Dow Ships First Soda Ash - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 5, 2010 - Texas Division enters major alkali market with a new process said to ... Dow's shipment has three points of interest for the chemical in...
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Standing before the first csixloiid of sod** ssh sïiiTri>™î from DQW'S nçw ΤΓρ.χΏ.ς Di­ vision plant at F r e e p o r t are George J u n g e r m a n (left), engineer; W . S. Chenault, plant superintendent; A. P. Beutel, Texas Division general manager; A. F . Shorkey, general superintendent of alkali products; and I . R. Schoppe, foreman

Dow Ships First Soda Ash Texas Division enters major alkali market with a new process said to differ greatly from Solvay process JbmsT SHIPMENT of soda ash to a cus­ tomer has been completed by D o w Chemical at Freeport. Turned out in t h e recently completed Texas Division soda ash plant, the first carload was consigned to Alcoa. It will b e used in one of alkali's principal industrial applications: production of nonferrous metals. Dow's shipment has three points of interest for t h e chemical industry: • It marks Dow's entry into a new and major alkali market, complementing Dow's long established ranking as a leading producer of caustic soda. • It proves out a unique Dow-devel­ oped process for making soda ash. • It reflects both Dow's long range re­ search approach and ability to make speed in moving from research to the production level. Dow's plans for entering the soda ash field were first m a d e public in April 1954. Construction, based on labora­ tory and engineering studies in progress since early 1953, began late last year. Preliminary operations at the new $3

million plant started a few weeks ago as work on t h e 300-ton-per-day plant and its equipment was completed. No details of the process used in the plant have been announced. D o w officials have stated, however, that it differs markedly from the Solvay process which has b e e n the major production method for soda ash for years. Research on the Dow production method was conducted as part of a long range study in 1945. W . N. Smith, now assistant director of the chemical engineering department, car­ ried the project through a preliminary pilot plant stage at that time. The early exploration paid off in 1953, when the decision was made to pick u p the study with a view to carrying it on to a production plant basis. With the prior research as a take-off point, t h e final research, engineering, construction, and production start-up phases were cov­ ered in less t h a n three years. Soda ash goes to market as a solid, in granular crystals. The new Texas Di­ vision plant is set up to ship soda ash in hulk—loaded in hopper cars—or packaged in 100-pound bags.