For complete details, please request Data File AI-27. *patent pending . solids ... highly volatile liquids. (by concentration). Dohrmann INSTRUMENTS C...
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Yes. Even Moon Dust ! PPM analysis of NITROGEN, SULFUR or HALOGENS in... . solids

The new Dohrmann Solid-Liquid Sampler* eliminates the physical sampling limitations for ppm analysis by microcoulometric titration. An entirely new spectrum of materials—ranging from solid to highly volatile— can now be rapidly and reliably analyzed. For example : metals, feeds, fertilizers, soils, catalysts, fibers, natural products, polymers, monomers which thermally polymerize, industrial waste water, sea water, brackish water and brine solutions. Dohrmann's novel sampling system consists of an atmospherically sealed, purgable chamber which houses a removable carrousel. As many as 17 samples are successively presented in spill-proof boats to the accommodation track of a high-temperature volatilization and catalytic pyrolysis tube. Each boat is then returned from the pyrolysis tube to the carrousel. The entire operation is safely and simply performed under the controlled conditions essential to reliable ppm analyses. Three controlled atmospheres may be selected: reductive, oxidative, and purge.

. . . highly volatile liquids (by concentration)

Following sample introduction, the Microcoulometric Analyzer provides—in a few minutes—determinations of nitrogen, sulfur or halogen in ppm to percentage concentrations. The system is absolutely specific for each element. For complete details, please request Data File AI-27. *patent pending

. . . high boiling, viscous and/ or highly volatile liquids


INSTRUMENTS COMPANY Analytical Instrument Division 1062 Linda Vista Avenue Mountain View, California 94040

Phone (415) 968-9710

A Subsidiary of Infotronics Corporation Houston,Texas · Austin, Texas · Shannon, Ireland · Zug, Switzerland Circle No. 77 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 4 1 , NO. 8, JULY 1969

93 A