Do you sometimes want all the information you can find on a given

BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHEMICAL REVIEWS. Volume ... an author index, which makesearching easier and more ... The keyword index lists permuted title words in...
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Do you sometimes want all the information you can find on a given subject in chemistry? T h a t ' s almost what you'll get if you use the

reference there to find the review abstract in the

B I B L I O G R A P H Y OF C H E M I C A L R E V I E W S .

front of the book, (3) then locate the original paper

Volume 4 is a collection of 6,799 abstracts of review

through your library or by writing publisher or

articles from C H E M I C A L A B S T R A C T S , Volume 55 (1961).


I t includes a keyword title index and

an author index, which make searching easier and more effective.

The only information it doesn't

find for you is t h a t which has come to light since a review was published.

The keyword index lists permuted title words in context, with the keyword of each title in the center of the column.

Each title appears several

times so t h a t you can look under different headings

You can (1) t u r n to the keyword index and find the subject you are most interested in, (2) use the

What You Get With the

and this way make virtually certain of finding the source you want.


About 6% of all abstracts in CA are review

25,000 abstracts of reviews and give between 1

abstracts, and 1961 was the biggest abstract year

million and 1.7 million references to the literature.

in history, making the B I B L I O G R A P H Y

The B I B L I O G R A P H Y



comprehensive to date.

Volume 4 the

OF most

All abstracted reviews

and published bibliographies are included, ranged by regular CA sections.



V I E W S series offers information to speed your searching in a form unobtainable any other way.


There is an

average of at least 40 bibliographic references in each review. If you do not have Volumes 1 and 2 (11,848 CA abstracts between common covers for 1958 and 1959) and Volume 3 (6,506 abstracts from the 1960 CA), why not send for them along with this latest one? The four volumes together contain more than

Volume 4 332 columns · 113 index pages · paper bound · $6.50 Volume 3 320 columns · 106 index pages · paper bound · $6.00 Volumes

1 and

293 pages

2 (bound together without index)


paper bound



Order from: Special Issues Sales/American Chemical Society/1155 Sixteenth Street, N. W./Washington 6, D. C.

122 A
