Distillation Products Industries - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Chem. , 1962, 34 (4), pp 69A–69A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60184a767. Publication Date: April 1962. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Anal. Chem. 1962, 34, 4, 69A...
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on α few Eastman Organic Chemicals

An inorganic Eastman Organic


05,30, $5.30 buys 25 g. of Hydroxylamine-O-sulfonic Acid (Eastman P8459)



jiiasL $3.25 buys 2 5 g. of l,2,3-Tris(2-cyanoethoxy)propane (Eastman 8 4 4 5 )


. $3.30 buys 100 grams of Isethionic Acid Sodium Salt (Eastman 8541)

Now this joins the list of some 3900 Eastman Organic Chemicals. It is just about as or­ ganic as Hydrazine (Eastman 902), Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride (Eastman 340), or Zinc Dust (Eastman P521). You learned once that organic compounds are compounds of carbon. That is very well for textbooks, but we prefer to define organic chemicals as those likely to be bought from us by organic chemists. We do not define an organic chemist. How an organic chemist can make much money with this powerful aminating agent is not immediately obvious, but money isn't everything and the obvious isn't fun. It is almost as potent an aminator as HN3 but less likely suddenly to open a new entrance to the building. McNair's Stationary Phase This liquid makes a good stationary phase for gas chromatographic columns. It has better selectivity for olefins, aromatics, naphthenes, alcohols, esters, ethers, and alkyl halides than can be expected of solvents like dinonyl phthalate. Its affinity for paraffins is small, but even these are separable at 55°C. One can see reasons why one might have ex­ pected that this triple-ply ether with nitrile prongs would exhibit a useful combination of phlegmatic character and polar attraction to various molecular species passing by. Frankly, it had not occurred to us. It occurred instead to Mr. H. M. McNair. Mr. McNair was engaged at the time in earning An ion for the élite Research seems at times more fashion-prone than millinery. It is not for us to judge whether this is good or bad. Rather it is up to us to keep fashionable merchandise on hand. We have been advised by volunteers scouting for us in the fashionable circles of physiology that the thing to do this season is to substitute bulky anions for Cl~ in physiological salt solutions. The smart set recognizes, for example, that since frog muscle cell membranes are highly permeable to chloride ions, not just Na + and K + , one can't count on measurements of currents carried through the cell membranes of muscles by the cations without allowing for the chloride conductance of the membrane. This they avoid by replacing Cl~ with some anion

Should one of these compounds be on your shelf right now? Answer by an order to Distillation Products Industries, Rochester 3, Ν. Υ. Good stocks of Eastman Organic Chemicals are also available at a laboratory supply house not too far from you.

the right to be addressed as Doctor McNair. This required that something new and de­ cently significant be freely contributed to human knowledge. McNair undertook to fulfill the obligation by studying 17 solvents and 40 solutes for correlation between re­ tention volumes and solvent-solute inter­ action forces. One of the fruits of the investi­ gation was the knowledge (duly contributed to mankind in Anal. Chem., 33, 806) of the wide usefulness in gas chromatography of l,2,3-Tris(2-cyanoethoxy)propane. While Doctor McNair has moved along to the re­ search laboratories of a large corporation (not the one paying for this space, as it hap­ pens), we suggest the substance be remem­ bered as McNair's Stationary Phase, r that is too big to get through, has a sodium salt soluble enough to permit at least 0.15M solutions, doesn't complex with C a ^ or Mg^, and is stable and non-toxic at pH 7 to 8. Many of them use the methylsulfate ion for the purpose, and we are now in a position to supply them with Methylsulfuric Acid Sodium Salt (Eastman P809) if they want it. Our scouts, who are very smart, point out, however, that even Beilstein, way back in Volume 1, is gloomy about the stability of organic sulfate esters. They have reported to us that the really clever ones are going to the isethionate ion (HOCH2CH2SO3)-, which is a normal constituent of the axoplasm of squid nerves. We hope we are not spoiling it for anybody by making this anion readily available through the above-suggested transaction.

Special note to overseas readers: It's usually more convenient to order Eastman Organic Chemicals through the distributor who serves your country. Drop us a card telling who and where you are and we'll send you his name and address.

DPi Distillation Products Industries

Eastman P8459 shoots off NH radicals or NH2 ions so freely that it aminates ammonia itself to hydrazine and other amines to sub­ stituted hydrazines. It makes highly watersoluble crystalline quaternary hydrazinium sulfates out of tertiary amines. It makes oximes out of aliphatic ketones and N-aryl aliphatic amides out of aliphatic-aromatic ketones. If its electronegative moiety is per­ mitted to hang on after reaction with ketones in the presence of K2CO3 or CH3COOK, ketoxime-O-sulfonates are formed which may prove useful for preparing pyrazines in cases where the corresponding arylsulfonyl ketoximes are too unstable for comfort and ease. A white microcrystalline solid, Eastman P8459 is so hygroscopic and fraught with other perils to purity that we choose not to crowd our luck by claiming our product to be any better than Practical Grade.

is a division of

Prices subject to change without notice.

Eastman Kodak Company VOL. 34, NO. 4, APRIL 1962

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