Chapter 7
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Diversifying the STEM Professional Workforce by Building Capacity at a Two-Year College on the U.S.-Mexico Border David R. Brown* Southwestern College, Chula Vista, California 91913, United States *E-mail:
Human development and sustainability face significant challenges that must be addressed by the science and engineering community. Formulating solutions to overcome the challenges is best approached by engaging as diverse a population of problem solvers as possible and by developing a robust STEM workforce. However, obstacles exist in undergraduate STEM education that prevent many students from completing an intended STEM major. Further, a rapid and significant demographic shift is occurring in America that is leading to become a population considerably more Hispanic. However, Hispanics are appreciably underrepresented in the STEM workforce at this time. An examination of these socioeconomic, cultural and educational issues is presented, along with recommendations from the literature on how to address them and examples of selected efforts to build capacity at a Hispanic-Serving two-year college to contribute to the diversification of the STEM workforce.
Introduction Due to the scale and gravity of grand challenges in science and technology, such as sustainable energy production, global access to potable water, producing food in sufficient quantities to feed a rapidly growing world population and preventing and curing diseases, developing effective measures to address them necessitates drawing upon as broad and diverse a pool of talented problem solvers © 2017 American Chemical Society Nelson and Cheng; Diversity in the Scientific Community Volume 2: Perspectives and Exemplary Programs ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.
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as possible. However, the current situation in the United States reveals a lack of inclusion across the broad racial, ethnic and socioeconomic spectrum of the populace. According to the National Science Board (1), in 2013 the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) workforce in America was far less racially and ethnically diverse than the general working-age population (age 21 and older) of the country. Figure 1 provides a comparison of the racial and ethnic composition of the working-age population with those employed in STEM occupations. The data show significant underrepresentation of blacks and Hispanics in the STEM workforce, relative to the proportions of the U.S. demographic they represent. Asians are appreciably overrepresented in STEM occupations, while the participation of whites in the STEM workforce is nearly on par with their representation in the working-age population.
Figure 1. Percentages of U.S. residential working-age population (darker shade) and those employed in STEM occupations in 2013 by race and ethnicity. While this snapshot from 2013 of a STEM professional workforce that poorly mirrors the American demographic offers cause for concern in its own right, population estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau (2) for the period from 2014 to 2060 describe an evolving national demographic that could likely lead to an even more problematic situation as regards diversity in the STEM workforce. The projections are shown in Figure 2 and illustrate a decline of the white population, which, at this time, constitutes both the majority of the overall U.S. population and participation in the STEM workforce. Ultimately the white population is projected to decline to a minority level by 2060. Conversely, a rapid increase in the Hispanic population is projected that would lead to representation of nearly 29% of the U.S. population by 2060. Coupling the decline in the white population with an increase in the Hispanic population, which presently is already considerably underrepresented in the STEM workforce, depicts a troubling socio-economic state of affairs from both the perspective of diversity in the STEM workforce and, more fundamentally, from a need to produce a sufficient supply of professional talent for the STEM workforce. 80 Nelson and Cheng; Diversity in the Scientific Community Volume 2: Perspectives and Exemplary Programs ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.
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Figure 2. Percentages of U.S. residential population by race and ethnicity in 2014 (lighter shade) and population projections for 2060. AIAN=American Indian and Alaska Native; NHPI=Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander. Reproduced from (2).
Due to the significant impact the STEM workforce has on the American economy and the technological innovations it generates that contribute to improving the health and quality of life for the populace, it is important to provide support mechanisms and quality learning environments that promote academic and professional success for all undergraduates who aspire to earn degrees in STEM majors. Works in the literature have recently addressed the need to produce additional STEM graduates to meet workforce demands (3–6), and others have described evidence-based instructional strategies and institutional policies that can be implemented in undergraduate education environments to improve student learning and success in STEM fields (7–12).
Broadening Participation in the STEM Workforce However, while supporting the success of all undergraduates should undoubtedly be a priority, due to the preceding account of evolving demographic circumstances, the need to recruit and retain Hispanic undergraduates in STEM fields is particularly acute. Several recent publications offer valuable insights into factors that influence the participation of underrepresented minority groups in the STEM enterprise, along with recommendations for enhancing minority participation in STEM (13–20). Institutions and individuals committed to the cause of broadening participation in STEM to underrepresented minorities can benefit from these works and references cited within them. 81 Nelson and Cheng; Diversity in the Scientific Community Volume 2: Perspectives and Exemplary Programs ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.
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In order to maximize the potential impact of efforts to address workforce development challenges such as those described herein, creative approaches should be developed that consider myriad possible resources. For example, collectively the nation’s two-year junior, technical and community colleges (two-year colleges) provide access to a source of abundant undergraduate student diversity. As such, two-year colleges must be significantly engaged in the processes to broaden participation in undergraduate STEM majors and, consequently, to increase the diversity of the STEM professional workforce. Information provided by the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) indicates that during Fall Semester 2014 the nation’s 1,108 two-year colleges served 7.3 million credit-bearing undergraduates, which represented 45% of the American undergraduate population (21). Furthermore, with regard to racial and ethnic diversity, AACC also reports that two-year colleges enrolled 62% of all Native American undergraduates, 57% of all Hispanic undergraduates and 52% of all black undergraduates. These data clearly support the case to ensure meaningful and systemic involvement of two-year colleges in endeavors to build a more diverse STEM workforce.
Strategies for Increasing the Number of STEM Graduates Landmark reports on STEM education released by the White House in recent times include the “Federal STEM Education 5-Year Strategic Plan,” prepared by the Committee on STEM Education of the National Science and Technology Council (3), and “Engage to Excel: Producing One Million Additional College Graduates with Degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics,” from the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (4). These works underscore the importance to focus on the quality of student experiences during the first two years of undergraduate STEM education in order to increase retention of STEM majors. Less than 40% of undergraduate freshmen who intend to major in a STEM field ultimately earn a degree in STEM (3). Most students depart from STEM majors early in their post-secondary experience, typically after taking an introductory STEM course. Efforts to improve student retention have the potential to produce a significantly greater number of STEM graduates. The “Engage to Excel” report states that an increase in graduation rate from 40% to 50% for those freshmen with intentions to major in STEM would produce an additional 75,000 STEM graduates annually. While that magnitude of increase in graduation rate may be ambitious, it is attainable, and it provides insight into the effort that may be required to address the challenges associated with building a robust STEM workforce. A few key recommendations found in works cited herein to increase the number of students who successfully complete undergraduate STEM degrees include: (a) engaging students in undergraduate research experiences early (as freshmen, whenever possible) in their academic endeavors; (b) transforming introductory STEM courses to include active-learning strategies demonstrated to enhance retention; and (c) providing opportunities for students to develop 82 Nelson and Cheng; Diversity in the Scientific Community Volume 2: Perspectives and Exemplary Programs ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.
confidence and self-image to envision themselves capable to earn a degree and become future STEM professionals. In addition to their rich student diversity, two-year colleges only offer lower-division courses, including those introductory STEM courses identified to be attrition points for many students (the so-called “gatekeeper” courses) with intentions to complete a STEM degree. Thus, two-year colleges are poised to respond to the clarion calls to produce additional STEM graduates, including those from underrepresented minority populations (22–25).
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Efforts To Build Capacity at Southwestern College The activities described below have taken place at Southwestern College (SWC) and simply offer an account of one of the many possible efforts to promote success for Hispanic students in STEM majors at two-year colleges. In most respects these efforts align with recommendations noted above to increase engagement and retention of students in STEM programs. However, in full disclosure, no validated education or sociological research has (yet) been conducted to demonstrate any meaningful impacts from the activities. At this point any observations are purely anecdotal and may not necessarily confer correlations between interventions and outcomes. SWC is one of the 113 California Community Colleges, a system of two-year institutions that serves 2.1 million students across the state (26). The college is a Hispanic-Serving Institution, with Hispanics accounting for approximately 50% of a student enrollment that exceeds 19,000 (headcount), located in a binational, bicultural region 8 miles north of the U.S.-Mexico international border and Tijuana, Baja California. The service area of SWC includes the southern region of San Diego County and northern Baja California, Mexico, as international students and U.S. citizens living in Mexico cross the border daily to attend classes. In the late 1990s, SWC received a grant from the (now terminated) National Science Foundation (NSF) Instrumentation and Laboratory Improvement (ILI) program (NSF grant no. DUE 9850951) that provided support to acquire a host of instrumentation to be incorporated across the curriculum. The instruments included NMR, GC/MS, FTIR and UV-Vis spectrometers and an HPLC system. The grant not only made it possible for students in the SWC courses of General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry to gain valuable handson learning experiences, but access to the instruments also provided an avenue to develop undergraduate research capabilities. Accounts in the literature have addressed both instructional aspects of hands-on learning with instruments (27) and the undergraduate research experiences at SWC and across a broader sample of two-year colleges (28–32). Mechanisms to support undergraduate research activities at SWC have evolved over time. In the early years, all efforts were simply voluntary. This faculty mentor would devote many in-kind hours in the laboratory to student volunteers eager to learn through discovery. Collaborations with researchers at four-year institutions such as UC San Diego and University of Nevada, Reno 83 Nelson and Cheng; Diversity in the Scientific Community Volume 2: Perspectives and Exemplary Programs ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.
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arose during this period. Matching needs of our collaborators with resources and capacity at the college (primarily spectroscopic tools, human capital and expertise) led to SWC undergraduates contributing to fruitful research endeavors that have been reported in the literature (33–36). As the undergraduate research endeavors matured at SWC, funds ultimately became available from NSF to support the work. A collaborator from the University of Nevada, Reno at the time, now at UC San Diego, received an NSF grant (DMR 0503017) for which SWC was a subawardee, allowing for the purchase of materials and supplies, along with compensation for personnel. A new source of grant support was made available in early 2006 when NSF established the Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer Research (SBIR/STTR) Phase II-CC program (37). The SBIR/STTR Phase II-CC program represents one of the efforts on the part of NSF to broaden participation in STEM by supporting undergraduate research experiences for students in two-year colleges (the “CC” in the title of the program signifies “community college”) and hence underrepresented minorities, due to the diverse nature of the student enrollment demographics in two-year colleges as described above. The mechanism of support is to permit small businesses with active NSF SBIR or STTR Phase II grants to apply for supplemental funds to support a research collaboration with a team from a two-year college. The amount of the supplements can be up to $40,000, with no less than 75% of the funds allocated to support the research team at the two-year college. From 2007 to 2012, SWC teams of faculty (the author) and students collaborated with two small businesses, with support from the Phase II-CC program. NSF provided two Phase II-CC supplements to each of the two small businesses. One SBIR Phase II grantee (NSF grant no. IIP 0450478) with which we collaborated was Ondax, Inc. of Monrovia, CA, and our other small business collaborator and SBIR Phase II grantee (NSF grant no. IIP 0522325) was Sierra Medical Technology of San Diego, CA. While the scope of this paper precludes detailed discussions of the research projects and their results, it is appropriate and sufficient to note some salient points of these endeavors. The support from Phase II-CC allowed students to conduct research year-round on these projects, working full-time during the summers and part-time during the academic year. The nature of research for commercial ventures facilitates opportunities to discuss and witness entrepreneurship in action, which differs from much of the academic research efforts. Student researchers presented occasional updates to the small business leadership and saw how their results fit into a grander scheme and framework, again experiences that may not necessarily accompany academic research. The Phase II-CC funds included support to travel to conferences and meetings, and, across the two collaborations, the students presented nine posters and three oral papers in ACS venues such as Regional and National Meetings, along with Conferences of the Two-Year College Chemistry Consortium (2YC3). An extreme high point of the efforts supported by the Phase II-CC program was the honor bestowed on the SWC students and their mentor in 2008, displayed in Figure 3, to be the first chemistry research team from a two-year college to be selected to present at the prestigious “Posters on the Hill” event on Capitol Hill, sponsored by the Council on Undergraduate Research (38). 84 Nelson and Cheng; Diversity in the Scientific Community Volume 2: Perspectives and Exemplary Programs ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.
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Figure 3. SWC research team in Washington, DC for “Posters on the Hill.” Front row (left to right): Monique Patrón, Chona dela Cruz, Héctor Mendoza Solano and Manuel Alingog. Back row: David Brown. (Source: David Brown)
While preparing NSF grant proposals that sought funds to support other (non-research) activities, compensation for student assistants was included by design, in order to provide them with invaluable extra-curricular learning and skill-building opportunities. For instance, using the collection of instruments obtained with the support of the NSF ILI grant and in response to demonstrated local workforce needs, in 2001 SWC was awarded a grant from the NSF Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program (NSF grant no. DUE 0101729). The grant funds were used to establish a new program in Pharmaceutical and Laboratory Science at SWC. Working with our industry partners a curriculum was designed to provide students in the program with knowledge, skills and competencies that would prepare them for the local workforce. The curriculum also required the development of six new courses, two of which were laboratory courses. Funds were included in ATE grant that supported four students during the project to assist with curriculum development and beta testing of experiments. Not only did the experiences offer the students the aforementioned extra-curricular learning opportunities, but the feedback from the students (the ultimate end users of the courses) was invaluable to fine tune the laboratory activities. A long-term, nationwide NSF-supported endeavor (NSF grant no. 1022895) is the Chemistry Collaborations, Workshops & Communities of Scholars (cCWCS) project (39). The project offers a series of workshops on a number of different topics (e.g., Chemistry in Art, Forensic Science, Computational Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry and more) for undergraduate chemistry educators from all types of institutions. If appropriate to the topic, the workshops typically offer substantial (often 4-5 days in duration) laboratory experiences for the faculty member participants to learn how to implement modern topics and pedagogy into their undergraduate chemistry courses. During the summer of 2011, SWC became the first two-year college to host a cCWCS workshop, which was a workshop on Materials Science and Nanotechnology (40). As was the case with the ATE 85 Nelson and Cheng; Diversity in the Scientific Community Volume 2: Perspectives and Exemplary Programs ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.
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grant, the NSF funds (via a subaward to SWC) to support the workshop at SWC included support for three students to assist in the development of the experiments prior to the workshop and also to serve as teaching assistants during the execution of the workshop. Also similar to the situation developing the curriculum for the Pharmaceutical and Laboratory Science program, the insights provided by the students regarding the effectiveness of the activities as pertains to student learning were highly valued. One final example of an NSF-supported endeavor (NSF grant no. CHE 1118663) for which the proposal included budget provisions for student assistants was conceived and developed to celebrate the International Year of Chemistry 2011 (IYC). Project iLASER (investigations with Light And Sustainable Energy Resources) was designed to engage non-traditional audiences, primarily children living in communities along the entirety of the 2,000 mile U.S.-Mexico border (41). Student assistants helped to develop a wide variety of hands-on activities for the children and participated in several Project iLASER outreach events in the vicinity of SWC. Participation in Project iLASER allowed the students to explore their own interests in engaging with the public to share their interest in chemistry with young children for whom they could be role models. For at least one student participant, their involvement in Project iLASER helped to solidify their desire to become a science teacher. They have since completed a master’s degree in science education (after completing a B.S. in chemistry) and now teach high school science. As noted above, in efforts to retain undergraduates in STEM majors it is important to provide them with opportunities to build confidence and develop visions of themselves as scientists and engineers. One manner in which SWC students can grow in their levels of self-confidence and self-image is to participate in ACS Student Chapter activities. The SWC ACS Student Chapter was chartered in 2002 and has enjoyed a rich history of building social and professional networks for student members. The San Diego Local Section of the ACS is quite active, and members of the SWC Student Chapter have attended many Local Section events, such as monthly Section meetings, professional development workshops and the annual ChemExpo, which is the San Diego Section celebration of National Chemistry Week in Balboa Park. Networking through the Local Section confers benefits to the students such as meeting faculty members from UC San Diego and San Diego State University, the primary receiving institutions to which SWC students transfer. Often the transfer process can be intimidating, but being acquainted with faculty members from the receiving institutions prior to transfer can lessen transfer anxiety. In addition to meeting future faculty members, since many of the Local Section members are from industry, SWC students also have opportunities to meet professionals from local companies who may be future employers or supervisors after graduation. These same individuals may also be valuable contacts for internship opportunities. All of these scenarios have come to fruition many times since the SWC Student Chapter was established. Furthermore, as regards issues such as confidence and public speaking, SWC Student Chapter members have presented posters at several ACS National Meetings during the “Successful Student Chapters” symposium. The internal operations of the Student Chapter provide students with opportunities to 86 Nelson and Cheng; Diversity in the Scientific Community Volume 2: Perspectives and Exemplary Programs ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.
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work in teams, conduct business meetings and learn of parliamentary procedure and manage budgets. These all contribute to the development of a multifaceted professional prepared for the workforce. One additional socioeconomic factor that can adversely impact student retention is having sufficient financial support to complete an education. Over the years, six SWC students have benefitted from the financial support of the ACS Scholars program. All six of the students have earned bachelor’s degrees in chemistry or biochemistry, one has gone on to earn a Ph.D., two are currently enrolled in Ph.D. programs and one is the aforementioned high school science teacher. The impacts from the support for SWC students provided by the ACS Scholars program are powerful and lasting.
Summary and Recommendations In closing, some salient points and recommendations are worth addressing. There is no “one size fits all” set of solutions to the challenges in STEM education and workforce development addressed herein. The examples provided of efforts to support student success at Southwestern College occupy a small region of a broad continuum of possible endeavors. However, many of the core ideas and actions are transportable, perhaps with necessary modifications to fit the local setting, and may be worthy of consideration. A brief set of general insights developed over the years of involving two-year college students in extra-curricular activities follow. Engaging two-year college students in undergraduate research is highly effective at generating and maintaining student interest in STEM. While undergraduate research activities may not be nearly as widespread in two-year colleges as they are in four-year institutions, a growing number of two-year colleges are implementing research experiences for their students. In order to get started in undergraduate research on a two-year campus, it may be wise to consider partnering with colleagues at a nearby four-year institution(s) already engaged in research activities, if possible. A low-cost endeavor with high potential returns is to establish an ACS Student Chapter. The growth students can experience through participation in a Student Chapter can be extraordinary. The challenges due to the changing American demographic and promoting retention for students in STEM majors may be formidable. However, as with other historic challenges the science and engineering community has faced and overcome, the magnitude of the importance of building a well-prepared and sufficiently robust STEM workforce will undoubtedly catalyze the creative development of effective strategies and solutions.
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