High Vacuum Components. New 16page product summary and price list outlines a complete line of standard and custom high vacuum components, equipment, and systems. Dept. IEC, NRC Equipment Corp., 160 Charlemont St., Newton 61, Mass. 104 Packaged Boilers. Bulletin 1100 de scribes a series of coal-fired boilers available for low or high pressure hot water or steam systems. Dept. IEC, International Boiler Works Co., 791 Peach St., East Stroudsburg, Pa. 105 Processing Equipment. Colorful bro chure shows construction of various items of processing equipment for chemical and allied industries. In cluded are : floating roof storage tanks, spheres, chemical storage tanks, auto claves, furnaces, acid plants, wind tun nels, steel smoke stacks, water storage tanks, and brewery equipment. Dept. IEC, Nooter Corp., 122 North Seventh St., St. Louis, Mo. 106 Pulverizers. Thirty-page catalog shows line of semifine and fine pulveriz ing screen and pneumatic roller mills. Dept. IEC, Bradley Pulverizer Co., Dept. 11, Allentown, Pa. 107 Pump. A self-priming pump that handles air alone, liquid alone, or com binations of both is described. Bull. 725.6, Dept. IEC, Gould Pumps, Inc., 41 Black Brook Rd., Seneca Falls, Ν. Y. 108
Pump. A pump designed to handle suspension of sand, coal, crystals, silt, sludge, lime, or chemical process slur ries is described. Bull. 188, Dept. IEC, Morris Machine Works, Baldwinsville, Ν. Υ. 109 Pump. Bulletin 302 describes the McCannameter, a proportioneering pump with maximum capacities from 6 ml. per min. to 6 g.p.h., maximum discharge pressure of 2500 p.s.i. Dept. IEC, Hills-McCanna.Co., ]φ87 West Toughy Ave., Chicago SO, III. 110 Pumps. A 6-page technical bulletin deals with proper selection of centrif ugal pumps, "Centrifugal Pumps, Their Evaluation and Selection." Dept. IEC, Ampco Metal Inc., Milwaukee Ifi, Wis. Piping Systems. Bulletin FB-77 dis cusses design, manufacture, testing, and
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SURE m ose BOW EDGES" Says LIMEY . . . The Lime Glass Man
The executives a t Doerr Glass Company call economy a double-edged sword for cuttin' costs. They say that true economy is made up of two factors . . . lowest possible price and best possible performance. When you think about it a while, this makes a lot of sense. Y' know, some people insist that if you pay top price, you get top quality. That isn't necessarily true! Neither is it true that if you pay the lowest possible price you get lowest quality. In between, you can usually find the best value . . . the item that gives you the best possible quality at the lowest possible price. A n ' that's true economy . . . Look a t heat-resistant, borosilicate laboratory glassware, for instance. Some items made of this kind of glass actually cost as high as 1 0 0 % more than the same item in the Diamond D Blue Line. If you have to have heat-resistant w a r e , then you'll have to pay those kind of prices. But if you aren't going to use the item over an open flame, for heaven's sake, think, man! When you begin paying 1 0 0 % more . . . you're wastin' a lot of money. Remember . . . economy's a double-edged sword. Make sure you use both edges!
DIAMOND D BLUE LINE is a product of
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