (/) and final (F) state. Minimizing the energy perpendicularly to the local path, leads to the progressive development of the minimum energy path (solid line). The eight small circles correspond to the eight images used for this calculation. M and TS denote a metastable and the transition state respectively (see also Fig. 2). The constraint is defined locally as the hyperplane perpendicular to the line connecting the two neigh­ boring points on the path, and is updated consistently as the calculation evolves. The hyperplanes for the final path are sketched at the images used. [Figure adapted from ref. [17], copyright: Academic Press]. 2

coordinates of each image are first relaxed towards lower energy within the hyper­ plane normal to the path. This is accomplished by moving each image only along the force perpendicular to the path. Often it is necessary to add new images along the path; this can be done at any time during the course of the calculation. For the dissociation of N on Ru(0001), as shown in Fig. 1, a total of eight such images were necessary to capture the main configurations along the reaction pathway. To make sure that the minimum energy path is found, the hyper-plane con­ straints have to be updated as the path evolves. In general, vector T i — T _ i is defined as the normal to the hyper-plane passing through the image number n. As a result, the local constraint corresponding to each image is updated under the 2

n +

In Transition State Modeling for Catalysis; Truhlar, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.


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249 influence of the motion of the path at its neighboring images, and consequently the local constraint is the outcome of the motion of the whole path. The final minimum energy path, as shown in Fig. 1, is remarkably different from the initial guess for the path. Notice that the final constraints (shown dashed) are not perpendicular to the initial guess for the path. Overall, this method has been proven to be very robust even for treating rather complicated reaction paths, where simple intuitive approaches usually fail [13]. Within the above framework of describing a reaction path, it is natural to define a reaction coordinate s as the norm of the total change in all coordinates along the path, starting at the initial state I j : 8 = £\dT\.


For a finite number of images along the path one can use the discretized version of Eq.3: = g|ft -f -|. (4) i=i In concluding this section, we should emphasize that the method described here is unbiased, since knowledge of the initial (reactant) and final (product) states of the reaction is the only input required for the calculation. Other advan­ tages of this method include the fact that only one constraint is imposed during relaxation and that relaxations of the substrate can be easily taken into account. 3



+ 1


Properties of the transition state

We now discuss some examples where this methodology has been followed to de­ termine the transition state for dissociation of both homonuclear and heteronuclear diatomic molecules. We first consider the dissociation of N and NO in some detail. Then, we attempt to extract some general common characteristics emerging from these calculations and compare these with results pertaining to CO dissociation. 2


N 2 dissociation

Figure 2 shows the calculated energy of the N /Ru(0001) system, relative to molecular N and the clean Ru(0001) surface, as a function of the dissociation reaction coordinate. Dissociation of N on Ru(0001) is calculated to have a signif­ icant barrier [17], which is in good qualitative agreement with recent experiments [18, 19]. The picture emerging from Fig. 2 is the following. As the molecule approaches the surface, it is first attracted towards a molecularly adsorbed state (/). This molecular state is perpendicular to the surface. Further along the reaction coordi­ nate, the molecule follows a trajectory of sliding on the surface and simultaneously 2



In Transition State Modeling for Catalysis; Truhlar, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

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Figure 2: Top: Snapshots along the minimum energy path for N dissociation on a clean Ru(0001) surface. Successive images shown here represent the initial state (/), a metastable state (M), the transition state (TS), and the final state (F) of the dissociation process. Bottom: The energy (E) along the minimum energy path is plotted as a function of the reaction coordinate (5). Energy is referenced to the sum of the total energies of the corresponding (clean or promoted) surface and gas-phase N molecule (see refs. [17, 20] for details). 2


bending towards the surface until a new metastable molecularly adsorbed state is found ( M ) . Continuing along the reaction coordinate, the molecule becomes increasingly stretched whereas the energy of the system keeps increasing until the transition state (TS) is reached. The transition state is characterized by a very

In Transition State Modeling for Catalysis; Truhlar, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

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251 stretched "molecule". At the transition state, one of the N atoms is already close to its final position in a three-fold site, whereas the other N atom is coordinated to two ruthenium atoms, nearly in a "bridge-like" configuration. Finally, the two N atoms end up in hep sites. The energy corresponding to the final configuration of the dissociation products, as shown in Fig. 2, is higher than the lowest possible energy state of the two N atoms, simply because they are still close enough to strongly repel each other (they "share" one Ru atom). Subsequent diffusion of the N atoms to adjacent hep sites can further decrease the energy of the system to -1.54 eV. The effect of coadsorbing Na or Cs in the vicinity of the dissociating N molecule has also been included in Fig. 2 [20]. Both Na and Cs clearly decrease the barrier for N dissociation on Ru(0001), in good agreement with experiments suggesting that alkalis promote ammonia synthesis over Ru catalysts and that Cs is the best promoter among the two [21]. 2



NO dissociation

The dissociation of NO on P d ( l l l ) , Pd(211), and R h ( l l l ) [22, 23] is considered next. Figure 3 summarizes the results we got by applying the method described in section 2.2 in order to determine the transition state corresponding to each one of these three systems. Data shown for N O / R h ( l l l ) represent calculations [23] where only the adsorbates' degrees of freedom were allowed to relax, whereas for both N O / P d ( l l l ) and NO/Pd(211) surface relaxation effects have been included [22]. Since the main focus of this contribution is the location and characteristics of the transition state, Fig. 3 does not show the whole reaction path, which can be found elsewhere [22, 23], but simply illustrates initial, final, and transition states of the corresponding minimum energy paths. NO dissociation on Pd(211) was studied for four alternative final states, whereas the initial molecularly adsorbed state was kept fixed at the most pre­ ferred three-fold site near the step-edge. We found that the path involving NO dissociation parallel to the step, characterized by the same local geometry as on the (111) surface, has the lowest barrier, whereas paths involving NO dissoci­ ation via molecular configurations which are perpendicular to the step have a considerably higher barrier [22]. At low coverages, NO prefers to occupy the fee site on a P d ( l l l ) surface, with a calculated binding energy of the upright molecular state of 2.24 eV. The most energetically favorable final state for NO dissociation on P d ( l l l ) has both N and O atoms on adjacent fee sites. Our calculations predict that NO dissociation is much more facile at the step than on the flat (111) terrace, in excellent agreement with experiment [24, 25]. Finally, NO preferentially adsorbs on hep sites of R h ( l l l ) at low coverages, with a calculated binding energy of ca. 2.38 eV. The final state of the minimum energy NO dissociation path on R h ( l l l ) finds both N and 0 atoms in adjacent hep sites. The barrier to dissociation calculated without surface relaxation is con­ siderably lower than the barrier on either Pd surfaces, which is in good agreement

In Transition State Modeling for Catalysis; Truhlar, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

252 +0.03eV





Pd(111) \


-1.76eV N(a) + 0(a)


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NO(g) -0.38eV





N(a) + 0(a)


"0(9) Rh(111)

-0.88eV T.S. -2.38eV NO(ads)

-2.85eV N(a) + 0(a)

Figure 3: Energies of the molecularly adsorbed state, the transition state and the final dissociated state for NO dissociation on P d ( l l l ) , Pd(211), and R h ( l l l ) . Energies are referenced to the sum of the total energies of the corresponding clean surface and a gas-phase NO molecule. The geometry of the transition state is shown to the right, in a top view of the surface. Each panel spans more than one unit cells, and adatoms corre­ sponding to neighboring unit cells have been removed for clarity. Two different shades are used for surface atoms in the Pd(211) panel to indicate the two terraces defining the step. Small dark and light circles represent the N and O adatoms respectively. Notice the nearly "center-bridge" configuration of the transition state. Adatoms in the final dissociated state of NO prefer hep sites on R h ( l l l ) , but fee sites on P d ( l l l ) and Pd(211).

with available experimental data [26, 27]. The low barrier for NO dissociation is among the main reasons for rhodium being used for the catalytic reduction of NO in automobile catalytic converters [28]. As shown in Fig. 3, the dissociation channel is the main path, since the alternative path to the gas phase has a much higher barrier (1.5 eV vs 2.38 eV).

In Transition State Modeling for Catalysis; Truhlar, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.




In this section we further discuss similarities and differences characterizing the dissociation barriers and geometries of the corresponding transition states for small diatomic molecules. From the calculations presented in the previous section for both N on Ru and NO on Pd and Rh surfaces, one can easily conclude that the geometry of the transition state to dissociation is very similar for both molecules and on all three metals examined. In all cases studied here, the transition state involves one adatom close to a three-fold site (center), and the second adatom close to a two-fold site (bridge). Even the stepped Pd(211) surface gives a transition state with similar geometry. We have found that these similarities extend to the case of CO dissociation on the close packed surfaces of Ni, Pt and Ru as well [29, 30]. Furthermore, work on H dissociation on N i ( l l l ) [15] suggests a similar geometry for the transition state (center-bridge configuration), although not exactly the same with the configuration we are calculating for NO, CO, and N dissociation. However, the small difference observed in the transition state geometry can be attributed to the corresponding difference in the final dissociated state having the two H-atoms closer to each other, compared to the dissociation products of NO, CO and N . This is a direct consequence of the smaller repulsion between two hydrogen atoms, compared to the repulsion between N , C and 0 atoms. Presumably, the center-bridge geometry of the transition state is a general result characterizing a hexagonal local geometry of the surface, whereas the transition state geometry could be substantially different for the dissociation of the same small diatomics on other facets of the same metals (see [3], for an example on a (100) surface).

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In particular, one can view the transition state configuration as a result of a compromise between the energy cost of stretching the molecule and the energy gain obtained by the adsorption of the reaction products. The cost of the molec­ ular stretching will dominate at small intra-molecular bond lengths, but as the bond becomes longer this term saturates and the adsorption energy of the atomic components of the almost dissociated molecule takes over. The atomic adsorption energy term can be expected to be more attractive, the more surface atoms the transition state complex is coordinated to. At the same time, one should take into account that "sharing" of surface atoms leads to adsorbate-adsorbate repul­ sion through the covalent interaction of the adsorbates with the surface d-bands on the "shared" surface atoms as discussed in Ref. [17]. With this distribution of energy, the transition state geometry reflects the balance between keeping the bond length small, while allowing the dissociating atoms (or radicals for larger molecules) to interact with as many surface atoms as possible. A simple conse­ quence of this picture is that molecules similar in size and composition experience similar transition states on transition metal surfaces with similar local geometries. In all cases studied here, and from the results of similar theoretical studies performed by others (see for example: NO dissociation on C u ( l l l ) [31]), one can

In Transition State Modeling for Catalysis; Truhlar, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.


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Table 1: Calculated values for the total energy of the transition state (ETS), the dif­ ference between ETS and the total energy of the molecularly adsorbed state {EMA), i-e. the barrier to dissociation, and the difference between ETS and the total energy of the final dissociated state (EF). ETS is referenced to the sum of the total energies of the respective clean surface and the gas-phase molecule. Calculations for the N O / P d ( l l l ) and NO/Pd(211) systems included surface relaxations [22]; the rest of the data cor­ respond to calculations with the metal atoms fixed at their bulk truncated positions [23, 29].

System CO/Ni(lll) CO/Pt(lll) NO/Pd(lll) N0/Pd(211) NO/Rh(lll)


(eV) +1.40 +2.90



+0.03 -0.38 -0.88





+2.80 +4.40

+1.80 +2.00

+2.27 +2.00 +1.50

+1.79 +1.58 +1.97


conclude that the transition state to dissociation of NO, CO and N on transition and noble metals is much more final-state-like than initial-state-like. In other words, it is more reasonable to think of the transition state as being two atomic adsorbates interacting repulsively with each other rather than as a stretched molecule. This picture is further supported by the data collected in Table 1, where it is clear that the variation in the last column is much smaller than the variation in the middle column, suggesting that the difference between the energy of the transition state and the energy of the initial state (ETS-EMA) varies much less than the corresponding difference between the energy of the transition and the final state (ETS-EF)Therefore, the energy of the transition state follows the energy of the final state much more closely than it does with the energy of the initial state. Moreover, the large variations observed in the transition state energy from one metal to the next, and from one facet to the next for the same metal, can be attributed mainly to variations in the adsorption energies of the chemisorbed atoms alone. This conclusion certainly holds for both NO and CO dissociation over different metals and facets, for which we have performed detailed calculations [29, 30]. The final question arising then, is what determines the variation in the atomic chemisorption energies. Based on the above arguments, one can expect that factors determining atomic chemisorption bond strength will largely determine variations in the transition state energies and thus dictate trends in the activation energy for dissociation. We have suggested that these variations are determined from the interaction of the adsorbate valence states with the metal d-states [30, 32, 33, 34, 35]. There are two components to this interaction, and three resulting rules of thumb dictating the final atomic chemisorption bond strength: 2

In Transition State Modeling for Catalysis; Truhlar, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

255 1. A Pauli repulsion proportional to the overlap matrix element squared {V^ ) between the adsorbate state(s) and the metal-d states (rule-I). d

2. A n attraction due to the formation of bonding (and anti-bonding) states between the adsorbate and metal-d states. The magnitude of this term is determined by a) the overlap matrix element V , b) the position of the adsorbate state(s) and the d states relative to the Fermi level, and c) the filling of the bonding and anti-bonding states. The general rule is that the closer the d states are to the Fermi level, the stronger the interaction (ruleII)); also, the fewer the d electrons the metal has, the fewer the anti-bonding states which will be filled and the stronger the interaction (rule-Ill)).

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In comparing 4d metals like Pd and Rh, the variation in the coupling matrix element is modest, and the main difference in chemisorption strength comes from the fact that Rh has one d electron less than Pd and according to rule-Ill has a stronger net interaction with N and 0 (there will be fewer filled adsorbate - metald anti-bonding states). This explains why rhodium is a better NO dissociation catalyst. Structure sensitivity of NO dissociation can be similarly rationalized within the same framework of ideas: the d states at a step are generally higher in energy (closer to the Fermi level) [22], making step atoms on Pd(211) more active for NO dissociation compared to terrace (lll)-type Pd atoms [rule-II]. Hence, the smallest NO dissociation barrier on Pd(211) compared to P d ( l l l ) . Comparing the transition state for dissociation of CO on N i and Pt, on the other hand, the two metals belonging to the same group of the periodic table have their d-shells almost filled. Therefore, nearly all anti-bonding adsorbate metal-d states are filled, and as a result the repulsive term (1) above dominates over the attractive term (2). The Pt 5d states are much more extended than the Ni 3d states, yielding a V* for Pt larger than the corresponding for N i [rule-I]. This makes C and 0 bind weaker on Pt, pushing the CO dissociation transition state higher in energy. A direct consequence is that Pt does not dissociate CO [36, 37, 38] whereas Ni does [39, 40]. The barrier for dissociation on a metal surface is determined by the properties of the metal at the surface. The reactivity of a given metal surface can be modified by changing the position of its d states relative to the Fermi level. We saw above that this can be achieved by changing the coordination number of the surface atoms at a step. Changes in metal surface reactivity can also be accomplished by alloying the metal into another metal surface [41]. Adding promoters or poisons to •a surface represents an alternative route to modifying a surface's chemical activity. A simple demonstration of this effect was given above, where the addition of Na or Cs to a Ru surface substantially decreased the barrier for N2 dissociation. Finally, we briefly discuss the origin of the alkali promotion effect [20]. In Fig. 4 we have plotted the change in the transition state energy (AETS) as a function of the quantity d



= -efi

In Transition State Modeling for Catalysis; Truhlar, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.


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Figure 4: Interaction energy between alkali (Na, Cs) atoms and the transition state for N dissociation on Ru(0001) as a function of AEdip. Circles (for Na) and squares (for Cs) correspond to different positioning of the alkali atoms on the surface, relative to the transition state. Lines are drawn to guide the eye. For details, see Ref.[20]. 2

which is the electrostatic interaction between a dipole, with electric dipole mo­ ment \i, and an electric field e. For \i in Eq. 5 we have taken the calculated dipole moment of the transition state complex in the absence of the alkali:

fi = J


dfAp (r)z A

We calculate a value of /J=-0.13 eA for the transition state to N dissociation outside a Ru(0001) surface. The electric field e is determined from the alkaliinduced electrostatic potential & ikaii = ^alkali/Ru ~ Rw We use the maximum field outside the surface as a measure of e rather than attempt to find the local field at the height of the adsorbate. Fig. 4 suggests that there is a very good correlation between A ETS and AEdip. Moreover, at higher values of AEdip there is a trend that A ETS varies even stronger with AEdip. This happens simply because the dipole-electric field interaction remains proportional to the field strength for small field strength, while for stronger fields polarization effects introduce an extra attractive term, which is second order in the field strength [42]. The correlation elucidated in Fig. 4 strongly supports that the direct electrostatic interaction between the adsorbed alkalis and the transition state complex dominates the effect of promotion [20]. 2


Acknowledgments M M gratefully acknowledges financial support from E U , through a Marie-Curie Fellowship (contract E R B F M B I C T #961691). The present work was in part

In Transition State Modeling for Catalysis; Truhlar, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

257 financed by The Danish Research Councils through The Center for Surface Re­ activity and grant #9501775. The Center for Atomic-scale Materials Physics is sponsored by the Danish National Research Foundation.

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