Dow Corning CORPORATION - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 25, 2012 - Dow Corning CORPORATION. Anal. Chem. , 1961, 53 (7), pp 76A–76A. DOI: 10.1021/i650619a748. Publication Date: June 1981. Copyright ...
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single unit or complete installation, fabricated in all metals, of code and noncode construction. 48 pages. Cat­ alog 60. Dept. IEC, Acme Process Equipment Co., Oreland, Pa. E-24

another rovers a rapid method of esti­ mation. Dept. IEC, Rockwell Manu­ facturing Co., Nordstrom Valve Div., 390 Ν. Lexington Ave., Pittsburgh 8, Pa. E-32

Centrifugal Pumps. Bulletin 722.4 gives complete information on Models 3360 and 3365, available in capacities to 2600 gallons per minute and heads to 3400 ft. Maximum pressure, 1200 p.s.i. Dept. IEC, Goulds Pumps, Inc., 223 Black Brook Rd., Seneca Falls, Ν. Y.

Compressor Valves. A 44-paged booklet titled "Questions and Answers about Valving" discusses evolution, function, and manufacturing procedures of modern valves. Form 3222. Dept. IEC, Ingersoll-Rand Co., 11 Broadway, New York 4, Ν. Υ. E-33


Centrifugal Pumps. Type GP closecoupled end-suction pumps are used for air conditioning, cooling towers, milk coolers, and hot water circulation. Ca­ pacities, to 400 gallons per minute; heads, to 150 feet. Bull. 117. Dept. IEC, Aurora Pump Div., New York Air Brake Co., Aurora, III. E-26

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Vacuum Pumps. A 16-paged catalog useful as a reference, describes Vaclon pumps with capacities ranging from 0.2 to 10,000 liters per second, VacSorb pumps and accessories, and super VacIon pumps. Dept. IEC, Vacuum Prod­ ucts Div., Varian Associates, 611 Hansen Way, Palo Alto, Calif. E-27 Vacuum Pumps, Compressors. Both oil-less and lubricated models. Com­ pressor sizes, 0.6 to 45 cubic feet per minute and to 30 p.s.i.g. Pumps sizes from 0.6 to 50 cubic feet per minute and to 28 inches of mercury. Catalog 660. Dept. IEC, Gast Manufacturing Corp., 23047 Highway M-1S9, Benton Harbor, Mich. E-28 Immersion Drum Warmer. Designed for rapidly heating materials in 55gallon drums. Available in either serpentine or header construction, with inlet and outlet connections outside the drum. Dept. IEC, Platecoil Div., Tranter Manufacturing, Inc.. 735 E. Hazel St., Lansing 9, Mich. E-29 Centrifugal Separators. Bulletin 2800 describes centrifuges, centrifugal screens, separators, and DSM screens designed for use in chemical and petro­ leum processing industries. Dept. IEC, Dorr-Oliver Inc., Stamford, Conn. E-30



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Valves. A 132-paged catalog covers complete line of stainless steel valves and accessories, used in chemical and petroleum processing, food, pulp and paper, pharmaceutical, and other indus­ tries where corrosion resistance is re­ quired. Dept. IEC, Cooper Alloy Corp., Valve and Fitting Div.. Hillside, N.J. E-31 Flow Characteristics of Valves.

Circle No. 3 on Readers' Service Card 76



methods for determining pressure drops for Pockwell-Nordstrom valves are de­ scribed in Bulletin V-602. One section covers the fundamental method, and


Control and Line Valves. Bulletin 5000 describes Spanseal valves, avail­ able for pneumatic and hydraulic serv­ ice at 1500 p.s.i. and temperatures of - 4 0 ° to +250° F. Supplied in 4-, 3-, and 2-way, as well as diverter and shuttle cycles: standard attachments are adaptable to these valves. Dept. IEC, Ledeen, Inc., 3350 N. Gilman R.d.. El Monte, Calif. E-34 Lo-Torq Valves. A new design of the i y 4 - a n d lV 2 -inch sizes is smaller and lighter in weight—e.g., the l a / 2 -inch size formerly weighing 130 pounds now weighs about 50. Flow characteristics are the same but handle turning torque is lower. Dept. IEC, Republic Manu­ facturing Co.. 15655 Rrookpark Rd.. Cleveland 35, Ohio. E-35 Semi-Steel Valves. Specifications are given for all sizes of straightway, steamjacketed, multiport, and special order valves. Accessories described include wrenches, locking devices, extensions, lubricants, and a new device for lubri­ cating valves. Bull. V-203. Dept. IEC, Rockwell Manufacturing Co., Nord­ strom Valve Div., 390 N. Lexington Ave., Pittsburgh S, Pa. E-36 Valve Sizing. Bulletin 108, "Ac­ curate Valve Sizing for Flashing Fluids," gives newly developed curves which the instrument engineer can use, with only a few simple calculations, to size valves for some of the more com­ mon saturated fluids. Dept. IEC, Conofiow Corp., 2100 Arch St., Phila­ delphia 8, Pa. E-37 High Vacuum Valves, Baffles, and Traps. Specifications and operating details are given for the company's complete line. Custom-built equipment is also offered. Bull. 10-1. Dept. IEC, Consolidated Vacuum Corp., Rochester 3, Ν. Υ. Ε-38 For more

new products,

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