piece of Doerr laboratory glassware, both in the top- ... you are getting the best possible value for your glassware ... Readers' Service Card, page 7...
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HOW MUCH HEAT-RESISTANT GLASSWARE DO YOU REALLY NEED ? Look around your lab. How much heat-resistant glassware is being used in operations where there is only a remote possibility that it will ever come in direct contact with flame? Heat-resistant glassware has been so extensively promoted in recent years that many users have been lured into purchasing it for applications where lessexpensive lime glass would suffice. Don't be fooled! Don't be misled by the confusing statements on heatresistant glassware. You can use lime glass for all laboratory applications except where direct contact with flame is involved. As further proof of the adequacy of lime glass, every piece of Doerr laboratory glassware, both in the topquality Diamond D Blue Line and the Doerr White Line, can be washed in boiling water and immediately immersed


in water of room temperature. What additional thermal properties are required of laboratory glassware? Why pay for properties you don't need? Need more proof? Consider the fact that Doerr also merchandises a line of heat-resistant glassware . . . but only for applications where it must be used.

MAKE THE DOERR 2-WAY TEST To be sure you are getting the best possible value for your glassware dollar, make this simple test: (1) Obtain samples of the glassware you plan to buy. Test them in accordance with your actual needs. (2) Compare the prices and buy the glassware which offers you the best buy.


Be sure to send today for our new brochure which gives the "facts" on the use of laboratory glassware.


GLASS Vineland,



For further information, circle number 10 A on Readers' Service Card, page 73 A 10 A
