1 HE LAST HALF OF THE 20TH CENTURY has seen major changes in the synthesis ... that extra mile in preparing the chapters ready for publication. We hop...
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Downloaded by on January 4, 2018 | Publication Date: May 14, 1998 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1998-0686.pr001


1 HE LAST H A L F OF THE 20TH CENTURY has seen major changes in the synthesis and development of new agrochemicals. This whole period has been in a state of flux in most of the aspects of the design, synthesis, and development of new active materials. Now as the dawn of the 21st century approaches, we see various agricultural biotechnological efforts supplementing and replacing standard agrochemicals. It appears, however, that biotechnology is not die panacea it was once touted to be in the late 1970s. Similarly, it is also clear that the regulatory field for agrochemicals has been drastically altered over the last few years. The editors of these volumes have organized synthesis symposia at each ACS National meeting since 1984. These symposia have been sponsored by the Agrochemicals Division of the ACS. The aim of these symposia has been to provide a forum for presenting the synthesis and chemistry of new agrochemical agents. These symposia have provided a focus for agrochemical synthesis chemists to share their best work. The current book has chapters taken from the symposia presented at the Washington, DC ACS National Meeting held in August of 1994 through the San Francisco ACS National Meeting held in the spring of 1997. Each of the chapter authors was requested to present the current status of the work at the time of preparation of the manuscript. In many cases considerably more effort has been done since the work was presented at the meeting. These chapters present a unique look into the discovery process of our current and future agrochemical products. Not all of the chapters represent materials that will eventually be commercialized. It is hoped that these chapters will also provide a learning experience both for those working in this field and for others interested in the biological effects of organic molecules. As with the previous volumes, our goal is to inform the reader of the current trends in research for safe, efficient, biologically active agrochemicals. The organization of this book is similar to that of the preceding volumes. After the overview chapter there is a section dedicated to Dr. Marinus Los and his important discovery of the Imidazolinone herbicides. The next section describes the discovery of new herbicides and plant control materials. The following section deals with the control of insects, acarids, and nematodes. The final section covers the control of plant fungal diseases. xi Baker et al.; Synthesis and Chemistry of Agrochemicals V ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

Downloaded by on January 4, 2018 | Publication Date: May 14, 1998 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1998-0686.pr001

Acknowledgments We express our thanks to the authors who have shared with us the details of their interesting research results—first at the symposia and here now in going that extra mile in preparing the chapters ready for publication. We hope that you our readers—whether you are our fellow synthesis chemists, or microbiologists, entomologists, plant physiologists, biotechnologists, or medicinal and pharmaceutical chemists—will find the chapters interesting, useful and above all stimulating! Last, but not least, we also wish to thank our employers, Zeneca Ag Products, Buckman Laboratories International, DuPont, and American Cyanamid Company, without their generous support of these symposia, this volume and the previous ones could not have been published. DON R. BAKER Zeneca Ag Products Western Research Center 1200 South 47th Street Richmond, C A 94804-0024 JOSEPH G. FENYES Buckman Laboratories International 1256 North McLean Boulevard Memphis, TN 38108 GREGORY S. BASARAB DuPont Agricultural Products Stine-Haskell Research Center Newark, D E 1714 DAVID A. HUNT American Cyanamid Company P.O. Box 400 Princeton, NJ 08543

xii Baker et al.; Synthesis and Chemistry of Agrochemicals V ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.