Dohrmann® Microcoulometric Titrating System

Microcoulometric. Titrating System (MCTS) analyzes trace amounts ... Telephone (408) 249-6000. Telex 346 395. CIRCLE 56 ON READER SERVICE CARD...
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Can t h | JDohrmann " M C T S " "analyze your sample for S, N , or X?

Bob Booth at work in t h e D o h r m a n n Applications Laboratory.


T h e Dohrmann® Microcoulometric Titrating System ( M C T S ) analyzes trace amounts of S, N, or X in practically a n y solid, liquid or gas sample. If you have an unusual requirement, contact our Applications Laboratory for a free feasibility study. We'll run your sample on the M C T S and report t h e results. Recently t h e D o h r m a n n Applications Laboratory successfully analyzed plastic used


for baby bottles and shoe soles for trace chlorine content; analyzed t h e chlorine level in aviation hydraulic fluid; nitrogen in bee's intestines; Ν in coal; Ν in sterile disposable paper products used in operating rooms; and sulfur in gasoline, oil, water, and pure toluene diisocyanate. T o find out more about this very sensitive, versatile analytical technique, request our new M C T S brochure. Or, give Mel Carter, Bob Booth or Madeline Moore of our Applications L a b a call.



3 2 4 0 Scott Boulevard Santa Clara, California 9 5 0 5 0 Telephone (408) 2 4 9 - 6 0 0 0 Telex 3 4 6 395