Doerr Glass Company - ACS Publications

West Germany is listed and illustrated in 75-page catalog. Description of in- ... just buy the least expensive one to start with and save yourself a l...
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Infrared Unit. Four-page bulletin de­ scribes ihe company's Model 70 infra­ red unit, including its theory of opera­ tion. Applications are also discussed. Analytical Systems Co. L-10 American Standards. Voluntary na­ tional standards approved by the American Standards Association are listed in a 67-page booklet. Five types listed include 1723 standards in many categories. Purchasing information in­ cluded. American Standards Associa­ tion (List and Index of American Standards). L-l 1 Integrating System. Four-page bro­ chure describes company's Model 270 integrating system. Operations, cir­ cuitry, specifications, and applications are covered. Illustrated. Allegheny Instrument Co. L-l 2 Electrolytic Hygrometer. Features, operations, and specifications are given for portable, panel-mounted, and ex­ plosion-proof models of the hygrom­ eter. Includes photos, flow diagrams, and dimensional drawings. Beckman Process Instruments Division (Bull. EH-JfiOl). L-l 3 Micropipets. Single sheet gives speci­ fications and tolerances for company's line. Illustrations and tabulated di­ mensions are included. Research Spe­ cialties Co. (Tech. Bull. 29). L-l4 Dialysis Unit. Company's Model Β unit is described in leaflet. A discus­ sion of dialysis and some applications is given. Some references are given, also. Oxford Laboratories. L-l 5 Porcelainware. Imported line from West Germany is listed and illustrated in 75-page catalog. Description of in­ dividual items given. Includes prices. Kern Laboratory Supply Co. L-l 6 Resin Products. Eight-page brochure covers extruded, molded, and other forms of products made from Teflon and Kel-F. Tabulated dimensions of tube, sheet, rod, and so forth, are given. Fluorulon Laboratories. L-l 7 Combustible Gas Analyxer. Eightpage bulletin describes instrumentation for centralized process control and in­ dustrial safety. Photos and diagrams included. Mine Safety Appliances Co. L-l 8 House Publication. Current issue of company periodical has feature articles on precision polarography and deter­ mination of arterial oxygen tension by polarography. Summaries are given in

"OOPS! TH£R£ GOBS W£ £XP£NSW£ 0N£« Says LIMEY . . . The Lime Glass Man "Don't let the lab coat fool you. I'm not a lab technician. I'm a glass man . . . fooled around with glassmakin' all my life. "That's why I kinda smile when guys tell me that heat-resistant glassware is so much stronger than regular lime glass. " I n that drawin' up above, I'm showin' what happens when you get a little careless and drop a flask made of borosilicate, heatresistant glass. It breaks! Just like any ordinary lime glass flask. "If you're buyin' heat-resistant glassware because you're goin' to use it with an open flame, that's one thing. But, if you're buyin' borosilicate ware because it's stronger, let me make a suggestion. "Try the same experiment I did. Drop a flask made of boro­ silicate glass on the floor. Then drop a regular Doerr Diamond D Blue Line flask on the floor. If they both break . . . buy the least expensive of the two. "Better still . . . just buy the least expensive one to start with and save yourself a lot of time and money."

S E N D FOR T H E DOERR " F A C T S " B O O K N O W If you haven't received your copy of this new publication yet, be sure to request a copy from your lab supply dealer. If he is temporarily out of supply, we'll be glad to send one to you.

DIAMOND D BLUE LINE is a product of

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Doerr Glass Company V i n e l a n d , Ne-wr J e r s e y For further Information, circle number 81 A on Readers' Service Card, page 83 A VOL. 30, NO. 4, APRIL 1958

