Division of Chemical EducationMinutes of the New York meeting

Executive Committee Meeting, April 23. A discussion of the proposal officially to disband the. Senate of Chemical Education resulted in the general fe...
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DIVISION OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION-MINUTES OF THE NEW YORK MEETING Executive Committee Meeting, April 23. A discussion of the proposal officially to disband the Senate of Chemical Education resulted in the general feeling that i t would be undesirabk to proceed with too great haste, and it was accordingly decided to recommend that the Division appoint a committee to study the question and report upon the best procedure. It was voted that the Chairman appoint a committee to investigate the ways and means by which the Division can best advise and coijperate with the Counselors of the Boy Scouts in conducting their program of work leading to the merit badge for chemistry.

Business Meeting of the Divkion, A p i l 2 6 . Progress reports were received from the Committee on Minimum Equipment and the Committee on Chemical Education of the Non-Collegiate Type. The Chairman of the Committee on Examinations and Tests read a brief report and asked that the

Division officially endorse Form C of the tests recently issued by the Cooperative Tests Service of the American Council on Education. ' I t was voted to submit this matter to the Executive Committee for action. It was moved that a committee be appointed to set up a nation-wide program for the study of the contributions made by the variations of the lecture demonstration and laboratory methods. After discussion, the matter was referred to ths Committee on Naming and Scope of Committees. Following the suggestion of the Executive Committee, it was voted that the Chairman appoint a committee to study the question of what disposal, if any, shall be made of the Senate of Chemical Education, and to report at the San Francisco Meeting. Votes of thanks were passed to the New York Section and to all speakers on the program of the meeting. Adjournment. N. W. RAKESTRAW, Secretary