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Does measuring ware have to be delicate to be accurate? - C&EN

Nov 6, 2010 - Publication Date: June 18, 1962. Copyright © 1962 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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Does measuring ware have to be delicate to be accurate? Not when you've put more than 40 years into the making of PYREX® measuring ware that's tough as well as precise. You know PYREX ware is accurate. It must be to pass the tough tolerance tests we put it through. But, even more important, you learn that you use this accuracy longer, simply because the ware lasts longer. We start with the best-balanced borosilicate glass ever made. It's proportioned in flask walls to give strength to what could be a fragile bubble. Then we teach machines to reproduce that proportion a million times without a variable. We've added other machines that draw tubing so accurately you can cut a uniformly perfect pipet or buret from any foot in a mile of it. We've put in other innovations—such as AccuRED™ graduations, which are fused into the glass surface without an etch pattern to weaken it, and the extra bevel that strengthens our pipet and buret tips. These are the factors which add up to the big plus—accuracy plus long life. They are the reasons why PYREX labware catalog LG-2 is your best source of accuracy plus strength . . . by the piece, the case, or the carload. Discounts run as high as 28%. Laboratory Glassware Dept., 7105 Crystal Street, Corning Glass Works, Corning, N. Y. A P Y R E X P I P E T . It's as round and smooth as a ball-point pen, to reduce snagging and chipping. We put two bevels on every tip to do that job. Accurate-bore tubing gives you uniform accuracy and strength from tip to top. RUB T H E T I P OF

LOOK WHERE THE STOPCOCK JOINS THE BODY OF A PYREX BURET. We add glass to add strength there and in the shell

of the stopcock itself. Double-beveled tips. Accurate-bore tubing. For real ease of operation, try our unique reversetaper Teflon* plug stopcock! model. F E E L THE TOP OF A P Y R E X CYLINDER. We put extra glass around it and fire polish. On some models, we add a husky shoulder of glass to cushion against falls—it can't ride up and down, come off, or get lost. To make falls less likely and to reduce breakage if one should fall, we weld flatly pressed, hexagonal bases onto our cylinders. TRY P Y R E X VOLUMETRIC FLASKS. Use them for six months and match them against any other. See if they don't give you longer life as well as accuracy. Heavy-neck tubing, skillfully sealed to machine-proportioned bodies, give you rugged units of strength. *DuPont trademark fLicensed under U.S. Patent 2,876,985




P Y R E X ®