Distribution of Ether Extractive in Turpentined Slash-Pine Trees

Distribution of Ether Extractive in Turpentined Slash-Pine Trees. E. F. Kurth, E. C. Sherrard. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1932, 24 (10), pp 1179–1181. DOI: 1...
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Distribution of Ether Extractive in Turpentined Slash-Pine Trees E. F. KURTE AND E. C . SEIERRARD, Forest Products Laboratory, hladison, Wiu -1 slady of the ether extructioe in young turfor a com~~osite sairrple from RlWIOUS studies a t this several trees in order to deterpenlined slash pirle reueuls that f,u&i& the laboratory on young unmine the extent of v a r i a t i o n p idn ee ioounded area there is no material difference in among tile As a reult have demonstrated 'lash a clearly fined variation in tile etiler exthe amount or in the contposition of the extractive of ti,is, a d i s t i l i c t i o n can he tractivecontentandinthenature ,from thul in unturpentined trees. The unimade b e t w e e n rapid-growing f,y&{y of t/E variation in the amount and {tuture and s l o w g r o w i n g trees, and of this extractive with position of the extractiue is not so striking in furpenusually b e t w e e n trees containin cross section of the trunk (9). ing a high proportioii of springThe present paper describes the tined (1s in the unturpentined trees. The exwood a n d those containing a distribution of the ether ext.rao tive in a similar number of turtract& in buck Of theface may vary comihrabh' hich p r o p o r t i o n of summerboth in quantity and in character. wood.. A-discussion of the repentiried dash pines that were sults can be d i v i d e d into two logged from the same stands and at thesanie timeas the unturpentined trees. Both the turpen- parts: ( 1 ) the area outside the iiifliience of the face, and tined and the unturpentined trees received the same treat- (2) the area within the influence of the face. ment. A study of the data from the two groups will, thereAXEA