??Does Your Automatic Osmometer Offer

The Model 801 digital pH meter can also be used with the series of specific ... gallons/hour. Aqua-Chem, Inc., 225. Grand Ave., Waukesha, Wis. 53186. ...
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Radiochemical Catalog. An 84-page Radiochemical Schedule 67/68 includes labeled compounds, radioactivity stand­ ards, primary radioisotopes, and liq­ uid scintillation chemicals and supplies. Nuclear-Chicago Corp., 359 E. Howard Ave., Des Plaines, 111. 60018 601

The Model 801 digital p H meter can also be used with the series of specific ion electrodes and is described in anoth­ er brochure. Orion Research Inc., 11 Blackstone St., Cambridge, Mass. 02139 608 Electrometer. An 18-page brochure, "Improved Gas Chromatograph Per­ formance with Keithley Electrome­ ters," features the Model 417K picoammeter. Keithley Instruments, Inc., 28775 Aurora Rd., Cleveland, Ohio 44139 609 Laboratory Mixer. Bulletin LM-191 describes the "universal" laboratory

mixer which can be bench- or floormounted. The mixer is a single doubleshaft power unit with 4 attachments for jar mixing, bottle mixing, pail tumbling, and conical blenders. Process Equip­ ment Division, U. S. Stoneware, Inc., Akron, Ohio 44309 610 High-Purity Water. A water distiller capable of achieving water purity levels as high as 18 megohms is described in an illustrated 4-page brochure. The unit is a spray-film, vapor compression distiller with a capacity of 50-3000 gallons/hour. Aqua-Chem, Inc., 225 Grand Ave., Waukesha, Wis. 53186 611

NMR Newsletter, No. 2. This 1-page newsletter gives a brief discussion of the problems of sensitivity and magnet­ ic field homogeneity. Wilmad Glass Co., Inc., U. S. Rte. 40 and Oak Rd., Buena, N. J. 08310 602 Biochemicals Catalog. Catalog No. 101, 64 pages, gives analysis details, storage directions, package sizes, and prices for nucleotides, coenzymes, and enzymes. P-L Biochemicals, Inc., 1037 w / M e K i n l e y Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. 53205 603 Specific Ion Electrodes. A data sheet for the chloride electrode, a bulletin de­ scribing the sulfide electrode, and a bul­ letin and application data sheets Nos. 1 and 2 on the fluoride electrode are available. Orion Research Inc., 11 Blackstone St., Cambridge, Mass. 02139 604 Differential

Thermal Analysis.


8-page, illustrated brochure features a 1600° C DTA high temperature cell for use with the Model 900 differential thermal analyzer. E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., Wilmington, Del. 19898 605 Centrifuge. An illustrated 8-page bro­ chure includes specifications and fea­ tures of the GLC-1 general laboratory centrifuge which is designed to be ver­ satile and to accommodate a variety of rotors. Ivan Sorvall, Inc., Norwalk, Conn. 06852 60ό Liquid Scintillation. A 16-page book­ let presents the 3000 series Tri-Carb liquid scintillation systems. Four models—3310, 3315, 3365, 3375—as well as accessory instruments are de­ scribed in Bulletin 1057CP. Packard Instrument Co., Inc., 2200 Warrenville Rd., Downers Grove, 111. 60515 6 0 7 Specific Ion Meter; Digital pH Meter.

A brochure describes the Model 401 specific ion meter for use with the vari­ ety of Orion specific ion electrodes.

??Does Your Automatic Osmometer Offer... • • • •

Adjustable temperature operation from 35° to 135°C? Interchangeable sample cells? Simple solvent flushing? A built-in chart recorder?

That chorus of four "yeas" denotes the certain presence of a Hallikainen Model 1361 Automatic Osmometer in someone's lab. Only Model 1361 offers them all. Built-in cartridge heaters and insulation and interchangeable sample cells allow you to switch smoothly from 35° to 135°C operation within the same hour. A syringe-full of fresh solvent quickly restores membrane condition between readings in either temperature mode. The entire unit, with integral chart recorder, occupies only 12" χ 15" χ 13" on your bench. Digital readouts display osmotic pressure to 0.01 cm over a 10-cm range within 10 minutes of sample injection. Repeatability averages better than ±0.02 cm of solvent head. You can read four concentrations and calculate a compound's numberaverage molecular weight from 5,000 to 500,000 in less than an hour. About the same time it would take you to carefully study the product brochure. Write for your copy today!

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4.76 7.53 2.92 5.03 8.14

HALLIKAINEN Instruments 750 National Court, Richmond, California 94604 Outside of North America, South America, and Japan, please address your inquiries to Hallikainen Instruments Ltd., Blackwall Lane, Greenwich, London SEIO, England.

Circle No. 159 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 39, NO. 11, SEPTEMBER 1967


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