Dow accused of benzene exposure data coverup - ACS Publications

Dow accused of benzene exposure data coverup. Chem. Eng. News , 1978, 56 (25), p 6. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v056n025.p006. Publication Date: June 19, 1978...
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in the world. "Their experince is in- sium during which the past year's valuable," says Wei (starting with one results are presented and plans made plant built by Japanese occupation for the coming year's research. The forces in 1941). And both chemists 1978 symposium was held in Baku recommend that U.S. experts go to May 15-20. Members of the U.S. delegation returned at the end of the learn more about these operations. The Chinese also run two "petro- month following tours of Soviet labchemical refineries" that produce oratory facilities in Alma Ata, Nochemicals, with little or no accompa- vosibirsk, Moscow, and Leningrad. Dr. Vladimir Haensel, vice presinying gasoline—a concept discussed in the U.S. and elsewhere, but re- dent of science and technology for UOP Inc. and program chairman for jected on economic grounds. Group members conclude that the U.S. side, issued the group's China currently lags behind world statement. It says: "In the last paragraph of the article levels in most chemical fields. However, it is undertaking vigorous efforts entitled "Physicists drop Soviet trips to close this gap by the year 2000. And as Orlov protest" (C&EN, May 29, in a few areas, the U.S. can learn from page 6) the implication appears to be Chinese experience. • that since the visits of the U.S. catalysis exchange group started before the Orlov trial began, the group had Dow accused of benzene exposure data coverup no opportunity to cancel the trip. Let me say most emphatically that the A former Dow Chemical medical re- Venable, Dow's medical director, says catalysis exchange group would not searcher has charged that the firm that of the 52 workers studied by have canceled its trip. The academic deliberately suppressed important Picciano, only two displayed "medi- and industrial members of the U.S. medical data that show that low-level cally significant chromosomal aber- group believe very strongly that their exposure to benzene causes genetic rations." Dow says that Picciano ig- participation in the technology exdamage in workers. Dow disputes the nored the complete environmental change program with the U.S.S.R. validity of the data on which the exposure of the men studied and even contributes to scientific programs and charge is based. in the case of the two affected work- peaceful coexistence; otherwise, they The controversy derives from a ers, "neither case was related to ben- would not have participated. "In the five-year period that the study by geneticist Dante Picciano, zene exposure." now with the Occupational Safety & A Dow spokesman in Washington, catalysis exchange program has been Health Administration's office of D.C., says that the firm did not cite in existence we have found the comcarcinogen identification. Until this the Picciano study during the OSHA bined U.S.-U.S.S.R. inputs to be March Dr. Picciano had been em- benzene hearings because the study strong in conceptual thinking, exployed for four years at Dow's Free- was incomplete and the firm did not perimental techniques, and idea deport, Tex., medical research facility, consider the data valid. • velopment. Thus, the program has flourished and some 69 articles based where he conducted a study of 52 on this program have been published. workers employed at the company's large petrochemical plant there. Ac- Catalysis group to keep A total of 34 Soviet research fellows have visited the U.S. for a total of 156 cording to Picciano, he reported to months, and 30 U.S. research fellows Dow officials in June 1977 that among contacts with U.S.S.R. have spent a total of 169 months in workers studied there was a twofold increase in one type of white cell Although U.S.-Soviet scientific con- the Soviet Union. No one can deny chromosomal breakage and a tenfold tacts have come under increasing that such visits do lead to better unincrease in another type of white cell strain with recent trip cancellations derstanding between nations and at chromosomal defect. He says the de- by U.S. scientific groups and indi- the same time do produce concrete gree of genetic abnormalities is re- viduals, other exchanges continue. scientific results. Indeed, we have lated to the level of benzene exposure American members of one exchange established strong and lasting by workers. He claims that the defects program—the U.S.-U.S.S.R. program friendships and substantial scientific were observed for the first time in of cooperation in chemical catalysis, ties, and, most importantly, we have workers exposed to benzene levels of administered for the U.S. side by the learned how to work together. less than 10 ppm, the current federal American Chemical Society— Whenever we have had differences exposure limit. strongly supports continuation of created by political and bureaucratic Moreover, Picciano claims that scientific contacts and has issued a restraints we worked out these differences in long and sometimes tediDow was aware of his study when the statement to that effect. The catalysis group members have ous conferences, but neither party has firm testified at OSHA hearings last summer on the agency's then-pro- just returned from a visit to the Soviet ever walked out in protest. "Our group deplores the Orlov inposed benzene exposure standard. He Union. While they were there, Soviet claims that he had to resign to publish physicist and human rights leader cident; however, we believe that Yuri Orlov was tried and convicted. It human rights activists of both nations his findings. In a prepared statement Dow says was that event that touched off the must recognize the fact that lines of the cytogenetic studies such as those current round of trip cancellations communication established by exchange programs such as ours conconducted by Picciano are still in the (C&EN, May 29, page 6). research stage. "The scientific comThe 24 chemists in the U.S. catal- stitute the best means of establishing munity recognizes that cytogenetics ysis group visiting the Soviet Union the goals of human dignity and muis a new and developing tool that were there for the program's annual tual understanding. Surely, scientists someday probably will be useful in symposium and planning session. and technologists are some of the best medical surveillance, but is not re- Under the agreement, each country in emissaries of understanding and • garded as such today." Dr. John alternate years organizes a sympo- goodwill." ogy and science education, and a greater openness to foreign contacts (C&EN, April 10, page 21). For example, it was the first U.S. group allowed to visit Lanchou (a focus of China's nuclear and nuclear weapon work, as well as a petrochemical center). Schriesheim was greatly impressed by China's ambitious and rapid general progress in building a modern petrochemical industry and infrastructure—production, transportation, refining, marketing, research, personnel training, and downstream integration. And he and Wei note that China is operating three plants making oil from oil shale—the only oil shale production plants they know of


C&EN June 19, 1978