DOW CORNING CORPORATION - Industrial ... - ACS Publications

May 18, 2012 - DOW CORNING CORPORATION. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1957, 49 (1), pp 138A–138A. DOI: 10.1021/i650565a792. Publication Date: January 1957...
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Have You Tried New Dow

a melting point above 220° F . a n d a solidification point above 210° F . Dept. IEC, Dura Commodities Corp., 20 Vesey St., New York 7, Ν. Y.

Process Chromatograph for Plant Use




Processors who have tested Antifoam Β say it is the easiest-to-use, most effective and most stable silicone


Product: Automatic vapor phase chromatograph. Features: A fixed sample of gas is introduced into a carrier gas stream (helium, hydrogen, nitrogen) a n d washed down through a chromato­ graph column by the flow of the carrier gas. T h e control unit m a y be located as m u c h as 500 feet away. Uses: For analysis of gases. C a n be used as a steady monitor on plant stream, such as in a refinery. Manufacturer: Dept. IEC, Con­ solidated Electrodynamics Corp., Pasa­ dena, Calif.

Data Processing Service for Industry O n e of the big features of this new kind of d a t a processing service is its versatility. T h e model illustrated demonstrates decimal to binary conversion, a n d addition of binary numbers. However, this equipment comprises a n u m b e r of standardized electronic printed wiring units which can be assembled into a variety of special purpose data processing sys-

ever developed! •

Ready f o r instant use.

Disperses immediately in aqueous solutions.

Stays in uniform dispersion.

Extremely stable — w o n ' t separate, cream or lose its effectiveness even after freezing or boiling.

Effective in minute concentrations.

C a n be diluted w i t h w a t e r .



Write today for a generous free sample. Dept. 6413

first in silicones


Circle No. 138 A on Readers' Service Card, page 139 A

138 A


terns. A m o n g the other functions which c a n be performed by various arrangements of the Euclid (elec­ tronic unitized components for the logical interpretation of data) a r e : change of n u m b e r system, algebraic addition a n d change of sign, counting to several different predetermined numbers in a changing sequence, a n d buffer storage. Dept. IEC, Stromberg-Carlson, Division of General Dy­ namics Corp., Rochester 3, Ν. Υ.

Feeder for Dry, Free-Flowing Materials Product: Self-powered feeder to control the feed of dry materials at rates from 200 to 2000 pounds per minute. Features: Operates on the principle of balanced weights. T h e force produced by the material being fed as it falls onto an impact p a n is balanced by a preset counterweight. Uses: C a n be used in any plant where feed rate of dry materials must be controlled. Manufacturer: Dept. IEC, Wallace & Tiernan Inc., Belleville 9, N. J.

Moisture Monitor for Gaseous Mixtures Problem : T o measure accurately minute quantities of moisture in gaseous mixtures. Solution: A new, portable, lowcost, a n d accurate instrument called the Moisture Monitor. It will meas­ ure water content accurately down to 1 p.p.m. a n d permit precise meter readings over the full-scale range of 0 to 1000 p.p.m. by means of a fivestep attenuator. Monitoring water content in n a t u r a l gas transmission lines is one use for which it is sug­ gested. Another is monitoring a n d control of water contents of cylinder and bottled gases to assure moisturefree manufacture. T h e monitor operates on 50/60-cycle, 105- to 125-volt alternating current. Nor­ mal line transients do not affect its operation. Sample flow, at tem­ peratures u p to 100° G. a n d pressures of 5 to 100 p.s.i.g., is controlled at a selectable flow rate of a b o u t 100 cc. per minute. Dept. IEC, Con­ solidated Electrodynamics Corp., 300 N. Sierra Madre Villa, Pasadena, Calif.