Division of Chemical Education of the American ... - ACS Publications

expenditures were properly authorized. The treasurer is to be commended on the neat and orderly condition of his accounts. Tillie: 3:45p.;\l. The secr...
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Division of Chemical Education OF TIm AMERICAN CIlEMICAL SOCIETY



Purchase of Savings Bonds. Abstracts Buffalo Meeting ... P. H. Fall, Secy. Stamps and envelopes for treasurer. Motion pictures-Detroit Detroit Abstracts. .

P.ittsburgh, September 6, 1943 10:20 A.M.-12:15 P.M. 'prts~nt: A.]. Currier, F. E. Browll, L. L. Quill, N. W. Rake· straw, H. F. Mack, C. F. Flcck. The minutes of the April meeting wert' fead and approved. In the absence of the treasurer, C. E. \Yhi.e, hi!> report, which bad Tim~:

been sent to the secretary, was read ami approved.

Dr. :\'[alcolm

Haring had audited the treasurer's report. This. too, was read and accepted. Both the treasurer's and auditor's reports accompany this report. l\.Iotion made that miscellaneous bills which "c.re presented by the chairman and secretary be approved and submitted to the treasurer for payment. Since the camraet with Mack Printing Company for publishing the JOURXAL OF CII'BlICAL EDUCAT10~, entered into April 27, 1939, expired December, 1942, it was necessary to renew the contract. Because of 1 he increase ill costs of paper, ink, labor, etc., ]\IT. Mack and .r-.lr. Fleck stated t.hat it would be necessary to increase the rates somewhat. ?o.'Iotion was made and passed authorizing t he renewal of present contract as of December I, 1942, for a period of five years, with an increase of 15 per cent in schedule of rates established about ten years ago, as shown in Appendix I, page 8, of the old contract. The increase in schedule of rates is to become effective Janl-lary 1,194-1. A letter from O. l'vr. Smith, Chairman of lhe Committee on Examinations and Tesls, was read, suggesting that Drs. Hen· dricks, Reed, and Martiu, whose terms on Committee on Examina· tions and Tests expire this September, be continued for another tenn, which will expire in 1946. ?\lotion made, seconded, and passed. Since ::\lr. ::\'1. Y. ::\1cGill sent in his resignation as chairman of Committee on High-School Chemistry, a motion was made that .l\Ir. Elbert C. '''eaver, of Andover Ac.ademy, Andover, Massachuselts, be elected chairman of this committee. It was also voted 1..hat Mr. Weaver and the chairman of the Division of Chemical Education confer in choosing successors to :Kelson, Reed, and Long, whose terms expire September, 1943, and another member to take the place of i\'1r. "reaver, whose term was to expire September, 1945. Motion made that we recommend to the Division that we rescind the motion passed at Atlantic City meeting, September 194.1, at which time the Committee to Study Problems of Teachillg of Chemistry in Colleges and Universities was authorized. By vote of the Executive Committee, R. E. Kirk was elected to the Board of Publicatiou of the JOUR:\AI. OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION as successor to S. R. Brinkley, whose term expires September, 19-13. P."'UL H. F ALL, StCT~tary


Balance, Oct. 31, 19-12. . . Dues, 156 members. . _ 19-44 dues paid in advance . Illterest on U. S. Savings Bond. Liquidation divideud from acct. of previous treasurer ill closed bank. Interest 011 Savings Account. Total.


156.00 3.00 3.75 6.50 4.93

8300.00 9.'10 25.00 12.60 27.50

",. "".



Total ..


Balance on Haud. Assets are distributed as follows: Check.ing Account, "Division Chemical Education," Prince Georges Bank and Trust Co., Hyattsville, Maryland. _ . Savings ACCCoullt-Same as above . 3 U. S. Savings Bonds, $100 each, Nos. CS25778g, C825779g, C825580g, "Division of Chemical Education" deposited in the safe deposit box of C. E. White at Prince Georges Bank and Trust Co., Hyattsville, Maryland. Total. CUARLES E.


$188.01 88.43


$573.44 TrtaS"llrer

AUDITOR'S REPORT August 30, 1943 Dear Dr. Currier: In accordance with your request of August 28th, I have audited the books of Dr. Charles E. White, Treasurer of the Division of Chemical Education, A. C. S. I find that all receipts have been duly recorded and that all expenditures were properly authorized. The treasurer is to be commended on the neat and orderly condition of his accounts. MALCOLM M. HARING i\1(NUTES OF TilE;


Pittsburgh, September 6, 1943 3:45p.;\l. The secretary gave 3. summary of the minutes of the Buffalo meeting in September, 1942, of the Executive Committee meeting in Detroit in April. 1943, and of t he meetings of the Board of Publication and of the Executive Committee held ::'vlonday morniug, September 6, 1943. Also, the treasurer's report, which had bceu accepted by the Executive Committee, was read. ~Iotioll was made aud seconded that we follow the recommendation of the Executive Committee and rescind "the action laken at the Atlantic City meeting, at which we authorized the eSlablishmel1t of a Committee to Study the Problems of Teaching of Chemistry in Colleges aud lilliversities. After some discussion, motion made, seconded, and carried tbat the preceding motion be laid on the table. Dr. O. IV1. Smith reported that the 1944 Cooperative Tests ill General Chemistry are in the hands of Dr. :\'Iartill and they are to be tried out in several instilutions. Erelong there will be available a battery of testS in physical, quantitative, qualitative, and organic, as well as in general chemistry. Tillie:

$G57 82



on page 6:11)

DIVISION OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY (Continued from page 618) F. E. Brown reported for the Nominating Committee, consisting of B. S. Hopkins, F. E. Brown, and R. D. Reed This committee presented the following slate: Chairman—L. L. Quill, University of Kentucky Vice-Chairman — H. N. Alyea, Princeton University Secretary — P. H. Fall, Hiram College Member-at-Large — G. H. Cartledge, University of Buffalo

Motion made, seconded, and passed that the report be accepted. The chairman then called for any nominations from the floor, but none were made. Motion made, seconded, and passed that the secretary cast a unanimous ballot for election of the officerssubmitted by the nominating committee. This was done, and the individuals named above were declared elected. The meeting adjourned at 4:15 P.M. PAUL H. FALL, Secretary

Knhnascn (I%%). ~~ENBHOXMA. '