The Determination of Sulfur in Certain Culture Media. ... The Influence of the Composition of Carbohydrate Culture ... IN RUMFORD HALL, CHEMISTS' CLUB...
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36. T h e Sensitiveness Curves of Photographic Plates Exposed t o X-Rays. ORIMTUGMAN. 37. T h e Theory of t h e Acid Fixing B a t h . A. C . MCDANIEL. RUBBER CHEMISTRY SECTION. D. A. CUTLER,Chairman


1. Chairman's Address. Crude Rubber. D. A. CUTLER. 2. Some Refinements of t h e Ignition Method for t h e Determino-

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14. Some Observations on Base Metal Thermocouples. 0. L. KOWALKE. 1 5 . O s m i u m - P l a t i n u m . F. ZIMMERMAN 16. The Electric Zinc Furnace. P. E PETERSON. 17. Solid Thick Deposits of Lead f r o m Lead Acetate Solutions. F.C. MATHERS. 18. Progress in Electrostatic Ore Dressing. F.S. MACGREGOR.

Sessions for the reading and discussion of papers were held a t the Shirley Hotel, Denver; the University of Colorado, Boulder; the Colorado School of Mines, Golden; and on the top WATER, SEWERAGE AND SANITATION SECTION of Pike's Peak. EnwARn BARTOW. Chairman H. P. CORSON, Secretary Trips to various points of interest, both technical and geo1 . Manganese i n Illinois Waters. EDWARD BARTOWA N D H. P. graphic, were included in the program. Among the plants CORSON. visited were the following : 2. T h e Comparative Value of Pure Calcium a n d MagnesiumSutton, Steele 6 Steele Co.: Experimental mill and testing BARTOW AND CLARENCE calcium Lime for Water Softening. EDWARD plant. Dry process of ore concentration; electrostatic separaSCHOLL. 3. Ventilation of t h e Schools of New York City. (Illustrated.) tion of sulfide minerals. CHARLESBASKERVILLE. Western Chemical Manufacturing Co.: Manufacture of 4. Winkler's Method for t h e Determination of Oxygen in Water: acids, anhydrous ammonia, and liquid carbonic acid, concenE. HALEAND W. t h e Effect of Nitrite a n d i t s Prevention. FRANK tration of mixed sulfide ores, magnetic separation, producerMELIA. gas power plant. 5. T h e Determination of Sulfur i n Certain Culture Media. H. W. REDFIELDA N D C. HUCKLE. Henry E . W o o d Ore Testing Co.: General testing of ores, 6. A Comparative S t u d y of Methods for Determining Sulfur in concentration, flotation, cyanidation, magnetic separation. Peptone. H. W. REDFIELDA N D C. HUCKLE. United States M i n t : Electrolytic refining of gold. 7. T h e Value of Testing for Hydrogen Sul5de Production i n t h e American Z i n c Ore Separating Co.: Testing plant, electroBacteriological Examination of Potable Waters. E. M. CHAMOT. static, separation, dry jigging, separation of complex ores. 8. A S t u d y of t h e Best Conditions for Hydrogen Sul5de ProducAND H. W. REDFIELD. t i o n i n Peptone Media. E. M. CHAMOT American Smelting 6 Rejining Co.: Lead smelting, Hunt9. T h e Influence of t h e Composition of Carbohydrate Culture ington-Heberlein and Dwight-Lloyd sinter roasting, bag-house Media o n t h e A m o u n t a n d Character of t h e Oases Formed by Fecal recovery of smelter fume. Organisms. E. M. CHAMOT AND R. C. LOWARY. Screenless Size7 Co.: McKesson-Rice screenless sizing of 10. A S t u d y of t h e Stokes Neutral Red Reaction. E. M. CHAMOT AND C. M. SHERWOOD. ores, crushed rock and coal. t i o n of Rubber in Vulcanized Goods. G. H. SAVAGE. Discussion of Committee Reports.

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l l . F u r t h e r Notes o n S t a n d a r d s of Potable Waters. J. CULVER HART-ZELL. 12. T h e Determination of M i n u t e A m o u n t s of Sulfur Dioxide THE CHEMICAL SOCIETIES I N NEW YORK CITY in Air. A. SEIDELLA N D P. W. MESERVE. 13. T h e Quantitative Use of t h e Spectroscope in Water Analysis. PROGRAM O F MEETINGS FOR THE SEASON 1913-1914. SESSIONS W. W. SKINNER AND W. D. COLLINS. IN RUMFORD HALL, CHEMISTS' CLUB 14. Comparison of Methods for t h e Determination of Dissolved American Chemical Society, October IO, 1913. Oxygen. W: UT.SKINNERAND J. W. SALE. Society of Chemical Industry, October 24, 1913. 15. Longevity of B. Typhosus i n Water. F. L. RECTOR. American Chemical Society, November 7, 1913. Society of Chemical Industry, November 21, 1913

AMERICAN ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY. DENVER MEETING The Twenty-fourth General Meeting of the American Electrochemical Society took place a t Denver, Colorado, September 9-11, 1913.

Joint Meeting, American Chemical Society, December



American Chemical Society, January 9, 1914. Society of Chemical Industry (Perkin Medal), January 23, 1914.


Joint Meeting, American Electrochemical Society, February

IRVING LANGMUIR. 6, 1914. American Chemical Society (Nichols Medal), March 6, 1914. 2. Simultaneous Determination of Copper a n d Lead, w i t h t h e R o t a t i n g Anode. A. J. WHITE. Society of Chemical Industry, March 2 7 , 1914. 3 Rapid Refining of Copper w i t h a Rotating Cathode. C. 'I%'. Society of Chemical Industry, April 24, 1914. BENNETT A N D C. 0. BROWN. American Chemical Society, May 8, 1914. 4. T h e H e a t Resistivity of Graphite a n d Carbon. J. 'IV. RICHJoint Meeting, Society of Chemical Industry, May 29, 1914. ARDS. American Chemical Society, June j, 1914. 5. Effect of Light o n Decomposition Voltage. ALANLEIGHTON. 6. T h e Art of Electric Zinc Smelting. W. McA. JOHNSON. 7. Possible Applications of t h e Electric F u r n a c e t o Western OBITUARY-EUGENE A. BYRNES Metallurgy. D. A. LYONASD R. M. KEBNEY. 8. T h e Transformation of R a d i a n t i n t o Chemical Energy. S. C. The death of Dr. Eugene A. Byrnes occurred on August I s t , LIND. at Haven, Maine, where he had gone for a vacation. 9. Electric Smelting of C h r o m i u m , Tungsten, Molybdenum a n d V a n a d i u m Ores. R. M. KEEXEY. Dr. Byrnes was born in New York State in 1862. He had 10. T h e Carnotite Industry. SIEGFRIED FISCHER. graduated from the University of Michigan, and in 1884 became 11. Some Aspects of Heat Flow. E. F. NORTHRUP. a teacher in the Central High School, Washington, D. C. Subse12. T h e Electrolysis of Cyanide Solutions. E. F. KERN. quently he entered the Examining Corps of the United States 13. T h e Electrolysis of Aqueous Solutions of t h e Simple AlkaPatent Office, and rapidly rose to the position of Chief of a Diline Cyanides. G. H. CLEVENGER A N D M. L. HALL. vision. I n the meanwhile he graduated from the Law School 1. T h e Shape Factor.