Division of Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society

Division of Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society. Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting / Minutes of the Business Meeting...
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DIVISION OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY MINUTES O F EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING Atlantic City, September 9 , 1941 PRESENT: R. D. Reed, Chairman, N. D. Cheronis, N. W. Rakestraw, Virginia Bartow, and P. H. Fall. The treasurer gave her report, which was accepted, as follows: Cash in bad- April 2, 1941 $97.04 Receipts from dues 15.00 Receipts from M. V. McGill from "Supplementary Experiments" 50.00 $162.04 Expenditures: Louis Meeting Ind. Eng. Chem. Abstracts--St. $22.20 B. C. Hendricks Committee on Examinations and Tests 50.00 10.14 V. Bartow-Office of Treasurer P. H. Fall--Officeof Secretary 15.00 $97.34 Receipts less expenditures $64.70 Cash in bank--September 2,1941 $64.70 No withdrawals from savings account VIRGINIA BARTOW, Treasurer

bringing t o the attention o f the proper government officials the urgent necessity of allowing manufacturers o f scientific materials t o secure the very essential, though relatively small amounts of raw materials needed. Motion was made and carried that the Chairman of our Division appoint a Committee to take action as suggested by Dr. Fulweiler. The Chairman thereupon appointed S. R. Brinkley of Yale as Chairman of such a Committee, with power t o act and t o choose any additional members he may desire. The Treasurer's report, given in detail above, was presented and accepted. The Secretary reported on the meeting of the Executive Committee on the previous day (see above). N. D. Cheronis spoke of the importance of technical and noncollegiate chemistry and moved that a Committee he appointed by the Chairman t o study this problem. The motion was carried. O.M. Smith, Chairman of the Committee on Examinations and Tests, gave a progress report on the work o f his committee. Fifteen men spent a week in conference a t the University of Chicago this summer t o reformulate the objectives of the General Chemistry Examination and t o construct test items for the 1942 form. He stated that his committee feels that there is definite need for a committee to make a study of our methods of teaching in colleges and universities. There is need for statistical material on our type of teaching; e. g., the value of Laboratory work versus none, or versus lecture demonstrations. Motion made and carried that a Committee he appointed t o study the Problems of Teachers of Chemistry in Colleges and Universities. The Nominating Committee consisting of O.M. Smith, Chairman, Ed. F. Degering, and Ross A. Baker presented the following as nominees for officers for the year September, 1941--September,

Motion carried that hills for printing letterheads and envelopes for Office of Secretary ($16.67 by Mack Printing Company) and reprints of Abstracts (Separates) for Atlantic City Meeting ($10.43-Ind. Eng. Chcm.) he paid. Suggestion was made that the B. S. Hopkins Committee on Hiih-School Chemistry he asked to present before one of our Divisional meetings a report of its findings. T. A. Ashford of Chicago, and Laurence S. Foster of Brawn University were elected to the Committee on Examinations and Tests to succeed R. E. Kirk and F . B. Wade, whose terms expire. 1942: F. E. Brown, Chairman, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa T. D. Kelsey of Grover Cleveland High School, St. Louis, and A. J. Currier, Vice Chairman, Pennsylvania State College, T. A. Ashford of Chicago were elected t o the Committee on HighState College. Pennsylvania School Chemistry t o succeed two former members, Dr. Davis, C. E. White, Treasurer. University of Maryland, College Park deceased, and N. D. Cheronis, retiring from the Committee. and Baltimore, Maryland Laurence L. Quill. Member-at-Large. Ohio State University MINUTES OF BUSINESS MEETING OF THE DIVISION Columbus, Ohio. Atlantic City, September 10,1941 There being no nominations from the floor, motion was made and Dr. W. H. Fulweiler, a consulting chemist, spoke of the great carried that the Secretary cast a unanimous ballot for the nomineed of obtaining sufficient steel, magnesium, aluminum. rubber.. nees, just named. and other materials hy manufacture& of scientific materials and Motion carried that the Division send a resolution of appreciainstruments if we are t o avoid a disastrous shortage of testing ma- tion t o retiring treasurer, Dr. Virginia Bartow, of the University terials and necessary laboratory equipment for industrial and in- of Illinois, who has served the Division as treasurer for ten years. structional laboratories. Our Division was asked t o aid in PAUL H. FALL, Secretary