Division of Chemical Education: Message from the chairman - Journal

Division of Chemical Education: Message from the chairman. W. H. Slabaugh. J. Chem. Educ. , 1967, 44 (6), p 343. DOI: 10.1021/ed044p343. Publication D...
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Dear Readers: A very high percent of the members of the D OF CHE Education subscribe to the JOURNAL However only about a tenth of the subscribers E Division of Chemical Education. Since the JOUI part of the Division's broad program in chemical appear likely that a greater share of the subsci same time he members of the Division. Incider of Chemical Education is one of the few Divisio Chemical Society that publishes its own journa is responsible for the support and management ( Each year thousands of copies of standardized i tions are obtained hv chemistrv teachers from the Division's (Jommiltee on Kxaminrnions 'I'hi.s program. directed by Dr. '1'. A. Ashford of the University of Sumh Florida, has hecome an internationilly recognized suurrc of useful and dewndi+hle cedis in chemistry a t m a n y levels. The Division's programs include other active committees who deal with problems in curriculum, the teacher and his work, institutes and conferences, and an NSF sponsored visiting scientist program. These committees study problems in the various areas, make reports to groups both inside and outside the Division, and are frequently called upon to assist in academic, industrial, and governmental problems related to chemical education. The Division programs a series of papers and symposia a t the national ACS meetings a n d also sponsors an intensive conference for two-year college chemistry staffs a t each of the national meetings. All this requires dedicated manpower in the form of Divisional membershin and committee narticination. None of these iohs.


of resolving some of them. If yon, as a subscriber and/or reader of the JOURNAL, feel inclined t o "join the team" and work on one or more of the various problems in chemical education a t the national level. wbv not share your talent, ideas, and effort by contacting one of the officers or cokmittee chairman? Yon will find that the committees are peopled by all sorts-some from big universities, some from small colleges, some from industry, and some from governmental agencies. A few travel t o the national meetings on expense accounts, others must scrape together the funds from where they can find them. Above all, there is a sense of common purpose among the working groups in the Division, and regardless of where they come from, it is to achieve this purpose that chemists come from near and far-to advance the role of Chemical Education in the modern world. Then, hopefully, a s the urge to participate develops, you may find it interesting and worthwhile to dig deeper with one of the Division's committees. Join us! W. H. SLABAUGH, CHAIRMAN Division of Chemical Education